TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #54

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What I find so strange is that ever sighting of BD and granted there aren't many, but there are some, LE has totally discounted all of them. Does anyone find that strange at all? Have they given any reasons for discounting all the sightings?tia

From what I've read, LE checked out the sightings and even stated that the sightings were unreliable or they confirmed they were not Hailey.
I think LE checked out all the sightings. Like you said, there aren't that many.
The witness has no obligation to bring their observations to the MSM.
If they did I would question their motives.

Billie's version.
Shawn's version.
or LE is exagerrating (lying) to get a search warrant that they already had probable cause to get signed?

I can't quite make that leap.

I don't really care if they had a party or not.
But someone told LE that Billie hosted a party.
Billie said they had some people over for drinks.
Not that her family swooped in to care for her.

When your child is missing for 72 hours maybe you have people over for drinks. When I have had a long week, am tired, or PMSing I don't invite people over for drinks. If my child had vanished off the face of the planet I highly doubt it would be on my to do list. YMMV.

But I really doubt LE made it up or hinged their search warrant on it.

I must have missed the link where Billie said they had some people over for drinks. Link please.
The problem I have is that there was no notable gathering any other night at BD's home. Just the New Years Eve.

Why is that noteworthy to LE. Why did they speak of it. They must have found it particular?

The never mentioned other gatherings of relatives or friends or anything else. But they did mention New Years Eve.

Something lead LE to believe a party took place that night. They have been around enough to recognize the difference between a gathering of relatives to offer support and a New Years Eve party.


If they had jobs during the week, Friday would have been the first night that was not a weeknight...
Or perhaps LE drove by or was doing surveillance on the house and noticed increased activity by way of cars parked and people going in and out. One would think LE did document any activity they witnessed that evening.

Lots of cars in front of a house does not a party make. Lots of cars parked in front of a house that a child went missing 3 days prior and on a weekend, somehow does not suprise me in the least.
I do not recall having read anything specific about what illegal drugs were purchased by Shawn & Billie ( although the lastest seems to be that was recanted & the withdrawals from ATM were because they were short on pocket money ). Actually, the point I wish to make is this:

Medications like hydrocodone which are prescribed for ...oh, let's say toothache pain... are also popular in the illegal marketplace (or streetcorner). One may have a bottle in which any number may have been prescribed originally, but has been emptied & refilled many times by purchases from family, friends or "casual aquaintances". I have wondered since Billie shook the RX bottle for the camera, if the rattle was made by the actual pills the pharmacy had dispensed or some which had been aquired more recently.

I was distracted, so by the time I have finished this post, it may not fit into the flow of conversation... but I just wanted to say something that has been on my mind since way back when there was discussion about blowing up a screenprint & reading the label on the bottle.
I disagree she admitted to anything. In fact I believe she tried to confuse the whole situation in her defensive talk bobbing and weaving ten ways to Sunday.I know five people in Putnam County, FL who are doing 15-25 years in jail for operating roadside pharmacies. And I also know of a few of their customers who were arrested for purchasing from the roadside pharmacy. It is the only justice Haleigh Cummings has received after 2 years.

Illegal is Illegal. :waitasec:

That's exactly what she did. She told the story, once, twice, three times and it changed.
She is good at causing confusion.
What she didn't count on what people 'hearing' her stories change. bbm/imo
I think CD is the one that should be taking notes on slander and stuff....
Me too! My elec has already gone off twice today. So cold here!

I guess I am lucky...have not with out power yet. I am in south Austin. I do how ever have the fireplace going...it's cold even with power :(
If BD is partaking in illegal drugs as per the warrant report, then a lot of her bobbing and weaving and unreliable information could be to protect her from going to jail for drugs while still trying to get information out there for Hailey.
That's exactly what she did. She told the story, once, twice, three times and it changed.
She is good at causing confusion.
What she didn't count on what people 'hearing' her stories change. bbm/imo

I agree. From all the videos and tapes I have viewed, Billie appears to be skilled in the art of creating chaos with words.
I guess I am lucky...have not with out power yet. I am in south Austin. I do how ever have the fireplace going...it's cold even with power :(

Yeppers, I always knew my old house is drafty but with really, really fuhreekin' cold weather like this it feels like I have the ceiling fans on...
bbm. Clint has done several interviews. I think it would be wonderful if he spoke out more. My assumption is that LE has asked him not to, but to just let Billie keep on talkin'.

Your assumption would probably be wrong. It's not LE's practice to tell one parent not to speak to the media and 'let the other keep talking'. Why would they do that? Billie is not a suspect. LE might ask them not to reveal certain things, but they would never play one parent against the other.
In fairness though..she wasnt living at her mums hardly so that really isnt any reflection on Billie that she looks well. In fact it was only when she was staying at home for once..that whatever happened.

Do you have a link to back up that statement?
Staying with someone else at the end of the school year and staying at her dad's house sometimes, does not add up to "she wasnt living at her mums hardly". There was a small period of time she wasn't staying at home with Billie, but for most of her life, she did.
Your assumption would probably be wrong. It's not LE's practice to tell one parent not to speak to the media and 'let the other keep talking'. Why would they do that? Billie is not a suspect. LE might ask them not to reveal certain things, but they would never play one parent against the other.

I don't think he has been asked because he doesn't articulate very well. jmo
Can anyone find a link that Clint was in Mexico? Please? If not it is rumor and will be removed.

Friends and strangers have reached out to Dunn to donate flyers and funds to help find Hailey Dunn. Some have volunteered to travel to Mexico to hand out flyers.

"I'm not rough enough to go down there," Dunn said. "So I got some people that will go down there for me and pass out flyers."


That's all I could find.
A party is a social event, often in someone's home, at which people enjoy themselves doing things such as eating, drinking, dancing, talking, or playing games.


the difference between enjoying yourself and just consoling each other.
for LE to say a party.
Then I believe LE.
IMO LE was watching/listening BD/SA and then SA said a few friends for drinks, down playing the party.
Where was DD that night???
My family all gets together when something bad happens (we had a death on Christmas
years ago) yes food, beer and allot of crying.....a wake...food....no TV, no entertainment, allot of talking and yes we laughed about happy memories........normal stuff. We did not enjoy ourselves
There IS a big difference!

Billie said they had the TV turned to the news. Considering that they had a missing child, and if she was found, it might show up on TV even before teh police could notify them, I can see wanting to keep an eye on the news. So "no TV" doesn't apply to a missing child case as it would to a death.
Your assumption would probably be wrong. It's not LE's practice to tell one parent not to speak to the media and 'let the other keep talking'. Why would they do that? Billie is not a suspect. LE might ask them not to reveal certain things, but they would never play one parent against the other.

She's not a POI, but she is The Suspect's advocate/mouthpiece. The more she talks, shifts, and rearranges the course of events, the more light shines on significant moments. jmo
I do not recall having read anything specific about what illegal drugs were purchased by Shawn & Billie ( although the lastest seems to be that was recanted & the withdrawals from ATM were because they were short on pocket money ). Actually, the point I wish to make is this:

Medications like hydrocodone which are prescribed for ...oh, let's say toothache pain... are also popular in the illegal marketplace (or streetcorner). One may have a bottle in which any number may have been prescribed originally, but has been emptied & refilled many times by purchases from family, friends or "casual aquaintances". I have wondered since Billie shook the RX bottle for the camera, if the rattle was made by the actual pills the pharmacy had dispensed or some which had been aquired more recently.

I was distracted, so by the time I have finished this post, it may not fit into the flow of conversation... but I just wanted to say something that has been on my mind since way back when there was discussion about blowing up a screenprint & reading the label on the bottle.

According to the search warrant affidavit January 6th...

During the investigation into the whereabouts of Shawn ADKINS and Billie DUNN during the time that Hailey DUNN disappeared it was determined by investigators that Shawn ADKINS and Billie DUNN had made two withdraws from a ATM machine in Snyder, Scurry County, Texas on Monday December 27th at 6:19PM and 6:20PM.

The first withdrawal was for $60.00 and the second withdrawal was for $80.00.

It was determined through the voluntary interview and voluntary admission of Billie DUNN that the money was used to purchase illegal narcotics from a person in Scurry County, Texas.

DUNN admitted that the illegal narcotics where for ADKINS and HERSELF.
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