Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

I still think she should have adopted out the eight and her parents adopted the older six. Why doesn't she use her education to earn money.
OK,so where are octo and the kids now??? are they still in school?? have they been seen? where are they living?? I can't find anything on them...they seem to have just disappeared?
I'm not sure I buy that she didn't have money for rent..it seems she took the kids and ran off? perhaps out of fear of going to jail for welfare fraud??
and the kids were living in a mess before this..and no one in authority cared.so why NOW all of a sudden,do they make out like this is something new?? the first 2 houses they were in were much much worse (her mother's,then the one she bought).I recall a reporter saying it smelled of urine back then.and the kids were using their portable potties outside,when octo had only one working toilet.
SO it appears the gov't only gives a darn now that's it's about MONEY??? seriously???
kids live in filth and they only bother with them when notamom commits welfare fraud.
shows where the govt's priorities are..
This woman has been a train wreck since day one. Those poor kids aren't being raised up, they are being dragged around at the whim of their mom. She has no business raising kids and there is ample proof of her loony choices and her selfishness.
Where is she even living now? I can't believe there are people that would rent to her.
Any new news on octo and the kids? I've searched the net many times and can't find anything at all.I'm guessing whatever happened, (or maybe she's just being investigated for now (?) ),reporters aren't allowed to comment or do a story on her? news blackout?
Octomom Suleman charged with welfare fraud


Octomom has just been charged with 3 felony counts of welfare fraud and now faces more than 5 years in prison if convicted on all counts, TMZ has learned.


Wow, I was wondering why we hadn't heard from her recently. I guess she knew she was being investigated and tried to go on the down low. Usually being charged with welfare fraud means that she would be ineligible to receive it for a set period of time but it is obvious that the kids need it because their breeder/mom has no intention of ever becoming a productive citizen so I wonder how that will play out. Frankly, she needs to have the children removed from her care and placed with families who can give them a better life.
OK,so where are octo and the kids now??? are they still in school?? have they been seen? where are they living?? I can't find anything on them...they seem to have just disappeared?
I'm not sure I buy that she didn't have money for rent..it seems she took the kids and ran off? perhaps out of fear of going to jail for welfare fraud??
and the kids were living in a mess before this..and no one in authority cared.so why NOW all of a sudden,do they make out like this is something new?? the first 2 houses they were in were much much worse (her mother's,then the one she bought).I recall a reporter saying it smelled of urine back then.and the kids were using their portable potties outside,when octo had only one working toilet.
SO it appears the gov't only gives a darn now that's it's about MONEY??? seriously???
kids live in filth and they only bother with them when notamom commits welfare fraud.
shows where the govt's priorities are..


Thanks isn't enough for this. Those poor kids.
Poor kids, it's always them that end up paying the price. I'll keep my opinion of their Mother to myself, I'd be banned if I wrote it.
I've always thought it was WRONG that reportedly the taxpayers of the state of CA had to pony-up for the delivery medical bills to the tune of some $75k or more, as well as financial aid since. When I objected, ppl (not necessarily here on this forum) would say to me, "...but what about the children?"

My answer now is the same as it was back then: The children should have been removed from her home and placed in better environments (imo, adoption). No one person can provide for all the needs of 14 kids!

I foresee more critical negatives down the line, particularly as the 8 mature.

‘Who'd look after 14 kids? Me? It'd kill me’: Octomom’s 74-year-old mother reveals her fears as her daughter faces jail over welfare fraud - and her shock at learning she had stooped to doing *advertiser censored*"

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...oing-*advertiser censored*.html#ixzz2qUtRfXD7
Some people just should not breed. Unfortunately, they do not know who they are.
IMO, the doctor who implanted all of the embryos in Ms. Suleman should have some responsibility in this case. I know he lost his license, but who knows how much cash he had stashed. If he was medically liable for what he did, he should also be financially liable. Seems obvious that this mother has mental problems and she probably had them when this doctor performed procedures on her. Who knows what kind of carp he fed her about fame
and fortune while she was vulnerable. I don't agree with what she did, allowing the doc to impregnate her with so many embryos, but I do think he should be held financially responsible.

Has there ever been info in the press as to whether she paid the doc for services?

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