TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #49

I have not seen any confusion about the FBI information and have not seen it "hotly debated" on WS. There was no other person who was murdered that would account for the entry. Logic and process of elimination make it quite clear, in my opinion, which murder is for the gunshot data. A few people on WS not accepting the documentation, should see if they can find a murder, other than this one, that the gunshot information could apply to. No one, so far, has claimed on WS that that information is for a different, specific victim of a fatal gunshot. Also, please find the murder of MB on the database if you believe there was no firearm involved. MOO

I don’t really have a stock in this.

I just know I’ve seen a polarizing opinion about it on this board before.

I have also never seen a link or website to search values to check it out for myself.
On the issue of gunshot v. "puncture wounds": I recall the earlier discussion re the FBI database and I agree that information all but proves that Missy was shot. I also believe that everything we've heard indicates that the gun found at the scene was Missy's and was in her truck. JMO of course.

My question is this: is there any credible reported information to show that the crime involved other injuries besides the gunshot? IIRC the police said something like "puncture wounds consistent with the tools seen on the video" or similar so for a long time readers assumed she was assaulted with the hammer or prybar, until the gunshot info on the FBI database.

Can you remind me if there is any information to show that she was assaulted in this manner in addition to the gunshot? Or is the only official statement the ambiguous "puncture wounds" comment?
On the issue of gunshot v. "puncture wounds": I recall the earlier discussion re the FBI database and I agree that information all but proves that Missy was shot. I also believe that everything we've heard indicates that the gun found at the scene was Missy's and was in her truck. JMO of course.

My question is this: is there any credible reported information to show that the crime involved other injuries besides the gunshot? IIRC the police said something like "puncture wounds consistent with the tools seen on the video" or similar so for a long time readers assumed she was assaulted with the hammer or prybar, until the gunshot info on the FBI database.

Can you remind me if there is any information to show that she was assaulted in this manner in addition to the gunshot? Or is the only official statement the ambiguous "puncture wounds" comment?
Yesterday I saw a TV crime, and there was a PO fatal shot and when they found the victim, the colleagues said, the bullet had been removed from the wound. I remembered, that we assumed the same matter in case of Missy. Unfortunately, we don't know it until today. Maybe, maybe not.
New member here!

I was reading up on the Missy Bevers case this morning, came across this site, and decided to join.

The security footage at the church is quite interesting. At first I thought there's no way this was a targeted murder, because the person in the video is not "lying in wait." They're wandering around somewhat aimlessly, opening random doors, etc. He/she was simply burglarizing the place, and didn't expect to encounter someone at that time in the morning.

I then watched the security footage a few more times, and have now come to this conclusion: that's not a person burglarizing the place. That a person pretending to burglarizing the place. They knew there were camera everywhere, and was pretending to do "burglar stuff." A real burglar would have acted differently for a variety of reasons.

Here's what I think happened.

Someone wanted her dead. They knew the approximate time she would be showing up to the church on Monday morning. They put on a SWAT uniform for concealment and protection, then arrived at the church about 30 minutes before she would show up. They walked around, opening doors, smashing windows, going through filing cabinets, etc. to make it look like a burglary. (The video supports this, plus note that nothing was taken.) A few minutes before her anticipated arrival, the "burglar" goes to the front entrance and waits for her in hiding. They kill her a few minutes after she enters the church. It's also noteworthy that her jewelry wasn't taken.

Someone wanted her dead.
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New member here!

I was reading up on the Missy Bevers case this morning, came across this site, and decided to join.

The security footage at the church is quite interesting. At first I thought there's no way this was a targeted murder, because the person in the video is not "lying in wait." They're wandering around somewhat aimlessly, opening random doors, etc. He/she was simply burglarizing the place, and didn't expect to encounter someone at the time in the morning.

I then watched the security footage a few more times, and have now come to this conclusion: that's not a person burglarizing the place. That a person pretending to burglarizing the place. They knew there were camera everywhere, and was pretending to do "burglar stuff." A real burglar would have acted differently for a variety of reasons.

Here's what I think happened.

Someone wanted her dead. They knew the approximate time she would be showing up to the church on Monday morning. They put on a SWAT uniform for concealment and protection, then arrived at the church about 30 minutes before she would show up. They walked around, opening doors, smashing windows, going through filing cabinets, etc. to make it look like a burglary. (The video supports this, plus note that nothing was taken.) A few minutes before her anticipated arrival, the "burglar" goes to the front entrance and waits for her in hiding. They kill her a few minutes after she enters the church. It's also noteworthy that her jewelry wasn't taken.

Someone wanted her dead.
You are new to the thread (WELCOME!!), so what are you thinking about the surveillance video from SWFA in connection with the murder? :)
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New member here!

I was reading up on the Missy Bevers case this morning, came across this site, and decided to join.

The security footage at the church is quite interesting. At first I thought there's no way this was a targeted murder, because the person in the video is not "lying in wait." They're wandering around somewhat aimlessly, opening random doors, etc. He/she was simply burglarizing the place, and didn't expect to encounter someone at the time in the morning.

I then watched the security footage a few more times, and have now come to this conclusion: that's not a person burglarizing the place. That a person pretending to burglarizing the place. They knew there were camera everywhere, and was pretending to do "burglar stuff." A real burglar would have acted differently for a variety of reasons.

Here's what I think happened.

Someone wanted her dead. They knew the approximate time she would be showing up to the church on Monday morning. They put on a SWAT uniform for concealment and protection, then arrived at the church about 30 minutes before she would show up. They walked around, opening doors, smashing windows, going through filing cabinets, etc. to make it look like a burglary. (The video supports this, plus note that nothing was taken.) A few minutes before her anticipated arrival, the "burglar" goes to the front entrance and waits for her in hiding. They kill her a few minutes after she enters the church. It's also noteworthy that her jewelry wasn't taken.

Someone wanted her dead.
Reasonable synopsis.

I'm with you 100% -- I think the suspect was pretending to burglarize.

However..... I don't see how they could've anticipated she'd go in that far or that she'd be alone or even that it would be here. Could've been another exerciser.

I know I'm alone in this but I continue to ask -- what's the point of staging a burglary?

You are correct. A hit. As in "make it look like a burglary but make sure she's dead." That is a possibility.

I guess we have to ask: if she'd canceled on account of the weather, would she still be alive? Or was the "burglar" there for a different reason entirely?

Were they playing to the cameras?


How did they know (or did they know) the cameras didn't record audio?


You are new to the thread, so what are you thinking about the surveillance video from SWFA in connection with the murder? :)
Definitely suspicious. But am skeptical it is related to her murder.

Let's assume the "SWAT person" in the church was driving that car around the SWFA parking lot before the murder. Why would they do that? For what purpose? SWFA is closed. And (being a gun store with lots of alarms, safes, and cameras) I really doubt they were "casing it" in an attempt to break in to it.
what's the point of staging a burglary?

It was simply an attempt to throw of the detectives, and put more doubt and uncertainty into the equation.

If instead the cameras showed they broke into the church and waited in hiding near the entrance, the detectives would quickly (and correctly) assume it was a targeted murder, and thus focus only on the people who knew her. The murderer didn't want that, obviously. By staging a burglary, it opened up the possibility that it was not a targeted murder, thus taking some of the pressure off people who knew her. (And the murderer knew her. At least that's my theory.)

Real burglars don't wear SWAT gear with reflective lettering - they wear very dark clothing that allows them to be mobile and agile. They don't walk around slowly, looking in random rooms, and breaking glass for no reason. In this scenario, a real burglar would be very focused. They would quickly and quietly head straight to the office and look for money. That's it. What else would a burglar want in a church besides money?

That was no burglar. That was someone who did a poor job of pretending to be a burglar.
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I guess we have to ask: if she'd canceled on account of the weather, would she still be alive?
She had not canceled and she posted it on her Fb, that she would do so. Her clients relied on it and they appeared indeed.
If she had canceled due to bad weather: initially she would have continued to live. MOO

What, if BB's flight to its destination was postponed until the next day (and not just a few hours) due to bad weather?
I agree the SWAT guy appears bored and disinterested. They would be moving a heck of a lot faster through the church looking for stuff to steal if that was their goal.
My problem is all that seems so unnecessary if your goal is to kill her. Instead of a plan that involves wandering around a church that may have a security camera, dressed like a SWAT guy, biding your time…why not park in a spot where you can see her drive up, check to make sure no one is around, get out and shoot her.
I sometimes wonder if the SWAT guy is the actual killer.
I agree the SWAT guy appears bored and disinterested. They would be moving a heck of a lot faster through the church looking for stuff to steal if that was their goal.
My problem is all that seems so unnecessary if your goal is to kill her. Instead of a plan that involves wandering around a church that may have a security camera, dressed like a SWAT guy, biding your time…why not park in a spot where you can see her drive up, check to make sure no one is around, get out and shoot her.
I sometimes wonder if the SWAT guy is the actual killer.
most likely, IMO, yes. This is amateur hour and they wanted to make sure they were so disguised that no one would really know who they were on camera. The best way to do this is to really disguise yourself. And it's worked-MB murder is unsolved still. We don't even know if this person is male or female even-that's how good it worked.
It was simply an attempt to throw of the detectives, and put more doubt and uncertainty into the equation.

If instead the cameras showed they broke into the church and waited in hiding near the entrance, the detectives would quickly (and correctly) assume it was a targeted murder, and thus focus only on the people who knew her. The murderer didn't want that, obviously. By staging a burglary, it opened up the possibility that it was not a targeted murder, thus taking some of the pressure off people who knew her. (And the murderer knew her. At least that's my theory.)

Real burglars don't wear SWAT gear with reflective lettering - they wear very dark clothing that allows them to be mobile and agile. They don't walk around slowly, looking in random rooms, and breaking glass for no reason. In this scenario, a real burglar would be very focused. They would quickly and quietly head straight to the office and look for money. That's it. What else would a burglar want in a church besides money?

That was no burglar. That was someone who did a poor job of pretending to be a burglar.
I agree with you that this is most likely a staged burglary to cover up either knowing Missy Bevers or Creekside Church or both.

But the random burglary theorists make some good points. For example, how would the burglar know that Missy Bevers would be the first person to enter the church that morning? I would have expected a worker or pastor to be the first person, not someone who does even go to that church other than to run a fitness class there once a week. That question needs to be answered.

The reason I do not think this is a burglary is because of how I look at the evidence. Did the burglar drive completely around Creekside Church to make sure no one was there before parking?

But the number one reason I do not think this was a burglary is because the burglar does not appear on surveillance camera checking the doors outside the church and we know the southwest awning area had a surveillance camera outside the church where the Gladiator fitness people were trying to get in.

There are also the lack of raindrops on the helmet and the headlamp light not being on when the burglar exits the kitchen area. I guess it is possible the burglar found the interior light turning it on while then turning off the headlamp. I thought that was strange since I would assume the kitchen area room they broke into was dark and they would want to leave that room immediately to go to the hall unless they stayed in the kitchen area to search.

Why would a burglar break into a church without first checking if the doors are open, especially with the interior hallway lights on? And I do not believe at all that people driving by on that busy highway in the dark are going to even look or remember someone walking around the church. The church is far enough off the highway and it was dark outside.

There is always the possibility this is a very inexperienced burglar, but it looks to me like someone who tried to make a murder look like a burglary.
...how would the burglar know that Missy Bevers would be the first person to enter the church that morning? I would have expected a worker or pastor to be the first person, not someone who does even go to that church other than to run a fitness class there once a week. That question needs to be answered.
Her fitness class started at 5 AM, and the murderer knew she would have to arrive beforehand to set things up. The murderer also probably knew that nothing else was going on at the church at that time, and (correctly) assumed the pastor and church workers would show up much later.
Her fitness class started at 5 AM, and the murderer knew she would have to arrive beforehand to set things up. The murderer also probably knew that nothing else was going on at the church at that time, and (correctly) assumed the pastor and church workers would show up much later.
I haven't been following this case lately but I don't remember this being mentioned. The SWAT outfit hides the person's identity but also makes it hard for fingernails to get DNA evidence. May have helped prevent injury to the perpertrator, also. i think it had something to do with somebody wanting something that Missy had.
I haven't been following this case lately but I don't remember this being mentioned. The SWAT outfit hides the person's identity but also makes it hard for fingernails to get DNA evidence. May have helped prevent injury to the perpertrator, also. i think it had something to do with somebody wanting something that Missy had.
In addition, wearing a SWAT or police uniform could be advantageous if a person other than the intended victim approaches him. He will say he's a law enforcement officer, and is investigating a break-in at the church.
I haven't been following this case lately but I don't remember this being mentioned. The SWAT outfit hides the person's identity but also makes it hard for fingernails to get DNA evidence. May have helped prevent injury to the perpertrator, also. i think it had something to do with somebody wanting something that Missy had.
or wanting her dead
In addition, wearing a SWAT or police uniform could be advantageous if a person other than the intended victim approaches him. He will say he's a law enforcement officer, and is investigating a break-in at the church.

The head covering might have kept pepper spray out of the SWAT person's eyes. If a gladiator would have walked in and caught him, he could have said he was security guard with that outfit.

Dressed like that? Alone? Without a cop car lights going crazy in the parking lot?

I have found this theory absurd, and the only way I buy that the person wore and entire SWAT outfit to impersonate a cop is that the person wearing the gear is a little off their rocker and thinks it would work that way for them.

This was discussed a few threads back, and I can't see anyone with any sense at all thinking this would work, as well as anyone with any sense at all falling for the idea that the person in the outfit was really a cop.

I fully believe Missy was targeted and this was a well orchestrated plan, but this theory always makes me cringe really hard.

To me, this theory is just as cringey as thinking someone would be dressed from head to toe in a SWAT outfit at 4am to rob a church.

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