Zahra Baker's Biological Mother

I'm so happy to be reading this,aww bless her having to go in that house..I wish it was to have taken Zarah home alive instead,but that wasn't to be sadly..x
WOW! I just found this post!!! Wow...that goes against KB's story...unless EB lied about exactly where they were....but it would not have been to difficult to find out based upon her online conversations!
Omg my minds racing here,I'm in overload,and I'll keep what I'm thinking to myself,but it does sum up what I read in a comment before..:(
This is another point that I think people need to consider. ED was notified that Zahra was terminally ill.

Think for a moment if you did not have custody of your child but found out they were TERMINAL. Would you be content to sit with medical records and the knowledge that a grandmother was taking care of them.

I for one would NOT .... and I'd go to JAIL if I had to in trying to gain access to my baby. There is NOTHING that could stop me... not money, not other children, not a new husband .... I'd be relentless until I was able to be by my child's side.
I did wonder if ED knew her baby had been ill with the cancer, so so tragic..x
Ya know Pondering Mind - I am feeling so hopeless about this whole situation. The internet isn't new! These connections have been available for years - I fully believe ED did her best and someone along the way could have helped her out - like with your ex and mine - their information is available -

AB was also allowed to get away with his bad behavior by moving Zahra around. Was that ever in Zahra's best interest? I'd have to say NO! And somehow I doubt if AB is ever going to face the ultimate sanctions for what he caused and allowed to happen to his daughter.
I'm shocked and disappointed he wasn't charged with neglect, he should have had jail time for that, he was trusted to look after Zarah cause her Mum knew she couldn't,and he let Zarah down her Mum down and all who knew and loved her,even strangers including me have been affected by the loss of this beautiful kind,courageous, strong girl,I get tearful every time I think or read about her...
I'm also really upset he got Zarahs remains,I hoped they'd get together on this for Zarah to have all her important people together at the end for her,but i now know that wasn't the case, god bless you Zarah..x
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BBM - Doesn't it just feel like this wasn't the case?

I'd be willing to bet Zahra was told 'your mum doesn't want you' and I'll bet she regularly heard why from EB.

The "reported" comments between KB and ED on the now deleted FB/MS accts makes me think KB was no help to Zahra in this regard. Poor, sweet child.
I thought same thing,what is Zarah being told, especially when the letter she wrote to her friend,was never sent to him.
Johnathan and her family never heard from her,and poor Zarah must have wondered why she hadn't heard from them,I wondered was she stopped from calling them on the phone or by internet,totally dependent on the adults in her care,and they let her down...
No wonder she couldn't find Zarah,such long distances from her Mum
This is another point that I think people need to consider. ED was notified that Zahra was terminally ill.

Think for a moment if you did not have custody of your child but found out they were TERMINAL. Would you be content to sit with medical records and the knowledge that a grandmother was taking care of them.

I for one would NOT .... and I'd go to JAIL if I had to in trying to gain access to my baby. There is NOTHING that could stop me... not money, not other children, not a new husband .... I'd be relentless until I was able to be by my child's side.
How was it found out that ED had been contacted about Zarah having cancer, because if this is true, I can understand KB being uncooperative now,as she was looking after her right through all her treatment and recovery,so iIcan understand her frustration,and worry, hope it's not true and she didn't know...
The lady LW I think her name is who Zarah impressed in the hospital,I wondered how she's doing also,if someone could let me know she's ok also,I will be grateful.
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I have two questions that are nagging at me about Zahra's situation in Australia after seeing all of her mum's media....

Her mother said that she was grateful to KB for helping to make sure her daughter was healthy and safe (I'm paraphrasing --- can't remember if I saw this on one of the edits of mum's interviews or on her HM postings?), but do we know if KB made every move that AB did? Not trying to sleuth KB because I feel she's a victim here too, but just trying to shed some light on whether AB was Zahra's primary caregiver at most points or had KB helping him the whole time until the move to the US.

Also, what was Zahra being told about her mum? She must have asked. Did AB leave her out of the family drama and tell her the sort-of-truth, "your mum loves you but she can't take care of you right now," or did he use it as an instrument of emotional abuse by saying "your mum doesn't love you or want you," or worse "your mum is dead" ??

Maybe there's not an answer to either, but just wondering if any of you awesome sleuthers have come across anything. Thanks.
Interesting questions...

Did you find out your answers,as curious to know,as I'm only recently finding out about Zara,so it's all raw for me..x
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We're on the same page yet again, TL. My personal view is that we know absolutely nothing about the circurstances surrounding either ED or KB. I can see quite plainly that ED is mourning this child. I know that KB took an active interest in this child's life, when she was able to do so. I see absolutely NO reason to try to dig up dirt on either of these women, and try to place any blame on their shoulders what so ever. THEY are not the reason we are all in here trying to find a precious child. That responsibility stops right at her father and step mother's door.

I agree..
ED & KB are not to blame....

Only two people are,and I don't even want to put their initials
Just makes me so sad and upset,all that distance away from her Mum,and then taken to USA..
Awe bless her,I so wish that she'd stayed in Australia

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