State vs Jason Lynn Young: weekend discussion 11-12 Feb 2012

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I do say "this is me" sometimes....NEVER my name.

I've done that too. "Hi, it's me." Sometimes just, "Hey..." Even with friends there are very few times I or they have to announce themselves because we know each others' voices since we talk frequently enough.
I still don't see anything to support the argument that the accident was intentional.

Of, course not.

If there was anything unusual or suspicious they could have reopened the investigation at any time.

I don't blame them for checking into it.........but state Trooper Hicks, says that they asked him at a later date,
again, if he found anything suspicious and he said he did not.
I agree otto. There is nothing to support this was nothing more than an accident.

What I find amazing is so many ignoring the fact that MY herself would of been interviewed by LE regarding the accident and she did not state anything incriminating.

Hi Allusonz......:)

Yes, you are right.
Also, the fact that he willingly (and conveniently) decided to miss an NC State home game when he was a rabid fan with season tickets...he is such a diehard fan and tailgater that one condition of his wedding was that it could not be held on a day in which there was an NC State game.

But yet that very weekend he decides to drive to his hometown to pickup baby furniture for a baby that wasn't due for another nearly 5 months? He would be seeing his family in Brevard 3 weeks later for Thanksgiving. Why make a special trip that Friday?

But this very weekend, a weekend in which fellow NC State guests/friends were expected, he had to get that baby furniture? That was the excuse he gave.

Really? :rolleyes: :liar:

Plus, swinging by Brevard cause he was close?

That was a 3+ hour drive in the mountains to get to Brevard...close:waitasec:

He absolutely would have started drinking at 9AM on Saturday.
Being stuck 5 hours away in Brevard was not an option any other game day.
(Made sense this time cause he murdered his wife)
I have stayed in far too many hotels during my travels to know that things such as this are very common.

As for kids being in a hotel on a school evening here is a short list of what I have come across during weekday business travel:

football teams
baseball teams
hockey teams
volleyball teams
basketball teams
children on various trips such as skiing
school bands

I won't even go into the minor league teams or professional ones.

It has simply come to the point I inquire ahead whether this will be the case for both flight and hotel.

Then I am suppose to believe that out of ALL the landscaping rocks they pick one and find 3 alleles of LCN DNA which would match a great deal of people on one rock. It was not a blind test. The were only looking for the alleles that matched JY. WHY??????

Why were no other rocks taken for comparison? Very poor forensic collection by LE. You should always take comparison ones especially with low copy DNA.

Then in the first trial it turns out it is not even 3 alleles as one allele was considered to be stutter. That is like the LE in Perugia that took the knife based on "investigative intuition" in the Amanda Knox case. Thus it was not 3 alleles it was 2

The prosecution is now walking a very fine line here.

How many more people are they going to put up for character assassination? If they continue along this route there is the possiblility that the jury will become turned off by this.

Yes some juries might eat it up. Others may not.


The manager at the hotel said there were guests staying there at one time, sneaking other people in and messed with the camera.

Elmer Goad is elderly, and used the word , kids.
But, that would still have to mean, kids old enough to pay for a room, and I don't see little kids sneaking other little kids in....

I was always curious as to why we never heard from any of the guests the nite/am Jason stayed there.

The rock analysis ended with the expert, Shawn Weiss, saying that Jason's DNA was nowhere near a match.

If Jason had used a twig, as he testified to, it was a very windy night, and it could have blown away.
I don't believe any jury can take Gracies testimony and put much weight on it. She means well and I give her kudo's for taking the stand.

Unfortunately she has told to many varying stories under oath I believe for a jury to put any weight in it.

Same with me !!

She did not hold up well on the stand and contradicted herself repeatedly.

I agree she went through a lot, and I wish her well.

For anyone that stays in hotels things like this happen all the time. Speak to the employees as the stories they relay are at times comical and other times sad.

Once again there is no forensic evidence to show that JY moved the camera, unplugged it etc.

There were 49 rooms occupied and that leaves alot of people which could of done this.

:goodpost: again !

This is getting to be a habit, ..:)
As I have posted before LE should never of allowed anyone in a crime scene that has not been fully processed. In doing so those people leave their DNA.

For anyone making an issue out JY for not going into the house and not identifying items that may of been taken or not simply do not understand the implications of the prime suspect entering a crime scene that has not been processed fully with a huge potential for leaving their DNA. If it had of been me I would not of gone into that house for months until I was certain that everything LE wanted processed had been.

Does no one find this odd? What in the heck was LE thinking?

Yes, maybe after the crime scene had been completely processed, but not right away.....and, by then , as he was from the start, a "person of interest"
It seems to me that in the last trial, the defense trumped because of the prosecution's omissions. This time, the defense will have to be more aggressive ... although Jason might just get up on the stand and answer questions again. I'm sure the prosecution is holding back a little for that possibility - at least they should be. At the very least, I hope they're holding back the good stuff to catch him in lies. They were unable to do that in the first trial ... and I don't think that an unpopular verdict can always be blamed on the prosecutor ... sometimes evidence and jurors have something to do with it.

Very interesting case.

The defense better be holding a trump card of some kind, because they are not coming across as well this time.

I do have to agree with that.
While everyone grieves differently, I think it's fair to say a universal first response to hearing someone died (someone not expected to die) is utter shock.

That was my reaction when I got the news about my brother. My brain was trying to process what I heard and my heart was beating hard and shock is the only way I could describe what I felt.

Later the tears came along with waves of nausea (apparently Kubler-Ross missed this nausea stage), and so on.

Jason went straight to acceptance and then moved on to (secret) elation.

Jason's friend testified that Jason was sick in the bathroom at the funeral home.
Most travellers are inside their hotel rooms by 11:00 pm. Especially those on business trips.

Man it's cold outside here today! In N.C., that is. And we seem to have a kitty problem.
IMO, there is far more evidence against JLY then there was against scott peterson. The evidence against JLY is much like a bread crumb trail to the murder. His actions and movements can be traced, all those pieces of circumstantial evidence, one leading to another. Right down to the phone calls he left that morning after. Calling Meredith to go to his house. So many things he'd never done before, he just happens to do on the day after the murder. Involving his mother to call Meredith even. And heading straight to Brevard rather than home. Heck, he'd be missing an N.C. State game, one they had friends coming in to see. He didn't miss a state game for his own wedding.

Jason had every intention of being back for the NC State homecoming game, Saturday afternoon.

Some may ask why he didn't just plan to drive back from Clintwood VA Friday, instead of Mama's? If he left at noon, he would be back in Raleigh around 5:30PM.

Of course we know why. He needed his mountain entourage to witness his 'sobbing' and to shield him from the cops. Pulling in the Birchleaf drive alone and having to talk to the cops was not part of the plan.
I'm making a list of all the "coinky dink's" that happened surrounding Jason Y and the murder of a pregnant Michelle Y. i knew there were many, but not this many. It's a long list and I'm not done. I will say this "If " Jason Young were truly innocent he would be the unluckiest man that I've ever come across.

Moo moo moo moo
MY said "I'm pregnant, and Jason said he wants me to abort the baby or he will resent me and the baby for the rest of our lives,”

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