Identified! VA - Annandale, WhtFem 245UFVA, ~60, 'NO CODE, DNR, No Penicillin', Dec'96

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A neonatal or children's ICU nurse who made a mistake and caused a baby's death?

A woman who lost contact with her own child and tried to reconnect by dying among children?

Something about her looks like teacher rather than nurse to me. But she could be almost any profession.
You don't get to this age without some type of friends, relationships, family and work past. I think if her face were put out there more someone would recognize her.
According to the Find A Grave website, this cemetery is ethnic & African American. There is a record on the website of the grave markers for the babies and they are mostly what I'd call, "foreign-sounding names" for lack of a better word. I think it's unlikely that any of the babies were blood related to the UID unless there was a mixed marriage in her family because this lady couldn't look any more Caucasian. Has anyone followed up on whether this could be Evelyn Piper? Someone mentioned her and I see a resemblance if the UID's hair was fluffed up.
I saw a creepy resemblance between Linda Carol Taylor and the depiction of the deceased. While Linda disappeared in 1983 and is listed a little tall and a little "lightweight" and a little young; for what its worth here is a link to Linda...
Sorry in my opinion there is no resemblance at all. I believe the woman found at the cemetery could be Puerto Rican.
Sorry in my opinion there is no resemblance at all. I believe the woman found at the cemetery could be Puerto Rican.

I have read through this entire thread and have seen you repeatedly state that you feel the woman is Puerto Rican. Can you please describe why you believe this, as she does not strike me as so? In fact, she reminds me of my grandmother, who was definitely not Puerto Rican. I am just curious.
It's tragic to think one can die in a cemetary and no one will ever coming looking. Geez...this case has bothered me for years. I wonder what her ethnicity is -- on another board, there was a sleuther who was convinced she was part African American. This is the first time I've heard Puerto Rican as being a possibility. I wish we knew for sure what her ancestry is. To me, she looked like someone who probably lived alone for many years, had a good job at one time, had no family (at least locally), and clearly had no friends who would miss her, because her picture was in the paper a lot at the time she was found. Wierd -- you'd think someone at the drycleaners, grocery store, bank, restaurant, gas station, doctor's office, hair salon, neighborhood would recognize her, but no -- apparently not. Just plain sad.
If this is the cemetery, I don't know whether I agree about it being a place that a traveller or drifter wouldn't find. It appears to be right on the Little River Parkway just off the Capital Beltway:,+Annandale,+VA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.902929,93.779297&ie=UTF8&hq=Pleasant+Valley+Memorial+Park,&hnear=Annandale,+Fairfax,+Virginia&ll=38.838371,-77.235786&spn=0.006418,0.011448&t=h&z=17

I notice there are several schools in the immediate area, too. Hmm.

She looks a lot like one of my junior high English teachers. Hm, wonder what ever became of her?
If this is the cemetery, I don't know whether I agree about it being a place that a traveller or drifter wouldn't find. It appears to be right on the Little River Parkway just off the Capital Beltway:,+Annandale,+VA&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=52.902929,93.779297&ie=UTF8&hq=Pleasant+Valley+Memorial+Park,&hnear=Annandale,+Fairfax,+Virginia&ll=38.838371,-77.235786&spn=0.006418,0.011448&t=h&z=17

I notice there are several schools in the immediate area, too. Hmm.

She looks a lot like one of my junior high English teachers. Hm, wonder what ever became of her?

You are correct about the location. I hadn't looked it up on a map, but knew location sounded familiar. This is on a very heavily traveled road and is directly across form a large community college. Wakefiled Chapel Road is also a very popular cut through from another major road to Little River Turnpike. I doubt that I can get there this week or this weekend, as I have family coming into town. It may be possible that I could go and take pictures of the area at some point, so that you all can get a better feel for the area.
I like this theory--maybe she was a nurse, and witnessed one of the babies deaths or something. Maybe we should research how the babies died that were close to her death date? Personally I think she looks European. She actually looks german to me. She has similar features to my own grandmother.
Something about the graves, or the location of where she was found keeps getting to me. I wonder if maybe she was a nurse who delivered babies? I don't know, just a theory I was thinking of. Maybe she had a particular love for babies. It's sad though.

With the DNR on the bracelet I wonder if maybe she was in the medical field and saw what trying to save a persons life looked like and decided that wasn't for her.

When I was looking at the Christmas tree I thought maybe there was a connection to children in that also. Maybe the two (location and tree) have something to do with each other. Maybe Christmas meant something to her as a child or with a child of her own.
The clothes were actually from Nordstrom. I agree with you--how did she get the tree to the cemetery? The one thing that nags at the back of my head is the typed note, not hand-written. I wonder if there is any chance at all that she was actually murdered, maybe by a husband, boyfriend, family member, or a stalker. With a typed note, there is no chance of handwriting comparison. I could be way off base, but I wonder if LE checked for fingerprints on the bag and tape, or did they just automatically rule suicide?
I wonder how she got to the cemetery and taking a tree at that?

Her clothes were possibly from Saks Fifth Avenue, so I don't think she was homeless, she had also drank brandy.

They said the cemetery wouldn't have been known to a drifter.

I find it ironic she listens to comedy tapes while she takes her life.
The clothes were actually from Nordstrom. I agree with you--how did she get the tree to the cemetery? The one thing that nags at the back of my head is the typed note, not hand-written. I wonder if there is any chance at all that she was actually murdered, maybe by a husband, boyfriend, family member, or a stalker. With a typed note, there is no chance of handwriting comparison. I could be way off base, but I wonder if LE checked for fingerprints on the bag and tape, or did they just automatically rule suicide?

According to the data, the tree is small, about 8" tall, and she had a backpack with her, so getting it there wasn't an issue.

The typed note makes sense if she didn't want to be identified. And even if she had handwritten it, there's nothing to compare the writing to.

Where did you see that the clothes are from Nortstrom? The Doenet entry suggests Saks. If it's Norstrom, that might be a clue -- they had only just begun to move into the east in 1996.
Back in the earlier remarks about this (entry #80) I indicated that I had researched and found that the clothes were a Nordstrom exclusive brand/label. I believe someone else also found them to be a Nordstrom exclusive label. Also, I used to do corporate travel for Nordstrom, and they were east and in the VA area by 1992-several years before she died. In entry #40, RMF contacted Nordstrom corporate, and they indicated that Nordstrom's were in the area for at least 20 yrs. (RMF called them in 2007.)

There was a bunch of research done on the cemetery and the items found with her back in 2007-although the juices are European, they can be purchased in the United States. The closest metro station is about 4 miles (I believe) so she would have had to walk a distance. Perhaps she was dropped off by a taxi or there is a bus stop near the cemetery. She had to get there some how.

A typed note just seems so odd. Where did she type it? She either had to live near by, where she had access to a typewriter, or she carried it with her from where ever, until she needed to use it? She has to be local, at least for a reasonable amount of time to understand the logistics of transportation to the cemetery. So if she was local-why did no one realize that she was missing?

Has anyone been in contact with LE personally for her? I would love to know if she was lying on someones grave, or the exact graves she was near. Those who have seen the post-mordem--is the artists rendering fairly accurate?

According to the data, the tree is small, about 8" tall, and she had a backpack with her, so getting it there wasn't an issue.

The typed note makes sense if she didn't want to be identified. And even if she had handwritten it, there's nothing to compare the writing to.

Where did you see that the clothes are from Nortstrom? The Doenet entry suggests Saks. If it's Norstrom, that might be a clue -- they had only just begun to move into the east in 1996.
I have read through this entire thread and have seen you repeatedly state that you feel the woman is Puerto Rican. Can you please describe why you believe this, as she does not strike me as so? In fact, she reminds me of my grandmother, who was definitely not Puerto Rican. I am just curious.
I think she looks Puerto Rican or even Swedish because of her skin color and her hair although I know she could have died it too. She did have expensive clothes on however she could have bought them at a second hand store too. I am German and personally do not see any resemblance to German people. She definitely knew what she was doing to keep someone from identifying her. Which also makes me think that she didn't want her friends and family to know what happened to her. She might have been mad or upset with them. I think there was a reason she chose that specific place to die. All of this is just my personal opinion. IF I lived close to that area I would take a picture of her to the places, schools, churches etc to see if anybody recognized her. I know her picture was in the newspaper but not everybody reads the paper especially if you are from a different country and don't know English very well Which could have been the situation in this case. :twocents:

The only problem that I see with Carmella is that it states that she had pierced ears, while the UIP wore clipon earrings, if I am not mistaken. However, depending on who is doing the reporting, they may have assumed that she had pierced ears based on the fact that she wore earrings, instead of knowing what type.

Both women had abdominal scars, though it does not indicate whether or not the UID had a hysterectomy.
I really did not read all of the posts. So pardon me if someone already stated my concerns. How does LE know that this woman committed suicide instead of being murdered. A DNR bracelet could have been put on her by someone else. The suicide note could have been written by someone else. Someone else could have suffocated her and placed her body in the cemetery. I do hope that they did an autopsy on her and considered that this woman might have been murdered.

IDK maybe I have read too many murder stories.

I am hoping that LE looked further into this case early on when they found her as now it is probably too late if she had been murdered.

Just my :twocents:
Back in the earlier remarks about this (entry #80) I indicated that I had researched and found that the clothes were a Nordstrom exclusive brand/label. I believe someone else also found them to be a Nordstrom exclusive label. Also, I used to do corporate travel for Nordstrom, and they were east and in the VA area by 1992-several years before she died. In entry #40, RMF contacted Nordstrom corporate, and they indicated that Nordstrom's were in the area for at least 20 yrs. (RMF called them in 2007.)

There was a bunch of research done on the cemetery and the items found with her back in 2007-although the juices are European, they can be purchased in the United States. The closest metro station is about 4 miles (I believe) so she would have had to walk a distance. Perhaps she was dropped off by a taxi or there is a bus stop near the cemetery. She had to get there some how.

A typed note just seems so odd. Where did she type it? She either had to live near by, where she had access to a typewriter, or she carried it with her from where ever, until she needed to use it? She has to be local, at least for a reasonable amount of time to understand the logistics of transportation to the cemetery. So if she was local-why did no one realize that she was missing?

Has anyone been in contact with LE personally for her? I would love to know if she was lying on someones grave, or the exact graves she was near. Those who have seen the post-mordem--is the artists rendering fairly accurate?

I'm sorry, I was thinking I was in a different thread. OMG, I feel like such a donkey's behind now...:blushing:
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