TX - Tynesha Stewart, 19, Houston, 15 March 2007

That's terrible.

We had an awful case here where a man murdered his wife and baby. He buried them in his backyard but then dug them up and put them out in the trash. He did not confess for several months after the crime, but the authorities searched day and night for weeks to find the bodies - despite the fact that tonnes and tonnes of rubbish had been added to the dump by then, and that they weren't looking for whole bodies - just bags of parts :( :( :( Members of the public even volunteered to help. And nobody whined about the cost. The public in general just wanted this mother and her gorgeous daughter found so they could be laid to rest with love; not to mention the fact that forensic evidence could also be obtained to strengthen the case against the husband.

They were successful in their search and Anna and Gracie were returned to their families to be interred with dignity.
:furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: This girl hasn't even been in the landfill as long as Lori Hacking OR Joanna Rogers, and they won't try????
WTF?????? That is sooooooo not right!!! I pray Texas Equusearch will be allowed to try to find it. They are so wonderful. If I was this mom I'd be absolutely beside myself and visiting lawyers!!! :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Me too!! I don't get this. He confessed and told them what he did with the body. The evidently believe him since he is charged and they think his confession is credible enough to get a conviction without a body. YET they don't think it is worth it to retrieve the body for investigation purposes, an autopsy or to give her body (and her family) the respect of haivng a proper burial instead of letting her decompose in a landfill.

Somehow I think if it was their child's dead body that was rotting in a landfill surrounded by trash after being stolen and murdered that they would think it was WORTH IT to try to retreive the body for a multitude of reasons. The first one being their sanity. I would go nuts if someone told me that my murdered child was in a landfill but it was going to be too big of a task to dig them out so it was OK to just leave them there and go on with my life. NO way.
Somehow I think if it was their child's dead body that was rotting in a landfill surrounded by trash after being stolen and murdered that they would think it was WORTH IT to try to retreive the body for a multitude of reasons. The first one being their sanity. I would go nuts if someone told me that my murdered child was in a landfill but it was going to be too big of a task to dig them out so it was OK to just leave them there and go on with my life. NO way.

Absolutely! None of those officials would let their OWN child remain in the county trash dump. Unbelievable.

Probably the only way to get them to do whatever it takes to find Tynesha is for the mother to raise holy hell about it in the media and not to let up about it.

Is there a place to write to this cruel and pathetic person who made this inhumane decision? I say we all bombard him with e-mails about other gruesome cases and how successful they were in returning the bodies to their families for a proper burial.
And ask him what value he places on lives of young persons with bright futures who are cruelly taken from this world and then dumped like garbage? What if that happened to one of his family members? He's just let them rot and decompose with a bunch of trash because it's too much work? Give me a break. That guy ought to be fired. :mad:

some important parts of this article...what a maniac. I'm sick to my stomach.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office reversed course Friday, agreeing to go ahead with a landfill excavation to find the body of Tynesha Stewart, even as investigators acknowledged "a good possibility" her suspected killer may have cut up her body and placed the remains in several garbage bins

There is a good possibility," Denholm said Friday as homicide detectives revealed more details about Shepherd's actions after Stewart's death — including the mysterious discovery of burnt meat at his apartment and a neighbor's report of smoke billowing from his patio the day after Stewart's disappearance,

They saw "burnt pieces of meat" on a tray on a kitchen counter and smoke still wafting from the kitchen and patio, Denholm said.
Shepherd told them he had burned some chicken on a grill, Denholm said. Days later, by the time investigators began questioning Shepherd about Stewart's disappearance, that grill had disappeared from the apartment, Denholm said.
In the bathroom, a deputy saw some kind of meat in the bathtub, which Shepherd said was chicken thawing.
"I've never heard of anyone thawing chickens in a bathtub," said Denholm.

Hours later, while in an interrogation room at the Harris County Sheriff's Homicide Division office, Shepherd tried to hang himself by wrapping his belt around his neck and tying it to a door handle, Denholm said. Detectives heard a "thump" and found him nearly unconscious before taking him to see a nurse, Denholm said.

With $500,000 in emergency funds approved Friday by Harris County Commissioners Court, a private contractor will be hired to excavate the 2- to 3-acre search area, moving 30,000 to 40,000 tons of waste from one area to another, so Texas EquuSearch volunteers can sift through the debris.
The search will begin some time next week. It will take three days to prepare the site and prepare the searchers, who must be inoculated, and about two weeks to complete the work, Denholm said.
Sheriff Tommy Thomas said he knew the department would be criticized for its initial decision not to conduct the search.
"I certainly knew there would be a backlash," Thomas said Friday.
Are we to presume, then, that the "chicken" wasn't really from a feathered animal that clucks?

Investigators say Timothy Wayne Shepherd, 27, confessed Wednesday to strangling Tynesha Stewart because he was angry she had begun a new relationship. Shepherd, who is charged with murder, is being held on $250,000 bond.

"We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and . . . he burned the body parts," Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said. "There are no remaining body parts."


Thomas said he knew, but could not disclose, that there were no body parts to find. He said investigators were unable to release that information to the public or to Stewart's family because of the investigation. Stewart's family has since been advised, and understands why there will be no search, Thomas said.


At least they weren't as heartless as first led to believe. This is just so horrible! This poor girl and her family...jeeze

Investigators say Timothy Wayne Shepherd, 27, confessed Wednesday to strangling Tynesha Stewart because he was angry she had begun a new relationship. Shepherd, who is charged with murder, is being held on $250,000 bond.

"We have determined through this investigation that the defendant dismembered Tynesha Stewart and . . . he burned the body parts," Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said. "There are no remaining body parts."


Thomas said he knew, but could not disclose, that there were no body parts to find. He said investigators were unable to release that information to the public or to Stewart's family because of the investigation. Stewart's family has since been advised, and understands why there will be no search, Thomas said.


At least they weren't as heartless as first led to believe. This is just so horrible! This poor girl and her family...jeeze

Gosh, how terrible!! :(
What that poor girl went through, and now her famly to have to hear this.

Prayers for her family. What they must be going through right now is hard to fathom.
I wonder how much of this story is fact and how much is fiction? Since when could you burn body parts on a bar- ba- que so well that there would be nothing but ashes left? Do you know how long it would take to burn a body little by little on a bar-ba-que? I just find that story really hard to believe.

The cops were in his place and saw pieces of meat laying around and even in the bathtub? He said the meat in the bathtub was a chicken defrosting? The cops questioned defrosting chicken in the bathtub but didn't check it out?
That just doesn't make sense. If a chicken was placed in the bathtub to defrost wouldn't it have looked like a chicken? Could the cops be that dumb?

He may have tried to burn her body on his porch but he would have been out there for days and days burning it and everyone in the neighborhood would have smelled burning flesh. I think he may have tried to burn it but ended up throwing it into garbage bags and into dumpsters. I'll bet her body is at the landfill just like he said in the first place.

Think of Steve Avery. He burned Teresa's body in a bonfire and LE still found bone fragments. There is just no way this guy is telling the truth or else LE is just jumping on the story so they don't have to search the landfill and spend all of that money.
It's not that easy to burn a body, from what I've read. I doubt very much if there's "nothing" to retrieve. I really do.
I guess there probably is something that might be retrieved, but I think they are going on the possibility of being able to find it.

Can you imagine having to test everything that looks like cooked or raw meat? Even small pieces? In a large area of the dump?

This is horrific, but at what point do you have to call it quits? I'm not saying I know where that line is, but I do know that when someone is lost at sea or in an explosion (or at Ground Zero, for example) or in an avalanche or whatever, sometimes the risk to searchers and the cost and the unliklihood of finding anything meaningful has to outweigh the slight chance of finding some small bit of a body.

If he really did cut her up into little pieces and then burn them, I can't imagine that there is any really good chance of finding even some of them. Remember how long it took to find Lori Hacking, and they didn't even find all of her? Or Laci? 5+ years later they are still finding parts at Ground Zero after months of exhaustive, around-the-clock searching and the entire city being aware of the possibility.

I feel so sorry for this Sherriff and the families, too. They were trying to spare everyone having these gruesome details being splashed all over the media, and it just had to come out so he didn't look like some heartless *advertiser censored*. What a nightmare. This is not his fault, it is Quannel's fault.
I think the police have recovered everything they are going to recover. Reading between the lines, I'm sure they recovered the "defrosting chicken" and what ever was remaining in the apartment. I don't think Shepard really disposed of anything in the trash. He may have said that to throw LE off in the investigation.

I am stunned at the $250,000 bail. Does this not seem incredibly low? Anyone who owns a house could come up with $250,000. He should not be given the option of bail, especially since he confessed and physical evidence was found in his apartment!!!!!

My prayers to the family also.

I am stunned at the $250,000 bail. Does this not seem incredibly low? Anyone who owns a house could come up with $250,000. He should not be given the option of bail, especially since he confessed and physical evidence was found in his apartment!!!!!

My prayers to the family also.


If I were him I would think carefully before ever posting a bond. If he was released, there would be no guards.

I will never understand the stupidity and depravity of some people. First he murdered someone he said he didn't want to lose. Then he dismembered her (which wouldn't be quick, and would have to be done with full knowledge of what he had done and who he was cutting up.)
But whatever made him think that he would get by with it? Did he not think that her family would notice that she was missing? Did he not think that the neighbors would notice the continual 'grilling' at his apartment- at a time when his girlfriend was missing? And he smelled that barbeque smoke for days- knowing who he had put on the grill.

And he continued to do it. It is beyond understanding.
Neighbors react to alleged slay-grilling

HOUSTON - For at least two days, neighbors at a city apartment complex noticed an acrid aroma, black smoke and leaping flames coming from two barbecue grills on the balcony of a second-floor apartment.

What, neighbors at the Red Oak Place apartments wondered, was going on in the unit where 27-year-old Timothy Wayne Shepherd lived? What was he burning at all hours, for days at a time? The answer turned their stomachs.

According to law enforcement officials, Shepherd dismembered, and then burned the body of his former girlfriend, Tynesha Stewart, a 19-year-old Texas A&M University student. Nothing remains of Stewart's body, Harris County Sheriff Tommy Thomas said at a press conference Saturday.

HOUSTON (AP) -- For at least two days, neighbors at a city apartment complex noticed an acrid aroma, black smoke and leaping flames coming from two barbecue grills on the balcony of a second-floor apartment.

from that article:
"Human remains generally require extremely high temperatures to destroy, and authorities have not said how it is possible that Stewart's remains could be completely burned on a patio grill."

How high does the temp have to be?
from that article:
"Human remains generally require extremely high temperatures to destroy, and authorities have not said how it is possible that Stewart's remains could be completely burned on a patio grill."

How high does the temp have to be?

I don't know about total destruction, I was just talking about enough to make it virtually impossible to find her remains in the dump. If he cut her up into small pieces beforehand, I think it would be an exercise in futility and solely for the purpose of making everyone feel as though they were doing something.

This is the same problem as in the Shannon Melendi case. He claims to have burned her in his back yard and, even after confessing, says there is nothing left of her. No one knows how this can be, but he has confessed to everything else.

Something just does not sound right here. One thing is the sheriff who, if I'm reading correctly, wasn't going to look in the dump for her in the first place. It's convenient for him to say that he knows there are no remains. Also, b/f was "interviewed several times" after she was reported missing (four days after she was last seen, I believe). Someone had called 911 because of the fire and smoke coming from his balcony. But I guess that was before anyone knew she was missing....what twisted sick person he is!
Something just does not sound right here. One thing is the sheriff who, if I'm reading correctly, wasn't going to look in the dump for her in the first place. It's convenient for him to say that he knows there are no remains. Also, b/f was "interviewed several times" after she was reported missing (four days after she was last seen, I believe). Someone had called 911 because of the fire and smoke coming from his balcony. But I guess that was before anyone knew she was missing....what twisted sick person he is!

When I first read the sheriff said that she had been burned up and there was nothing left to find, I was suspicious. But it was then that I started reading the neighbors accounts.
There may have been ashes, there may even have been small pieces. But they will be too small to locate in a dump search. I don't think they will ever find anything.
The firefighters and police officers who reported seeing burned 'meat' wouldn't have taken those items because he wasn't under arrest and they didn't have a search warrant at the time. I just wish they had gotten a warrant after seeing that.

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