TX - Joshua, 8, & Luke Laney, 6, murdered, Smith County, 9 May 2003 *Insanity*

j2mirish said:
her name is Laney--- I believe her husband was in the house at the time- the baby is blind now from his injuries, if i remember correctly- I saw an areest picture of her, there was blood all over her------ I just dont understand.........................................................:(
at the very least she admiited she did it.........

I thought that was horrible. At least they could have covered her up in front of the media.
cami said:
Her name is Deanna Laney.
Yesterday they were discussing her coming to realization of what she had done once she was treated with medication and counselling. She can't stop crying. She'll be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Both the prosecutors and the defense agree she was insane on the night she murdered them
Ok, so the trial is over. Have they decided what type of sentence? I love your new siggy
j2mirish said:
her name is Laney--- I believe her husband was in the house at the time- the baby is blind now from his injuries, if i remember correctly- I saw an areest picture of her, there was blood all over her------ I just dont understand.........................................................:(
at the very least she admiited she did it.........
I didn't get to watch anymore of the trial, grrr. Her husband was home? How'd she manage to do all of that with him home? From the parts I did hear, it sounds very pre-meditated. She was waiting for the final sign from God to go ahead and do it. And beating them with stones! Are we to look the other simply because she was insane at the time? I saw that 5 different shrinks agree she was. Now what?
beesy said:
Ok, so the trial is over. Have they decided what type of sentence? I love your new siggy

She was found not guilty by reason of insanity
j2mirish said:
this mother was found guilty and they are right now deciding on lwop or dp---the thing that really gets me about this one, is she set the house on fire, after killing her son, he was burned beyond recognition ....and she was a victim of fire.......at least she killed him first...i guess.....the real kicker was going to the bar after the funeral- busy dancing and singing-- too bad she didnt take silly string with her......
and i would agree this one is more like darlie than laney is-- i agree with cami that laney and yates go right into the same mix-
You are right, j2. Laney's case is nothing like Darlie's. All of the experts, even the ones for the state, agreed that she was insane.
Goody said:
Oops, I thought we were still talking about Laney. (Trouble with reading com today, Goody???LOL)

Amazing that a victim of fire would be able to resort to fire as a means to commit murder, esp kill her own child.

Why do they have to kill them? Here's me who wanted a dozen children but only had one. I'll take their children if they don't want them anymore.
cami said:
Why do they have to kill them? Here's me who wanted a dozen children but only had one. I'll take their children if they don't want them anymore.
this cami, is just what i dont understand---------------------when i read of the newborns found in dumpsters..etc--- it just ripps my heart out- they are too frigging stupid to just take these babies to a hospital, or in most states, a fire-dept- no questions asked.................
cami said:
Why do they have to kill them? Here's me who wanted a dozen children but only had one. I'll take their children if they don't want them anymore.
They don't want angry adult children popping up later up asking why. Nor do they want others to think ill of them because they just quit parenting. They probably aren't thinking straight to begin with but I think the above is a large part of it.
Goody said:
They don't want angry adult children popping up later up asking why. Nor do they want others to think ill of them because they just quit parenting. They probably aren't thinking straight to begin with but I think the above is a large part of it.
so it is just easier to kill, or leave them to die, than to explain? I myself can say without a doubt, I would feel much better about someone that gave a child up, than someone who is in prison, because they didnt.....left the baby to die instead...and that is always the case for people who committ these horrendous
criime..they werent thinking straight at the time, or they were afraid to tell...welll you know what-- there are many things i wish i would have thought about longer before i made the decisions i did--- but they weren't leaving a baby to die in a dumpster...I know we have beat this horse dead back and forth goody! I just get so tired of the "WHYS"----baby's being left in dumpsters do not get a reason for it...in my book-
Goody said:
They don't want angry adult children popping up later up asking why. Nor do they want others to think ill of them because they just quit parenting. They probably aren't thinking straight to begin with but I think the above is a large part of it.

And I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately for them when the kids are all grown up....assuming they weren't killed....they are asking the hard questions. These parents hide under a rock when confronted, they use every disability known to man. They disavow all knowledge...sort of like Mission Impossible.To all victims know you are not alone and that some of us are always watchful. And always here for you to vent and express yourself in everyway.
j2mirish said:
so it is just easier to kill, or leave them to die, than to explain? I myself can say without a doubt, I would feel much better about someone that gave a child up, than someone who is in prison, because they didnt.....left the baby to die instead...and that is always the case for people who committ these horrendous
criime..they werent thinking straight at the time, or they were afraid to tell...welll you know what-- there are many things i wish i would have thought about longer before i made the decisions i did--- but they weren't leaving a baby to die in a dumpster...I know we have beat this horse dead back and forth goody! I just get so tired of the "WHYS"----baby's being left in dumpsters do not get a reason for it...in my book-
There are reasons for everything. Even Hitler had reasons to do what he did. But reasons are not the same as excuses, even if they try to use them as excuses. All reasons do is explain why something happened the way it did. So don't get upset. If a young mother kills her newborn because she doesn't want a child growing up out there somewhere without her, it means nothing when it comes to prosecution and punishment. It just helps explain where their head was at when they committed the crime, and that might aid the jury in decided how harsh the punishment should be or which charges are more appropriate in the conviction. In this case, would probably show her to be extremely selfish, which definitely would not help her in the sentencing phase. See? Knowing the whys is not all bad. :woohoo:
concernedperson said:
And I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately for them when the kids are all grown up....assuming they weren't killed....they are asking the hard questions. These parents hide under a rock when confronted, they use every disability known to man. They disavow all knowledge...sort of like Mission Impossible.To all victims know you are not alone and that some of us are always watchful. And always here for you to vent and express yourself in everyway.
Very true, CP.

The ones who survive such attacks are often maimed for life. We had a girl in Nashville slice her newborn's throat. She survived but she is severly brain damaged and physically crippled. And Dee Laney's surviving son was blinded. And Let's not forget Diane Downs' surviving children. They were really messed up physically. The mental scars are a whole other matter, too, which I think is what you were referring to.
In 2012 she was released on the condition that she take her medication and have no contact with minors. Aaron, her surviving son was 10 years old in 2012 when she was released. He has permanent brain damage, has to wear diapers, and wear braces on his feet. Keith Laney has since remarried and is very concerned about her being released as especially since she was found "not guilty" so that she does not have a criminal record following her. Below is a link to two interviews that he did for the local tv station.

EXCLUSIVE: Father of children 'stoned to death' speaks
Actual court documents relating to Deanna Laney's release.


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