WA - Mackenzie Cowell, 17, Wenatchee, 9 Feb 2010 - #6

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I have been reading this forum for the past week or so. I never thought that I would post because I don't know that I have much to offer. But, I'm tired of being a lurker. So, here it goes. I apologize in advane for any mistakes I make!

For background, I grew up in Wenatchee, but haven't lived there for almost 20 years. I saw something on a friend's FB when MC was found and it caused me to look at the WW because I couldn't believe such a beautiful young girl would be murdered in Wenatchee. Then, I started reading some of the WW comments and ended up here. Boy, have I learned a lot about Wenatchee that has shocked me! When I lived there I don't remember there being any gangs and very little drug activity. But, maybe it was happening and I just didn't know? Regardless, I do have a few thoughts on what I've read.

~I don't think that WC could be involved. This is just because I am a mom and I truly don't think that a mom could not call 911 if her child was accidentally hurt and I don't think that a mom could intentionally hurt their own child unless they were very mentally instable. If WC was, I really think somebody on here would have mentioned something along those lines by now.

~I feel as if anyone else that has been mentioned on here could have possibly been involved, maybe even several of them. It does seem like there are several ties between JF and the R brothers in jail, as well as with JF's ex and the other murder that I just learned about on here that happened in the 90's. Plus, the info. about the R brothers potentially being tied to the woman found dead earlier in the year. It does all sound like too much to be conicidental. But, it is Wenatchee and it does seem like everyone is tied to everyone else in some way or another there.

~There are some things that have been mentioned, but dismissed (I think) that still bother me. One is the 911 call the night the car was found that came from Dan's foods. It seems odd that a girl would call and hang up on that night. Maybe it is common to have those types of calls, but it just bothers me. Leavenworth really isn't that far away. Another thing that has bothered me when reading some posts on here, but more so on the WW comments is the people that don't state this is my theory or I think, but rather state things as fact. Like, "when people find out who did this they are going to be shocked." How could somebody know that unless they know who did it? People have talked about getting goosebumps, that type of talk definitely gives me goosebumps. Am I alone in this?

Those are a few of my observations based on what I have read, not that it will probably help anyone.

I do have another question that I haven't seen asked at all and is probably way off the deep end. Please don't get mad at me!!
When I was in high school, there was some talk of satanic ritual stuff happening from time to time. I really don't know too much about it, it was probably just some sensational rumors. I also think that was more of a 80's-90's thing. But, I was wondering if it is possible that any of that type of thing has been talked about there at all recently? I am very out of the loop about these things, but I can't stop wondering about it. I think that it could potentially make sense with some of the rumors surrounding this case. It could explain the gang idea (or at least more than one person being involved); it could explain very specific (if they are important in some ritualistic way?), but quite geographically separated locations for her body and car to be found; it could explain the placement of her body at its location; but, what really got me thinking about it is that it could explain the rumors of disfigurement. Granted, none of those rumors are confirmed, but if they are all true, it could be an explanation for how they all fit togeher.

Okay, I think that is it for my first post. Thanks so much to all of you who are devoting so much time and energy to this. My prayers are with MC's family and everyone that is trying so hard to figure out what happened to her.
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And some of them may be Mackenzie's family members. If so...

I'd just like to express my condolences to you and wish you peace. I've never lost a loved one to the circumstances that you have, so I can only imagine how your hearts ache. I hope that the light of justice soon will shine on the dark souls who hurt your precious girl.

No family is perfect. No one can know what they would do, how they would react, if they had to walk the course that you're now being forced to walk. There's no set rules on how someone reacts to what happened to Mackenzie. All I can say is that you raised a beautiful girl who seemed to want to be a part of the world around her, who had dreams for the future and who actively pursued those aspirations.

Please know that so many people are thinking about you. And about your daughter. We hope that your questions are answered soon and that justice is meted out in a way that is most fitting to the person(s) who harmed your lovely girl.
My hearts and prayers go out to MC's acquaintances, friends, and family. No one can truly measure loss except by the hole left in one's absence.

As unique as our fingerprints, we all grieve in our own way. Let us not pass judgement on ANY of her family, immediate or extended thru relationships, in ANY way - innocent until proven guilty. More so, these people are in DEEP grief and by jabbing at them in their pain, is horrible to watch.

I am a mother of two teenage girls - if I learned my daughter was murdered, it would take every ounce of miraculous energy I had to even crawl out of bed to make it to her memorial and be a mom to my other child. Let alone make it to work. Half of me would die and the other half dragging that part around... it's awful to watch people picking at MC's loved ones so ruthlessly.

Emerald, I think the majority of us on here have the best intentions and do not mean to cause any unnecessary pain to the family. We are trying to explore every possible angle to try to put the pieces together of this crazy puzzle. I think we're frustrated with the lack of information and communication- from LE, from WC, etc. I do understand what you're saying, though, but I do think that people on this website are here to help.
Many bodies have never been recovered from the Columbia River at Crescent Bar as well. No other murders that I"m aware of, but drunk people have fallen off their boats and drown and were never found.

If they reeeally wanted the body not to be found, why not sink it or bury it? In the bushes with her feet showing sounds like either they want it to be found there in that spot, or they are in a hurry and panicked and not thinking clearly. I suppose you guys already covered this stuff before I got here.
The killer would have to be a damn fool to have the body in the Chelan area and then take it to CB to dump it. Many bodies have never been recovered from Lake Chelan's 1000+foot depths.

I agree. Lake Chelan would be by far the better, and easier choice, IMHO.

I think the killer wanted the body found, or is just an idiot. Maybe both. Which also makes me wonder how and when the body arrived at CB, not to mention why Crescent bar?

Here's a scenario (likely full of holes, but something to ponder): Much has been discussed about the possibility she was placed at CB and the perp(s) could have intended to pick her up by boat and transport her to another location or possibly dump the body in downriver.

- What if she was placed at CB by boat?
- What if she was taken to CB by boat and killed there?
- What if the tire marks were someone who came to pick up the body, but freaked out and took off before doing so?

There are numerous places where a boat could have launched, past Rock Island Dam, on the west side of the Columbia.

I wonder if there is any connection to any folks living out the Tarpiscan (West side of Columbia) that could have been involved? Hmmm...

Why anyone would do this is beyond my reasoning, but so too would be leaving the body and car where they were.
Thanks ajfa, howver I still hmm about the call. So I will go back to my orignal theory which I have yet to post, working on the pond angle and other stuff. The stuff on helpfindthemissing.org about JF and is very very interesting. Look at the pond pics from CB house and 18 n lindwood dr.

Hi All, I've been playing catch up pretty much all day. As soon as I think I've come to the last page, there are 2 more pages to catch up on...you all are are some great Sleuthers!! So now that I'm caught up I have a few things to comment on:

At this point I have no theories regarding anyone and I definitely do not have a POI in mind, but in reference to the pictures of the pond at CB and the "pond" at the house on 18 Lindwood...I have been to that house (18 Lindwood) and I can assure you there is NO pond in the backyard. There is a concrete slab (for lack of better words) that if IRC holds a basketball net. I'm not sure what it is in the picture that would create the look of the pond, but it is not there now nor has it been in the past 3yrs. Also, about the mention of the landscaping stones being similar, well, I could go over to my local hardware store and pick those up for my own yard right now. Honestly, things like that are pretty easy to come by.

Last, I remember reading a few posts back that someone asked if there was any reason to go up PCR other than if they lived there. I asked my husband who grew up there and he told me that people would go up that road to park there cars to go hunting. So IMO that might mean that someone who frequently hunted in that area would be familiar with it.
Who was smiling??? :rage: Were you at the funeral? I've been at funerals when very religious people sort of smile...
Nope wasn't at the funeral, just lookin at the pictures from the paper. And either way whether it was her real dad or her grandfather that drove her around it wasn't the mother that was going out of her way to do things for the daughter. A mother is always a mother. Therefore she is always with her kids.
i had posted back in thread 4 that someone i know had spoken with one of mc's relatives (unsure if it was from maternal or paternal side) the day before her body was found and said 'you know how these girls are nowadays, they meet someone online and run away with them' and then made some comment about girls being girls. the person who told me was absolutely appalled by the relatives attitude. i never said anything about tacoma....i hadn't heard anything about tacoma until a few posts ago. hope this clears a little something up.

Sorry I didn't mean to imply you mentioned Tacoma. Just the part about her possibly leaving with someone and as you say "girls being girls".
Thanks, Grey. I imagine they have had calls or else they have heard the rumors. I noticed that VDD has a hearing this week to have his '05 case redacted, so he must have received some negative attention as well.

Where did you find this info on VDD?
I wonder if and when the brothers were last in jail, previous to these dates?

I asked this before but haven't seen a response. Do we know they are brothers?

I stated previously that I have some personal knowledge of CR but not his family except for ex-wife and kids.
Originally Posted by Clueso View Post
Del Rio, do you know when that pond was built at the CB house?

I don't know if Del Rio has answered yet... but I know the pond has been there for 4-5+ years. I only recall this because I remember thinking it was a "pool" and thinking it was a cool "scenic" idea for a pool. Dumb me never thought of it as a pond... but anyway.............

I guess in regards to the alarm at the dad's family business.... perhaps we should look into if these alarms were frequent? Like if it was a business alarm system that went off frequently? Very very coincidental that it went off within hours of he disappearance, but, I guess it COULD happen.

Do we know anything about her father's family? We seemingly know so much about WC bf and her, but what about her dad's extended family.... uncles, cousins, etc. This is VERY far fetched, but could she be in line for some inheritance or something from the family business and getting her out of the way would help that? I think she was the only "daughter", was she a daddy's girl and possibly he spoiled her or whatever?

Also, I was the one that found the "missing" site, I am glad it has seemingly come in handy! Take care all!

I have been on that "missing site" but hadn't gone through all the pages. There have been so many links, but that one has turned out to be a very helpful one........so thank you, thank you, thank you!

And........no...........very little on Dad's side of the family.
If they reeeally wanted the body not to be found, why not sink it or bury it? In the bushes with her feet showing sounds like either they want it to be found there in that spot, or they are in a hurry and panicked and not thinking clearly. I suppose you guys already covered this stuff before I got here.

We did a little. I checked out the spot she was found yesterday and it was a very hidden spot yet it was very close to the river. I don't think her feet were showing. I think maybe a glimpse of some part of her may have been visible but I think the killer did not think anyone would be walking along the beach in the winter. My theory was that they put the body there until they could get their hands on a fishing boat the next day to "sink" her. :(
Another thing I don't think I would be smiling at a funeral. I think I would be balling my eyes out.

If I recall correctly, there was a private funeral with just the family on the day before the memorial service.

What you saw photos/video of was not the funeral. Had we seen what went on at the private funeral, I suspect that emotions would have been much different.
And some of them may be Mackenzie's family members. If so...

I'd just like to express my condolences to you and wish you peace. I've never lost a loved one to the circumstances that you have, so I can only imagine how your hearts ache. I hope that the light of justice soon will shine on the dark souls who hurt your precious girl.

No family is perfect. No one can know what they would do, how they would react, if they had to walk the course that you're now being forced to walk. There's no set rules on how someone reacts to what happened to Mackenzie. All I can say is that you raised a beautiful girl who seemed to want to be a part of the world around her, who had dreams for the future and who actively pursued those aspirations.

Please know that so many people are thinking about you. And about your daughter. We hope that your questions are answered soon and that justice is meted out in a way that is most fitting to the person(s) who harmed your lovely girl.

This was written so nicely. Thanks so much for saying this for all of us on here. I feel exactly the same way and I'm positive that everyone else does as well!!
If they reeeally wanted the body not to be found, why not sink it or bury it? In the bushes with her feet showing sounds like either they want it to be found there in that spot, or they are in a hurry and panicked and not thinking clearly. I suppose you guys already covered this stuff before I got here.

I agree.

I think that the body and the car were placed where they would be found for a reason. Would love to hear what the FBI profilers had to say about this.

Last, I remember reading a few posts back that someone asked if there was any reason to go up PCR other than if they lived there. I asked my husband who grew up there and he told me that people would go up that road to park there cars to go hunting. So IMO that might mean that someone who frequently hunted in that area would be familiar with it.

I drove up that road the other day and when we were at a very remote area getting ready to turn around, 2 cars drove by us and looked at us like "who the heck are you and what are you doing here??" My point to that was it seemed to me like just a few people were at the very top and they know the cars that frequent the area.
I have brought this up before and no one commented on it really. Could this route be possible instead of methow or squilchuck. We really dont know if LE have looked up there I have not heard it mentioned by anyone who may live on or abouts Western.
maybe del rio could answer this

From: [1000-2599] Pitcher Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA 98801 US
To: [1-10] N Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801 US

A) [1000-2599] Pitcher Canyon Rd, Wenatchee, WA 98801 US
1. Start out going WEST on PITCHER CANYON RD. (go 1.3 miles)
2. PITCHER CANYON RD becomes unnamed road. (go 0.8 miles)
3. Turn RIGHT. (go 2.1 miles)
4. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto STISS CANYON RD. (go 1.0 miles)
5. Turn RIGHT onto NUMBER 2 CANYON RD. (go 3.2 miles)
6. Turn SLIGHT LEFT onto S WESTERN AVE. (go 0.7 miles)
7. [1-10] N WESTERN AVE. (go 0.0 miles)
>> ESTIMATED TIME: 24 minutes | DISTANCE: 9.21 miles
B) [1-10] N Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801 US
>> TOTAL ESTIMATED TIME: 24 minutes | DISTANCE: 9.21 miles

To view your map, click on the link below or copy and paste it to your browser:
If they reeeally wanted the body not to be found, why not sink it or bury it? In the bushes with her feet showing sounds like either they want it to be found there in that spot, or they are in a hurry and panicked and not thinking clearly. I suppose you guys already covered this stuff before I got here.

It has been discussed. We just aren't sure. If it was really dark and they just couldn't tell or really weren't expecting people to be walking on the beach, since it's not really beach weather and it's not very walkable beach around there, etc. Also discussed the possibility that he tried to float her out into the river, but the current brought her back so just placed her body where he did to hide her until he could get a boat in there.......? So many questions.........
I agree.

I think that the body and the car were placed where they would be found for a reason. Would love to hear what the FBI profilers had to say about this.

I'm sure del rio and the other person who drove by as the LE found the body can confirm that it really does NOT appear that they wanted her body found. You have to go to this property before you can make a statement like this because it is like a jungle there. I will link these pictures again: http://www.kirotv.com/slideshow/news/22603743/detail.html

Pictures 2 and 3 are misleading because the body was found about 500 feet from here. Look at picture 5, behind the police in the thick brush is where her body was discovered. This beach is NOT an area frequented by people and I highly suspect the killer was very shocked her body was discovered so quickly.
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