UK UK - Fears of a serial killer in Manchester dumping in Canals

Would you have a link to that Ch 4 prog please dotr. Googled it but cannot find it tonight. TIA
In my opinion, the BBC News article explains it all. There is no serial killer, just some very dangerous paths and a lot of (drunk) young men who try to pee into the canal and fall in. It's very sad and the barriers around the canal need improving, but there's no serial killer. Manchester doesn't have an unusually high number of canal deaths for an area of its size. Most of the canal deaths can be easily explained. Even with the open verdicts, most of these were not suspicious. From the pictures you can see how dangerous is is. No barriers, no lighting, nothing to stop people losing their footing and falling.

Plus, well, it would be a pretty bad place to be a serial killer. Whilst it is very dark, most of the canal has properties overlooking it. It would be easy to get caught if there really was someone pushing this number of people in. Rumours of a serial killer, in my opinion, just make people paranoid. On the other hand, it has raised awareness of the issue and safety measures are trying to be introduced. And maybe it'll make some people less likely to walk by the canal alone, which means less accidents. That's at least one good thing to come from these rumours.

There's a saying in medicine: "When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras." Likewise, when you see tragic statistics, think accident before you jump all the way to 'serial killer'.

MOO of course.
In my opinion, the BBC News article explains it all. There is no serial killer, just some very dangerous paths and a lot of (drunk) young men who try to pee into the canal and fall in.

No Manchester Gay Killer and no Croydon Cat Killer. Yet people still insist on seeing serial killers where there aren't any. It's not helpful but it does tell us something about (a) society and (b) the psychology of many members of it.
In my opinion, the BBC News article explains it all. There is no serial killer, just some very dangerous paths and a lot of (drunk) young men who try to pee into the canal and fall in. It's very sad and the barriers around the canal need improving, but there's no serial killer. Manchester doesn't have an unusually high number of canal deaths for an area of its size. Most of the canal deaths can be easily explained. Even with the open verdicts, most of these were not suspicious. From the pictures you can see how dangerous is is. No barriers, no lighting, nothing to stop people losing their footing and falling.

Plus, well, it would be a pretty bad place to be a serial killer. Whilst it is very dark, most of the canal has properties overlooking it. It would be easy to get caught if there really was someone pushing this number of people in. Rumours of a serial killer, in my opinion, just make people paranoid. On the other hand, it has raised awareness of the issue and safety measures are trying to be introduced. And maybe it'll make some people less likely to walk by the canal alone, which means less accidents. That's at least one good thing to come from these rumours.

There's a saying in medicine: "When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras." Likewise, when you see tragic statistics, think accident before you jump all the way to 'serial killer'.

MOO of course.

All good points, and let's not forget that if there IS a serial killer he must have a 100% success rate otherwise there'd be dozens of reports by people who survived.

Case closed?
All good points, and let's not forget that if there IS a serial killer he must have a 100% success rate otherwise there'd be dozens of reports by people who survived.

Case closed?

It may only be one case of a survivor, however surely it cannot be ignored?

Cyclist almost drowns at hands of 'canal pusher' in Manchester | Daily Mail Online

'Manchester pusher' fears revived after man hurled into canal

Cyclist reignites fears of a 'Manchester canal pusher' serial killer | Metro News

Cyclist escapes drowning at hands of Manchester ‘canal pusher’
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One case of a cyclist being pushed in the canal does not a serial killer make.

I do agree, but it does show that there is at least one person who is psychotic enough to push someone in and to prevent them coming out.

Not saying it proves the rest of the 74 people were pushed in by this person, but what it does say is that there is someone who is happy to push people in and not let them get out.
I don't know what I believe however I do know that at least 3 of these cases deserve a deeper look.
I do think many fall in drunk or slip and can't get out, however it doesn't explain Souvik, Chris or David...all of which are odd.

Souvik being seen on cctv with someone else going down to the canal and one person coming back up from the canal.
Chris being seen on cctv walking sober and with purpose, not exactly drunkenly stumbling around.
David who's parents heard him scream and seem frightened before all contact was lost.

I think the police could very well be ignoring genuine murders because it's easier to rule it an accident.
We have a *really* abnormal amount of canal deaths here in Manchester which have led to rumours of a serial killer on the loose,Police were quick to quell rumours however I believe this was to prevent panic in the Manchester Communities,

There was a documentary sometime ago on this with an ex police officer investigating these "crimes" to which he come to the conclusion at the end that there was no such individual to blame for these deaths,but durng my own research ive spoken to a family member of a deceased man found in the canal on another forum where she said something along the lines of "Unfortunately for us we lost a family member in these circumstances,and because of this we were privy to a little more information than the general public,and let me tell you...they (police) are almost certainly holding information back on all these deaths".

Here is the documentary

Then there was a man named Reynard Sinaga who was a student who lived in Manchester City centre recently jailed for drugging and raping 48 males in his city centre flat,filming many of them,these are just the ones that came forward,ive long held a suspicion that this man and the bodies in the canals are somehow connected

The privileged background of Manchester student rapist who attacked hundreds

Theres at least one documentary that lends credence to this

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I still don't believe it. Just because one family you know said there's more to it doesn't really mean anything. An ex police officer with a huge amount of experience probably knows better than any of us.

Like I said in my previous comment, Manchester does not have an unusual amount of canal deaths for a city of its size. Especially considering how dangerous the canals are. The only reason it seems like a lot is because the media started to focus on it, because of these rumours.

I hate to repeat myself but the canals are dark, no barriers, narrow. They are very dangerous even when you're sober. We know from plenty of other cases across the world that it's very common for young men to seek out bodies of water to pee in when drunk. It would be very easy to lose your step there when drunk and fall in. As I also said previously, they'd be very bad places to kill someone. Most of the canal has properties overlooking them and it would be easy for such a person to get caught. And as previously said, if there really was a serial killer doing this, there would be survivors who managed to get themselves out and report being pushed. There's only one reported case of someone being pushed in, and that happened after all the hysteria - and he also wasn't very good at it, since the person didn't die. I'd suggest it was a copycat, who attacked because of all these perpetuated rumours, instead of having caused them.

Unfortunately a youtube documentary isn't evidence. There are some interesting points in it, but ultimately, nothing that can't be explained by all these deaths being tragic accidents. There's just no real evidence to the contrary. Pushing people into canals wasn't Sinaga's MO. An evil person, for sure, but there's nothing to suggest he's a serial killer.

All MOO.
I still don't believe it. Just because one family you know said there's more to it doesn't really mean anything. An ex police officer with a huge amount of experience probably knows better than any of us.

Like I said in my previous comment, Manchester does not have an unusual amount of canal deaths for a city of its size. Especially considering how dangerous the canals are. The only reason it seems like a lot is because the media started to focus on it, because of these rumours.

I hate to repeat myself but the canals are dark, no barriers, narrow. They are very dangerous even when you're sober. We know from plenty of other cases across the world that it's very common for young men to seek out bodies of water to pee in when drunk. It would be very easy to lose your step there when drunk and fall in. As I also said previously, they'd be very bad places to kill someone. Most of the canal has properties overlooking them and it would be easy for such a person to get caught. And as previously said, if there really was a serial killer doing this, there would be survivors who managed to get themselves out and report being pushed. There's only one reported case of someone being pushed in, and that happened after all the hysteria - and he also wasn't very good at it, since the person didn't die. I'd suggest it was a copycat, who attacked because of all these perpetuated rumours, instead of having caused them.

Unfortunately a youtube documentary isn't evidence. There are some interesting points in it, but ultimately, nothing that can't be explained by all these deaths being tragic accidents. There's just no real evidence to the contrary. Pushing people into canals wasn't Sinaga's MO. An evil person, for sure, but there's nothing to suggest he's a serial killer.

All MOO.

You dont have to believe it,but it doesnt make your opinion any less valid than mine,and i never claimed to know a family member of one of the deceased... you seem so insistent in the fact you believe you have all the answers that your incorrectly quoting things that i never wrote..

The fact that many of these canal deaths have all been deemed inconclusive and the fact that the very drug used by Sinaga isnt/wasnt/hasnt been looked for in toxicology tests on the deceased,and the fact that said drug can be out of your system in hours combined with the proximity Sinaga lived and worked to sections of the canal in the city centre makes for every possibility that Sinaga may have been responsible for some deaths,guess we'll never actually find out but i find it impossible that out of the hundreds he drugged there wasnt at least one fatality given the fact you only need a very small amount to achieve this.

Just out of curiosity you live in Manchester? i do and one thing i have noticed since Sinagas arrest coincidence or not is that there doesnt appear to be many bodies pulled from the canal in recent times.
I still don't believe it. Just because one family you know said there's more to it doesn't really mean anything. An ex police officer with a huge amount of experience probably knows better than any of us.

Like I said in my previous comment, Manchester does not have an unusual amount of canal deaths for a city of its size. Especially considering how dangerous the canals are. The only reason it seems like a lot is because the media started to focus on it, because of these rumours.

I hate to repeat myself but the canals are dark, no barriers, narrow. They are very dangerous even when you're sober. We know from plenty of other cases across the world that it's very common for young men to seek out bodies of water to pee in when drunk. It would be very easy to lose your step there when drunk and fall in. As I also said previously, they'd be very bad places to kill someone. Most of the canal has properties overlooking them and it would be easy for such a person to get caught. And as previously said, if there really was a serial killer doing this, there would be survivors who managed to get themselves out and report being pushed. There's only one reported case of someone being pushed in, and that happened after all the hysteria - and he also wasn't very good at it, since the person didn't die. I'd suggest it was a copycat, who attacked because of all these perpetuated rumours, instead of having caused them.

Unfortunately a youtube documentary isn't evidence. There are some interesting points in it, but ultimately, nothing that can't be explained by all these deaths being tragic accidents. There's just no real evidence to the contrary. Pushing people into canals wasn't Sinaga's MO. An evil person, for sure, but there's nothing to suggest he's a serial killer.

All MOO.

Never in my (almost) 50 years of life have I ever known any Male, young or old or drunk or stone cold sober to 'search out' a 'body of water' to pee in!!!! A tree? Yes, bushes? Yes, a wall or alleyway? Yes .. a body of water, to pee in never.
Never in my (almost) 50 years of life have I ever known any Male, young or old or drunk or stone cold sober to 'search out' a 'body of water' to pee in!!!! A tree? Yes, bushes? Yes, a wall or alleyway? Yes .. a body of water, to pee in never.

Careful,Marzipanda will disagree with you...
I strongly believe the police that she fell in the river, but does anybody think it is weird that this is theory exists and that Nicola Bulley disappeared in Lancashire, which is near Manchester? At the very least, do you think this urban legend contributed to the press coverage of the case?

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