TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #54

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Ok got it..this is where I get really confused on the rules here. :waitasec: It's ok for people to say that BD was talking about CD during the press conference, when she clearly didn't name anyone, but I can't express my opinion of who she was talking about because I don't have a link to post?
I think it has to be with opinions redcat. If you clearly state in your post that this is YOUR OPINION - then its ok. But to post something as fact - that's where you need a link.

IMO, BD did.

Haven't been around today but has this been quoted? Although we don't know who she was referring to - only Billie knows for sure, it does seem that others are making a connection here as well:

She also alluded to some who may be seeking to profit from Hailey's disappearance by soliciting donations. Previously, Clint Dunn, Hailey's father, has said that he is unemployed and that he will continue searching for Hailey as long as people keep donating money to help him cover his expenses.
Momma's boy? lol My youngest son tells me all the time that he is just going to live with me until I die :anguish: I keep telling him I will move then! :floorlaugh:

Never thought of that. My teen says he's "outta here" when he's 18. Too many rules he says!

On another note... He drove BD to work on the Tuesday, so when he went to his mom's place, aren't you curious to know if he took the quickest route there on Tuesday? or did he go the long way again?

Absolutely a great question, and I'm very curious to know!


Ok got it..this is where I get really confused on the rules here. :waitasec: It's ok for people to say that BD was talking about CD during the press conference, when she clearly didn't name anyone, but I can't express my opinion of who she was talking about because I don't have a link to post?

I personally do not recall any names being stated specifically to this IIRC
Did yall catch this that the "pings" give actual coordinates of the location of the cell phone? WOW I thought it just gave a general area but it actually gives exact coordinates. SA needs to be sweating now forsure they know exactly where he was......or where THE PHONE was that day....hummm I wonder if they also have looked at BD cell phone records Well what am I thinking sure they have we just dont have them yet.

Telephone records obtained by investigators show ADKINS‘ cellular phone was using Verizon cell tower number 724 on the tower northern coverage area transmitter which is located at coordinates 32.41262 -100.86900 in the area of Colorado City, Texas from 6:35am to 6:56am with a break in usage until 9:38am thru 2:40pm when records indicate ADKINS‘ phone was in the area of Big Spring, Texas by pinging Verizon cell Tower #730 coordinates 32.22156 -101.45867 which captured all phone calls from 9:38AM until 2:40PM on the northwest coverage area tnansmitter. This would be the Verizon tower that someone using a Verizon cell phone at 2807 Apache Drive in Big Spring, Texas. which is Shawn ADKINS mother’s residence.

I had one pre-cancerous spot frozen off and then a biopsy of a spot the dermatologist is certain (like 99%) is basal cell carcinoma - and more she wants to look at next visit. Years of laying out in the sun as a teen, plus living on a sailboat for year in the Bahamas, plus living in Egypt with the hot Sahara sun --- it's all catching up. :(

Luckily, it is the most common form of skin cancer. Having been through my husband's cancer years ago, I think mine is not nearly as much to worry about. (ETA: don't want to distract from Hailey's thread - maybe I'll take this to the basement)


beli, my mom had the same thing on her upper arm when she was very young..At that time they 'burned/froze' it off (not sure how it worked back in the 30's!) and while she has a terrible scar ..she just turned 77 and is healthier than I am!..Don't know if that will make you feel any better, but I sure hope so..When something similar has come up in my life, I have to tell myself that the only difference between today and yesterday is that now I know...and can do something about it..((((hugs)))) to you my friend, it will be alright.. .
Ok got it..this is where I get really confused on the rules here. :waitasec: It's ok for people to say that BD was talking about CD during the press conference, when she clearly didn't name anyone, but I can't express my opinion of who she was talking about because I don't have a link to post?

I am confused about this also.
Did yall catch this that the "pings" give actual coordinates of the location of the cell phone? WOW I thought it just gave a general area but it actually gives exact coordinates. SA needs to be sweating now forsure they know exactly where he was......or where THE PHONE was that day....hummm I wonder if they also have looked at BD cell phone records Well what am I thinking sure they have we just dont have them yet.

Telephone records obtained by investigators show ADKINS‘ cellular phone was using Verizon cell tower number 724 on the tower northern coverage area transmitter which is located at coordinates 32.41262 -100.86900 in the area of Colorado City, Texas from 6:35am to 6:56am with a break in usage until 9:38am thru 2:40pm when records indicate ADKINS‘ phone was in the area of Big Spring, Texas by pinging Verizon cell Tower #730 coordinates 32.22156 -101.45867 which captured all phone calls from 9:38AM until 2:40PM on the northwest coverage area tnansmitter. This would be the Verizon tower that someone using a Verizon cell phone at 2807 Apache Drive in Big Spring, Texas. which is Shawn ADKINS mother’s residence.


they can actually triangulate them if there are 3 towers within the vicinity to give a pretty accurate gps location IIRC
To me the point of it being reported to LE that Billie and Shawn hosted a party at their home on New Years Eve is not about the menu, the label, who invited people for drinks, who was aware it was NYE, etc....

It is about someone perceiving the mood of the household 72 hours after a child is missing to be a party/hosted get together from their point of view.

Not what Billie or Shawn were intending to do, but the observations of someone that reported those perceptions to LE.
The press conference? The timeline? They were pretty darn big news.

Thanks, BeanE. This is why IMHO she's been deserted by her two main supporters - MK and NG. I could be completely wrong, but that's how I feel. I'm only going by what I'm NOT seeing.


I think it has to be with opinions redcat. If you clearly state in your post that this is YOUR OPINION - then its ok. But to post something as fact - that's where you need a link.

And too, we have the presser to reference to draw our own conclusions. We don't have anything to read or view with regard to anyone else who might be the target of the comments BD made.
Did yall catch this that the "pings" give actual coordinates of the location of the cell phone? WOW I thought it just gave a general area but it actually gives exact coordinates. SA needs to be sweating now forsure they know exactly where he was......or where THE PHONE was that day....hummm I wonder if they also have looked at BD cell phone records Well what am I thinking sure they have we just dont have them yet.

Telephone records obtained by investigators show ADKINS‘ cellular phone was using Verizon cell tower number 724 on the tower northern coverage area transmitter which is located at coordinates 32.41262 -100.86900 in the area of Colorado City, Texas from 6:35am to 6:56am with a break in usage until 9:38am thru 2:40pm when records indicate ADKINS‘ phone was in the area of Big Spring, Texas by pinging Verizon cell Tower #730 coordinates 32.22156 -101.45867 which captured all phone calls from 9:38AM until 2:40PM on the northwest coverage area tnansmitter. This would be the Verizon tower that someone using a Verizon cell phone at 2807 Apache Drive in Big Spring, Texas. which is Shawn ADKINS mother’s residence.


JMO but I think the coordinates are of the actual tower, not the cell phone itself
Yes, I'm sure Hailey realized her parents weren't getting back together. And that eventually they would be divorced. What I meant was that she wanted to live with CD (or CD and GF). And especially to get away from SA.

So that's one way she could get away from SA and live with or close to her dad. Also, things would be better for GF that way, with CD officially not living with her (albeit spending nearly all his time with GF).


Then again when a parent is not the custodial parent that is in charge of rearing and disciplining them, the children often think the grass is greener on the other side because to them the non custodial parent is fun. So many children try to go live with the noncustodial parent. They are not saddled with the task of raising them. I don't place to much credance that she wanted to live with CD.
My son thought every day with his dad was a holiday. At 17 , he wanted to go live there, when he graduated. He went and promptly came home to mom.
Happens all the time with children of divorce.
In some cases, they can trace a phone right down to a particular field, for example in Kelsey Smith's murder, so it is probably a bad idea to lie about where you were (to LE) just in case...
Billie's time line includes several 12/27 sightings dismissed by LE, along with unverified statements as to SA's whereabouts. Both Billie and Clint confirm having been told by LE that Hailey was captured on video surveillance at the Dollar General Store (and Clint was also told the Alco Dept Store) on Hickory on Sunday 12/26. Yet, there is no mention of Hailey's walks to the store on Billie's 12/26 listing of activity.

The fact that the Sunday walk to the stores is not listed in Billie's time line (along with the fact that presumably the last motion images of Hailey have not been released to the media/public) gives me hope that they contain case-sensitive clues that will help LE determine where Hailey is and/or who was involved in her disappearance.


Billie's time line 1/31/11
http://sweetwaterreporter.com/sites/default/files/Billie Dunn timeline.PDF

Billie surveillance video talk: NG 1/17/11

Clint surveillance video tak: Interview 1/19/11

P.s: The fact that we still don't exactly where the living room couch ended up and how much (if any) testing was done on it before its awkwardly timed haul-away, also makes me wonder if there's more to the couch-swap story that is not being released. I'm still totally hung up on that couch - such weird timing..
The triangulation is what LE actually did in the Zahra Baker case for any that are aware of that particular case
they can actually triangulate them if there are 3 towers within the vicinity to give a pretty accurate gps location IIRC

My wife and I were thinking last night, that if the 2:00 text was pinging off of the tower in Colorado City, it may let SA off the hook, however, if it pinged from BD's phone OFF THE BIG SPRING tower, SA's in a whole heap of doodoo.
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