WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #2

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Those are fantastic!

One question though, his eyes look asian now, is this something I missed earlier?
docwho3 said:
Here are some images of Lyle that Cold Case man wanted made available.
The actual credit for reworking the image goes to someone else which I am sure cold case man can explain better than I, and a good job was done as we can see. I did resize the image and file size to help avoid going over the bandwidth usage allowed in photobucket free accounts.




These last two have been made to show some added weight



Thanks!! :clap:
I like the weight you added on. When i first saw pics, i realized how skinny his neck was. This would have been him maybe 4-6 mos prior. Maybe the weight loss was intentional. Maybe he was fasting??
Who knows.
I'm still trying to get the birthdates on Eddie Sr's kids and grandkids. Without calling anyone, i've gotta rely on internet records but i've had some luck with that so far. So i keep on going...
wannabesleuthkk said:
I like the weight you added on. When i first saw pics, i realized how skinny his neck was. This would have been him maybe 4-6 mos prior. Maybe the weight loss was intentional. Maybe he was fasting??
Who knows.
I'm still trying to get the birthdates on Eddie Sr's kids and grandkids. Without calling anyone, i've gotta rely on internet records but i've had some luck with that so far. So i keep on going...
The weight addon was done by the person who made these pics. I resized the finished image. (Not arguing but I just wanted to be sure that I not take credit for someone elses fine work.)
gardenmom said:
Those are fantastic!

One question though, his eyes look asian now, is this something I missed earlier?
The pictures were created by David Morris, and I think he did a fantastic job. He widened the eyes a little, but they appear to be the same shape.
Hi GardenMom,

Hi sweetie. You're hooked! LOL Goodie Goodie ;)

I think his eyes look like that because these are taken from a dead man's photo and so his eyelids aren't open all of the way.i CCM opened his eyes by raising up the lids so he would look more real, or life like for photos to ID him.

Mr Morris did a stellar job. Thanks for bringing these here CCM and for your work Doc.

I wonder if Anthony is one of the grandchildren. If we saw all 17 together we would see resemblences between them and I wonder if Lyle would fit right into the group?

Wannabe, do you know how old Anthony is?

he's got a little data on him. I hope he can come up with a little more data and pics, cause a few of these boys have records.

wannabesleuthkk said:
he's got a little data on him. I hope he can come up with a little more data and pics, cause a few of these boys have records.

I should have answers and info Mon. or Tue. Hurry up and wait. Welcome to Investigations.
Thanks, CCM.
So far, all i've gathered is completely useless trivia. Any chance of getting more pics on anyone's DL ?
No biggy.
I did however see a picture of a Carl Black from Clallum Co who is Quileute. Very strong resemblance there too. I'll find the link later and post it. I'm fadin' won't be up til 5 tonite.
If i get anything more interesting than bowling averages I'll let you know. Anthony and a James H. bowl together in league.
Currently, i'm reading tombstones. Great fun.
Us Dept of Interior
Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians
Whereabouts Unknown People in the IIM system

Thanks LYMOM,
I did see that too but didn't really know what to make of it.
The more I read about the relationship between the Native Americans and our lovely fed gov, the more i understand what this is about. I read an article last night (2am) in the "wotanging Ikche" which is a newsletter type publishing for native americans. It mentioned the problem of some trustees who have been given monies meatn for the tribe that were not being distributed to the people it was meant for. This gov list you found is probably there list of people who still have the money and have not reported back to the DOI or accounted for the money. I did notice in an earlier search that there's an account in Clint Hobuckets name with Bank of America that has gone dormant or unclaimed. Clint is a name that keeps popping up like that.
I'm gonna keep goin on this lead and the mention of a James Charles in the obit of Eddie Jr. Hobucket.
just found this site i think i'll go read. Owlstar.com
+- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+
| Indian Pledge of Allegiance | The Indian Pledge of Alleg-
| | iance was first presented
| I pledge allegiance to my Tribe,| on 2 December '93 during the
| to the democratic principles | opening address of the Nat-
| of the Republic | ional Congress of American
| and to the individual freedoms | Indian Tribal-States Relat-
| borrowed from the Iroquois and | ions Panel in Reno, NV. NCAI
| Choctaw Confederacies, | plans distribution of the
| as incorporated in the United | Indian Pledge to all Indian
| States Constitution, | Nations.
| so that my forefathers |
| shall not have died in vain |
wannabesleuthkk said:
Thanks LYMOM,
I did see that too but didn't really know what to make of it.
The more I read about the relationship between the Native Americans and our lovely fed gov, the more i understand what this is about. I read an article last night (2am) in the "wotanging Ikche" which is a newsletter type publishing for native americans. It mentioned the problem of some trustees who have been given monies meatn for the tribe that were not being distributed to the people it was meant for. This gov list you found is probably there list of people who still have the money and have not reported back to the DOI or accounted for the money. I did notice in an earlier search that there's an account in Clint Hobuckets name with Bank of America that has gone dormant or unclaimed. Clint is a name that keeps popping up like that.
I'm gonna keep goin on this lead and the mention of a James Charles in the obit of Eddie Jr. Hobucket.
just found this site i think i'll go read. Owlstar.com
The Hobuckets sound like an interesting family

I guess it's better than saying they screwed like bunnies!

Iwas wondering if the number of children per generation in thie tribe has anything to do with the Catholicism that many have adopted. ya know,
no birth control? Or if it's just natural tribal tradition to have as many babies as the 'great spirit' gives them. Hmmm.....

back to research
The new digitally enhanced fotos are amazing ! It does seem to me that these pictures extend the range of ethnic possibilities for this man. To me he looks as if he could be of Middle Eastern ethnicity ...especially with the grey-green eyes. I live amongst many French Canadians here in the NE and he resembles this type of ethnic group also. He may very well be of Native American origin, but because of his eye color and height I think that there is a good possibility that he is of mixed Native American and European American parentage. Also, how widely distributed are these newer photos??? Do they go to missing persons bureaus in the various law enforcement agencies around the country? How could this group help with that distribution ? It seems to me that the more people who see these pictures the better chance of finding his identity and his family.
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