TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #54

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I find it odd that SA was at his momma's house according to BD's timeline. Why? What was he doing during that time? Most adult men tend not to hang out with momma -- especially on the day they quit/left/fired/walked out from their job.

Wonder if this was a pattern for him?



Momma's boy? lol My youngest son tells me all the time that he is just going to live with me until I die :anguish: I keep telling him I will move then! :floorlaugh:

On another note... He drove BD to work on the Tuesday, so when he went to his mom's place, aren't you curious to know if he took the quickest route there on Tuesday? or did he go the long way again?
Hey, guys... been gone all day to the doctor (skin cancer... :(... trying not to freak). Any new developments? Thanks!


No, nothing new...
So sorry...my brother-in-law just got diagnosed today :(
I hope you will be OK...
I know there is a little girl missing. And I know there are people who are not being forthcoming with the truth and playing games, and making it next to impossible for LE to do their jobs. They bend and twist the facts to suit their purpose. And still there is a little girl missing. I know that one day, these people will have to answer for this. I know that as well as I know i'm sitting here. Hailey will get justice and those who have really been trying to find her, they will get their answers. The others, eh....karma.
No, nothing new...
So sorry...my brother-in-law just got diagnosed today :(
I hope you will be OK...
Ya'll just remember that they are getting better and better at dealing with skin cancer. My FIL and my uncle have both gotten through bouts and have been doing just fine for years now. Good thoughts and prayers for Beli and Cluc's BIL.
I wonder why, if SA is guilty and it had happened earlier than 3pm on Monday, why did he go back to the house at all that day, until he knew that Hailey's absence had been reported by someone else? Or at least until time to pick up Billie from work?

That is why I think it had just happened when DD was trying to get into the house, and Hailey was hidden, OR he is not involved. It doesn't make sense, when he had been hiding out away from Billie's all day, to go back and end up being the "last person to see her" if he had done it. Unless in some weird way, he thought that made him seem less guilty? mean, why put yourself out there as the last person to see her, if you could have easily stayed away?
IMHO both NG and MK have abandoned this case. Watching NG this week, she hasn't said boo - nor has MK (that I know of). Sad state of affairs for BD, as it could have been so different. She could be losing what little support she had very quickly.

Hailey - where are you kiddo!


With all due respect there is nothing to report on Hailey at all so I can see why she hasn't covered it this week. I don't think she's abandon it at all. There is just nothing to talk about and no new developments.
Thanks. In this article, it also says that Hailey lives with Billie.

"In that home in Colorado City, Hailey lives with Billie Jean and her mother's boyfriend Shawn Adkins."

Yes according to this article that is how it appears to me as well
Hey, guys... been gone all day to the doctor (skin cancer... :(... trying not to freak). Any new developments? Thanks!


Bless you belimom. Did they tell you what kind? I come from Euro decendants -- and have plenty of it. Thankfully all of it has been squamous - which is easily treatable. I'll be the one on the beach dressed from head to toe ;) My prayers are with you -- please try not to freak.



(sorry mods to get OT).
Ya'll just remember that they are getting better and better at dealing with skin cancer. My FIL and my uncle have both gotten through bouts and have been doing just fine for years now. Good thoughts and prayers to Beli and Cluc's BIL.

I had one pre-cancerous spot frozen off and then a biopsy of a spot the dermatologist is certain (like 99%) is basal cell carcinoma - and more she wants to look at next visit. Years of laying out in the sun as a teen, plus living on a sailboat for year in the Bahamas, plus living in Egypt with the hot Sahara sun --- it's all catching up. :(

Luckily, it is the most common form of skin cancer. Having been through my husband's cancer years ago, I think mine is not nearly as much to worry about. (ETA: don't want to distract from Hailey's thread - maybe I'll take this to the basement)

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know when Clint's radio interview was announced? I just have this nagging little feeling that BD's *clarification presser* and her inappropriate comments regarding someone yet 'unnamed' :rolleyes: may have been in anticipation of the upcoming radio interview.. maybe trying to discredit him as much as possible kind of thing..<moo and total speculation..

eta~Of course it's very likely that she knew he was going to do it before it was announced now that I think about it..
With all due respect there is nothing to report on Hailey at all so I can see why she hasn't covered it this week. I don't think she's abandon it at all. There is just nothing to talk about and no new developments.

I really thought that BD would be on the evening of the statement -- to keep Hailey's name out there. She did (BD) mention before that she would do whatever it would take to keep Hailey's face in the media. I just pray this isn't turning into a cold case :(


Ok got it..this is where I get really confused on the rules here. :waitasec: It's ok for people to say that BD was talking about CD during the press conference, when she clearly didn't name anyone, but I can't express my opinion of who she was talking about because I don't have a link to post?

Here's the presser:

I wonder why, if SA is guilty and it had happened earlier than 3pm on Monday, why did he go back to the house at all that day, until he knew that Hailey's absence had been reported by somone else? Or at least until time to pick up Billie from work?

That is why I think it had just happened when DD was trying to get into the house, and Hailey was hidden, OR he is not involved. It doesn't make sense, when he had been hiding out away from Billie's all day, to go back and end up being the "last person to see her" if he had done it. Unless in some weird way, he thought that made him seem less guilty? mean, why put yourself out there as the last person to see her, if you could have easily stayed away?
I"m right there with ya - clu!

I've said from the get go that I do not understand why SA would put himself square in the crosshairs of not only local LE but FBI, Texas Rangers, and SS by admittedly being the last one to see her. Well, if he didn't "do the deed" then he would have nothing to fear. If we discount his "last person to see her" sighting at Monday at 3:15 - then the last one to see her falls to BD - either Monday at 6 AM-ish (the to ease her mind look-see) or BD again on Sunday night at 10 -11 PM when Hailey was in her room watching TV.

SA could have easliy just said he didn't see her at all. LE thought she was a runaway in the beginning so as for buying time - IMHO it wouldn't have really mattered.
IMO, BD did.

I agree. Especially when you take the whole sentence and look at it. No one else would have been responsible for helping take care of her (BDs) kids other than their father. For BD to add onto the quip about being a mom who is single-handedly taking care of her children (paraphrased) that implies to me that she is referring to their father. At a time like this, when their (CD and BD) child is missing is not the time to take diggs at the other parent. I have not seen CD do this to BD and I am beyond disappointed that BD has done this to CD although I am not surprised by it.
With all due respect there is nothing to report on Hailey at all so I can see why she hasn't covered it this week. I don't think she's abandon it at all. There is just nothing to talk about and no new developments.

The press conference? The timeline? They were pretty darn big news.
I have a question for the mods. This is something I am curious about and I am asking in here for future reference for everyone else. About naming the minors. MB was named on the Nancy Grace show and that is how everyone knows who she is. This is where my question comes in at... why can't we name them if they have been named in the national media as a show such as Nancy Grace?

I am asking about this in all seriousness.
I do remember CD saying it was NOT a party. Let me find the link.

Sorry, I'm behind on the posts. I just wanted to mention that CD was not inside their home that night, and you can't always tell from the outside what is happening inside.
Ok got it..this is where I get really confused on the rules here. :waitasec: It's ok for people to say that BD was talking about CD during the press conference, when she clearly didn't name anyone, but I can't express my opinion of who she was talking about because I don't have a link to post?

In fairness most of her thing seemed to be about trying to get at Clint

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