The VERDICT! He's....GUILTY!!!

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Another beautiful weekend we just enjoyed, the weather was absolutely gorgeous.

What a shame drEWWWW couldn't enjoy it like we did...... oh well, I guess that's the price you pay for murdering your wives....

But I'm sure that flashy 'bling' he's sporting helps cheer him up! LOL!

Just had to pop in for a minute or two to gloat..... because I can! LOL!

Waiting for sentencing day...........
With all the DT crying over so little evidence you would think anyone who had a law degree could of got Drew off? What's up with that?
:floorlaugh: You have quickly become one of my favorites borndem! Just when I'm feeling the most :waitasec: exasperated, there you are with some jewel :dance:to save me! Your wit :woohoo: never ceases to have me lmao!! Thinking along the same line with you guys, wouldn't you think dear ole DrEWWWWW might have fired the wrong attorney if he wants a shot at inadequate council?! For being so smart, as he always believed himself to be, he he sure is DUMB!!! :confused: OT, I'm anxious for Elizabeth Johnson's trial to really get underway & am so hoping to see lot's of my new friends there! Does anyone know if it will be on IS & if it should be on Mon?

Hi, wishinuall, :crush:just saw your post - I'm just catching up since I've been o/o/town. Thanks for the kind words! :blushing: Sometimes you just have to laff -- it's healthier than screaming in many ways!

And yes, wishin, DrEWWWWW who thought he was so much smarter than any of his poor girlfriends or wives or neighbors, or fellow LEO's, or any attorney in that courtroom and certainly those easy-to-fool jurors certainly got his surprise.... And as Gomer Pyle would say, Shazam! In the slammer you go, Mr. Smarty-Pants-on-Fire. Oh it was sweet, wasn't it? Sometimes Karma happens when you can be there to see it. It doesn't bring Kathleen or Stacy back, but as we've all said, at least it won't happen to another woman and her family. Grrrr.

O/T Trial for the crazy/not-crazy-now Johnson has started today with pre-trial motions. I guess testimony should start tomorrow or the next day. That's gonna be another exasperating deal, I'm sure. It's so hard to try not to want horrible things to happen to her. But at least she's now in the courtroom. Grrrr. She should be shaking in her lying boots.

Reading on IS, they are supposed to carry the trial live -- so we'll see. I watched IS for just a little while today & they were still dwelling on the Hemy Newmann thing. Ho-hum.

Maybe tomorrow...
just noticed in reading today about the movie Rob Lowe starred in called "Drew Peterson - Untouchable" was first titled "Drew Peterson Ladykiller".....

wonder if Drew or his attorneys were responsible for the change??
Just had to pop in here for a quick minute and celebrate drEWWW's new soulmate, Chris Vaughn who will be sharing their special day in court as they hear those words that they will be spending the remainder of their miserable lives in prison.

Justice has once again spoken loud and clear.

Now just hoping justice for Stacy and Lisa Stebic will be coming as well.

Oh happy days, 'eh drEWWWW???

just noticed in reading today about the movie Rob Lowe starred in called "Drew Peterson - Untouchable" was first titled "Drew Peterson Ladykiller".....

wonder if Drew or his attorneys were responsible for the change??

Hmmm, seems to me, if any title editing was to be done, it should have been changed so "Drew Peterson...Killer" period. JMHO.
What a delightful letter! As I read it, I gave a pat on the back to my fellow WS'ers and myself. We followed the casel as best we could throughout the years and we got it right about Brodsky... from the media tour to the Harry Smith debacle!
I don't recall ever seeing anything quite like this before! And these are supposed to be professionals?

I found this quote in the Chicago Tribune article posted by nells interesting:

Brodsky "ordered them to make repeated objections so Will County State's Attorney James Glasgow would 'lose it' in front of the jury."

I guess that's some explanation for the ridiculous amount of objections that were made. What a circus.
IMO, this is a purposeful ploy to just try and stall the sentencing

I'm not buying all the infighting one iota

These snake oil salesmen are just doing anything & everything they can for their "dear" Drew ($$$$$$),0,7992995.story?page=2

IMO - this is the best part, other than DP was found guilty, of the entire article...

Peterson's lawyers agreed to represent him for free, lured by the case's challenges and the acclaim that would come from an acquittal. In the end, they lost more than five weeks' worth of billable hours and gained one of Chicago's most infamous courthouse spats.
OH MY Goodness!

Are they laying the groundwork for an appeal of 'incompetent defense?'

I thought DP was bizarre! :what:

Boy, this takes the cake, for sure! :eek:

In re-reading the letter, I was struck by the fact that Greenberg insinuates rather strongly that Brodsky has some very damaging information about Drew that he was, in essence, blackmailing him with.

If so, when Peterson would go for incompetent representation in an appeal, HIS OWN attorney would somehow leak information to LE of other crimes he has committed in the past, possibly even the murder of Stacy.

As an officer of the court, that would make Brodsky more of a criminal than his client.

While I don't approve of Greenberg publishing this letter, I especially don't approve of Brodsky. This is a huge can of worms.

It will be interesting to read DP's appeal in this case...
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