TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #54

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My wife and I were thinking last night, that if the 2:00 text was pinging off of the tower in Colorado City, it may let SA off the hook, however, if it pinged from BD's phone OFF THE BIG SPRING tower, SA's in a whole heap of doodoo.

they can calculate the time it took to travel the distance from the towers, so they actually use 3 towers not one
Speculation is when posters try to figure out clues about a given matter. They give their personal opinion about what the person said or what the facts are.

Posters can disagree with that. But if posters are verified locals with information that has not been MSM then baiting that posters are wrong is not allowed.

Right Way:
I disagree that BD was talking about Clint when she mentioned taking donations.

Wrong Way:
BD was not talking about Clint taking donations she knows that a woman has been soliciting donations and did a radio program about this. But I don't have a link yet.

Why is this wrong? Because you have information. You can't post the information because it hasn't been in MSM. But you are hinting that the posters are wrong but you can't tell them who it is.

It is like saying I have a secret but I can't tell you.

Thank YOU. If you have questions please feel free to notify a moderator.
Thanks. In this article, it also says that Hailey lives with Billie.

"In that home in Colorado City, Hailey lives with Billie Jean and her mother's boyfriend Shawn Adkins."

and her brother.
I know that MK is in contact with Billie on nearly a daily basis. I know this both because I have been there when he has called her and also because I am still in contact with him also.

BD is also still in contact with Billie. He was at her house Sunday.

Laura Recovery Center is also still in contact with Billie. I spoke with one of the ladies who came to CCity last on Saturday.

PK and the Rangers are also still in contact with Billie. I know this because I have been there with her on numerous occasions when she has talked to them.

Clint is still in contact with Billie. He came by her house just the other day while I was there.

IMM, JMO, etc, no one has 'abandoned' Billie.
To me the point of it being reported to LE that Billie and Shawn hosted a party at their home on New Years Eve is not about the menu, the label, who invited people for drinks, who was aware it was NYE, etc....

It is about someone perceiving the mood of the household 72 hours after a child is missing to be a party/hosted get together from their point of view.
Not what Billie or Shawn were intending to do, but the observations of someone that reported those perceptions to LE.

And for all we know, they could virtually have a transcript of the whole "event", by whatever name you want to call it. They may know LOTS and LOTS more than we suspect. :crazy:
My wife and I were thinking last night, that if the 2:00 text was pinging off of the tower in Colorado City, it may let SA off the hook, however, if it pinged from BD's phone OFF THE BIG SPRING tower, SA's in a whole heap of doodoo.

As much as Id like to know Im glad they didnt release BD phone pings in the affidavit. It could be a huge piece of evidence and no one can come up with stories to make it fit. Neighbors and BD have said Hailey was out in the yard on the phone alot. If days of being on that phone calling her friends and the calls suddenly stop well you have a good idea when she disappeared. And if that text didnt ping from BD house that is huge.........
I"m right there with ya - clu!

I've said from the get go that I do not understand why SA would put himself square in the crosshairs of not only local LE but FBI, Texas Rangers, and SS by admittedly being the last one to see her. Well, if he didn't "do the deed" then he would have nothing to fear. If we discount his "last person to see her" sighting at Monday at 3:15 - then the last one to see her falls to BD - either Monday at 6 AM-ish (the to ease her mind look-see) or BD again on Sunday night at 10 -11 PM when Hailey was in her room watching TV.

SA could have easliy just said he didn't see her at all. LE thought she was a runaway in the beginning so as for buying time - IMHO it wouldn't have really mattered.

Let's say SA never came back to CC at 3pm on Monday and never said he saw H at all. Then she would likely have been reported missing that evening, right? And since there was no crime scene in the house, it might be presumed that she had gone out after her mom and SA left and something happened. And witnesses have come out all over the place saying they saw her that morning. So Billie and SA could have both been in the clear, if he had stayed away until Billie was ready to be picked up from work.
Except for that cell ping...
Momma's boy? lol My youngest son tells me all the time that he is just going to live with me until I die :anguish: I keep telling him I will move then! :floorlaugh:

On another note... He drove BD to work on the Tuesday, so when he went to his mom's place, aren't you curious to know if he took the quickest route there on Tuesday? or did he go the long way again?

Mine used to tell me that as well!..and myself and everyone else believed he probably would too, because he is/was a mama's boy and he did have it made living at home. (even though I made him pay me a few $ out of his paycheck each week to help cover his cable/internet and FOOD). Mostly really to teach him responsibility, but at that time he thought I was robbing him blind! Then right before he turned 20, he and his girlfriend told me they were expecting a baby..and had planned it! After getting over the shock..(because we definitely talked birth control..h@ll, I EVEN bought them for him)..I said to him..OK, what's the plan now? Where are y'all going to live? They stayed with me for 2 months and moved out on their own. I love my children with all my heart and the grandbabies are what makes life worth living for me. I just do not want to raise them, lol!

So sorry..WAY OT..
As much as Id like to know Im glad they didnt release BD phone pings in the affidavit. It could be a huge piece of evidence and no one can come up with stories to make it fit. Neighbors and BD have said Hailey was out in the yard on the phone alot. If days of being on that phone calling her friends and the calls suddenly stop well you have a good idea when she disappeared. And if that text didnt ping from BD house that is huge.........

Quoting my own post because I just thought of something. That phone could actually support that people have changed their stories since the release of SA pings too. Trying to make things fit could be the fatal error of SA.

Thank you for your post. I do appreciate your time and effort you put into this board. I know you are on here a lot and into this thread. I do have another question though I understand your post. What if people are stating it as FACT that Billie was talking about Clint? I have seen posts like that but the problem is she never mentioned a name. I do get what you are saying but that is where the confusion is coming in I think. Billie never mentioned a name at all. We have no idea who she was talking about because no name was mentioned.

Thank you again Gram
In the affadavits Shawn says they had a few friends over for drinks.

Billy has denied that.

Well, if the choice is between SA and BD, on this, I'm going to have to say I'm not picking SA as the truthful one.
Quoting my own post because I just thought of something. That phone could actually support that people have changed their stories since the release of SA pings too. Trying to make things fit could be the fatal error of SA.

just bouncing off of yours and no ones in particular, even though they released those cell phone towers as the pings it does not mean they were the closest towers they in fact did ping from

what we dont know is which tower they did indeed ping the closest to
Thanks for this, but I was actually at the Press conference and did not hear her mention any names.

It wasn't about mentioning names. You are a reporter. You certainly know the power of words, and clues that are found in the way those words are assembled.
I am sure that she may have also had this other woman in mind that you are thinking about.
But in spite of that, and besides that, she also took a few swipes at CD throughout the presser.

-He didn't call ahead to the cops and she doesn't know why
-His gf said Hailey was there Monday for a bit. [ when she is on record saying that is not so]
-The witness that saw Hailey with a little 'dark boy' - obviously Clints stepson
-telling us she takes care of the kids with NO HELP from anyone[aimed at clint]
-complaining about those who cannot hold a job

those are just off the top of my head, but she did take a few subtle swipes at him --IMO only
Did yall catch this that the "pings" give actual coordinates of the location of the cell phone? WOW I thought it just gave a general area but it actually gives exact coordinates. SA needs to be sweating now forsure they know exactly where he was......or where THE PHONE was that day....hummm I wonder if they also have looked at BD cell phone records Well what am I thinking sure they have we just dont have them yet.

Telephone records obtained by investigators show ADKINS‘ cellular phone was using Verizon cell tower number 724 on the tower northern coverage area transmitter which is located at coordinates 32.41262 -100.86900 in the area of Colorado City, Texas from 6:35am to 6:56am with a break in usage until 9:38am thru 2:40pm when records indicate ADKINS‘ phone was in the area of Big Spring, Texas by pinging Verizon cell Tower #730 coordinates 32.22156 -101.45867 which captured all phone calls from 9:38AM until 2:40PM on the northwest coverage area tnansmitter. This would be the Verizon tower that someone using a Verizon cell phone at 2807 Apache Drive in Big Spring, Texas. which is Shawn ADKINS mother’s residence.


Those coordinates are the ones for the cell towers. The first is located off I-20 Frontage Road in CCity. The other is located off Highland Cove in Big Spring. According to Google Maps. The one in CCity is just blocks from Billi's house, looks like on the other side of I-20 though.

Where are you, Hailey? What happened to you, sweetheart?

You helped put together the press statement yesterday. How do you feel that it went? Do you think it helped? Were you pleased with the turn out? Do you feel the press was receptive and happy with information that BD provided? Do you think it cleared things up?

redcat -

You are media and were at the press conference yesterday. What are your thoughts on yesterday's happenings? Do you feel the media was receptive? Do you feel like everything was answered and you have a better understanding of things now? (I'm asking you to answer with your media rep hat on not your personal opinion *hope that makes sense*)
I know that MK is in contact with Billie on nearly a daily basis. I know this both because I have been there when he has called her and also because I am still in contact with him also.

BD is also still in contact with Billie. He was at her house Sunday.

Laura Recovery Center is also still in contact with Billie. I spoke with one of the ladies who came to CCity last on Saturday.

PK and the Rangers are also still in contact with Billie. I know this because I have been there with her on numerous occasions when she has talked to them.

Clint is still in contact with Billie. He came by her house just the other day while I was there.

IMM, JMO, etc, no one has 'abandoned' Billie.

Thank you. Can you expand on "being in contact". Is it a check-in type of contact, or a plan for future searches? I just wish this was more front page news this week -- a sure far cry from the last couple weeks.

If you don't want to discuss, I sincerely understand. I'm also glad to hear that BD is getting support. IMHO - we're just not hearing about it :(


It wasn't about mentioning names. You are a reporter. You certainly know the power of words, and clues that are found in the way those words are assembled.
I am sure that she may have also had this other woman in mind that you are thinking about.
But in spite of that, and besides that, she also took a few swipes at CD throughout the presser.

-He didn't call ahead to the cops and she doesn't know why
-His gf said Hailey was there Monday for a bit. [ when she is on record saying that is not so]
-The witness that saw Hailey with a little 'dark boy' - obviously Clints stepson
-telling us she takes care of the kids with NO HELP from anyone[aimed at clint]
-complaining about those who cannot hold a job

those are just off the top of my head, but she did take a few subtle swipes at him --IMO only

I took it as she WANTED people to know she was talking about CD..just didn't want to say the name. When she followed the begging money comment by saying that she paid the bills all her life..raised the kids, etc...who else was she talking about?..and she was speaking to the public so it's not like we are privy to inside info..I'll be honest, I thought it was a passive aggressive way of getting a dig in at CD...and purposely wanting 'us' to know. Whomever she was speaking of, I STILL find it completely inappropriate and a waste of valuable face time on camera and I STILL do not understand WHY she said those things about anyone at that moment..<MOO

and now I wonder if she said those things in anticipation of what he may say tonight< that too is only MO and speculation..
It wasn't about mentioning names. You are a reporter. You certainly know the power of words, and clues that are found in the way those words are assembled.
I am sure that she may have also had this other woman in mind that you are thinking about.
But in spite of that, and besides that, she also took a few swipes at CD throughout the presser.

-He didn't call ahead to the cops and she doesn't know why
-His gf said Hailey was there Monday for a bit. [ when she is on record saying that is not so]
-The witness that saw Hailey with a little 'dark boy' - obviously Clints stepson
-telling us she takes care of the kids with NO HELP from anyone[aimed at clint]
-complaining about those who cannot hold a job

those are just off the top of my head, but she did take a few subtle swipes at him --IMO only

In my opinion, those were NOT subtle!

I also believe there was INTENT in not "naming" so that she could deny all the implications. I will believe otherwise when I see her explain adequately EXACTLY what she meant by each of those statements in a way that does not involve Clint whatsoever (don't believe that can be done). This is just my opinion and reaction to the statements as I saw them televised.
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