The State v. Jodi Arias: break in trial until 28 January 2013 #19 *ADULT CONTENT*

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Did JA stay conncted to the Morman faith after she left TA?

Her parents own Daddy O...........what is that?

Has her father ever been to the trial?

Daddy Os is a diner.

No he has never been in the courtroom and I dont think he has seen her since her arrest.

Then why was she on the overnight(s) trip with him?
Don't forget, he took her. Sorry, but it's incredibly rude for him to marginalize JA by saying to the waitress "I'm not with her" (paraphrase). See, that's the point about part of the abuse the defense is I believe, trying to build a foundation for: that he humiliated her and marginalized her.

And yes I know, being rude is not a reason to kill someone. I know. She was good enough to boff when he was horny, but not good enough to treat decently. That's where the defense is headed with all this carp testimony, and it's a slow road not leading to a self defense justification. But come on, he was damned rude to her. He just was. IMO.

Seriously, no offense to you at all, because I know you are not saying this is justification for murder. But seriously -- give me a break! Who f-ing cares if he humiliated her or marginalized her or hurt her fragile, psycho feelings? That's not abuse for self defense purposes -- no way, no how, not even a little bit.

My God, if any of our actions over the course of two years were scrutinized to the level that Travis' are being examined, there is not a single person who would not have similar or worse shortcomings or instances of being rude or insensitive or downright mean. It has NO RELEVANCE AT ALL to self defense. It has no bearing whatsoever on whether Travis ever sexually or physically assaulted Jodi -- which he did not.

None of this has any place in this capital murder trial, and it's really beginning to irk me big time because the sheer repetition of Travis' minor flaws has got some people thinking that these things are relevant to self defense. I mean, we're talking about it like there's actually some legitimacy to the defense's ridiculous case.

Did JA stay conncted to the Morman faith after she left TA?

Her parents own Daddy O...........what is that?

Has her father ever been to the trial?

Maybe through her "brother" Daniel Freeman

It's a restaurant in Yreka, CA

I don't believe he has
Hi Everyone. Gonna settle in then write my today observations/experiences but for now want to share what came in my mind today.

To this defense team or any murder defense team:

"You just went too far the minute you grabbed that straw that had the victim's good name etched on it. "

There is a time to stop grabbing. Find a defense that's adequate but disallows humiliating dead, loved victims. Some things in our culture simply should not be normalized.

I'm gonna keep saying this one out loud to anyone who will listen.

amen miss Katie.. and with that thought in mind let us move to the next thread and remember that this is about Travis, his family, his friends, and all who knew and loved him.

Trial break: The State vs Jodi Arias; trial resumes 4 February 2013 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
There is an Internet site where you can paste a photo and it tells you where that photo has been posted on the Internet. Maybe the photo appears on other *advertiser censored* sites and we would know that it definitely wasn't Travis'. (Jodi copied it and sent it to herself.) Has anyone tried this yet?

Haha, I tried Google's image search and it returned faces, arms and a few other things but no peenies. I think the picture has to be separated out from witness's hand etc and i don't know how to do that.

eta: lol, and one shoulder with an eye tatooed on it :floorlaugh:
That is exactly the way I see it too. He tried everything, including being brutally honest and she just refused to go away. He was being way too courteous and polite and it didn't work. So, he tried to insult her, call her names, everything. She was like a booger that he just could not thump off his finger. He was at a loss as to how to get rid of her, nothing worked.

I believe what you are saying!
Read the article written by the famous Ph.D. neuroscientist.

Although I could post several dozen studies showing the positive correlation between childhood abuse and psychopathy, here are just a few. Know that it is highly correlated. Lab/articles/DP 2012 Kimonis Secondary Psychopathy.pdf

Eric's family has never spoken publicly about their family life. How do you know he wasn't abused?

How do you know Joran van der Sloot wasn't abused? Because his mother states that he wasn't?

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

No, Eric's family never spoke publicly, but enough other people that knew them, and knew the family, did. They were blindsided by a psychopathic child, and had no idea what he was really capable of. My heart bleeds for them, and for the Klebolds who were even more blindsided than the Harris's when their son was taken along for the ride.

Joran was not abused. He was allowed to nurture his psychopathy by over enabling parents until he finally took a life (or two if you ask me).

Neither one of them claimed abuse. And with the myriad of lies that Joran van der Sloot told, if he thought it could pull his butt out of jail he would have. The only decent thing Eric Harris ever said was about his admiration for his parents. Abuse pfffffft. He was a cold blooded psychopath. Just like Jodi Arias is a cold blooded psychopath. When they use people up, they just dispose of them.
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