Zimmerman Real Time Trial Thread Only 06/25/2013

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We understand his dad has left the courtroom.


After he was pronounced dead, I put an emergency blanket over his body. For one it was respect for the deceased, second to mitigate trauma to family should the arrive on scene, third to preserve physical evidence - it was still raining at the time.

Did you move any evidence to your knowledge when you placed the blanket? Not to my knowledge.

Did you collect any evidence at the scene yourself? No, it's not my job Sir.

State's exhibit 20, do you recognize that? /Yes sir that's Mr Martin's body. (graphic photo)

Is that the way he appeared after he was pronounced dead? Yes Sir.

Your honor I'm circling an object, what is that? A CPR mask. IS that a mask you referred to earlier that you were provided when performing CPR? Yes.

Do you recognize this? Yes, Trayvon Martin closeup, particularly his face.

Do you recognize this? Yes. It's a gunshot wound Sir.

And this? (long pause) it's definitely a picture of ? sir, it looks like the orientation is south sir.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
She is now matching up the drawing/diagram with actual crime scene photos of the items she identified.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
These past two witnesses depicting crime scene photos of #TrayvonMartin body seem to be hard for a few jurors to watch. #Zimmerman

Then a full diagram of that section of apts. is shown.

Now having the witness ID items of evidence she retrieved and showing to the jury.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Jury is being shown actual physical items collected at scene. #Zimmerman flashlight. #TrayvonMartin cell phone, Arizona tea can, etc.

Witness found shell case after Trayvon's body was removed; found with metal detector.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Jury is also shown bullet shell casing found at the scene. #Zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Other items include money from #TrayvonMartin pocket, headphones.

Asking her about any blood found except that on the body. None found at scene or anywhere else.

Defendant not still at scene when she arrived. She first saw him at police station. Did not have him clean up before taking his picture.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Says she photographed #Zimmerman "as he was."

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Smith says she also took photos of #Zimmerman as well at police station.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 51s
Photos shown of #Zimmerman close up don't show him with much blood on his face, but do depict w/ cuts on back of head with some blood

She got clothes from defendant and put in packaged, put in evidence.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Smith also collected #Zimmerman clothes as well. The jury is being shown his actual clothes from that night now.

She also processed GZs firearm, got it from LE, it was unloaded at that time. She processed the gun for touch DNA and latents prints and holster. Collected 3 swabs from gun and 1 from hoster.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Smith is holding up gun for the jury now.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Smith also processed #Zimmerman's gun into evidence. She is identifying #Zimmerman gun and holster.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Smith testifies that she swabbed both the gun and holster for touch DNA

Asking her about procedures of swabbing and how it is handled and preserved.
Prosecution done with Officer Smith. Court taking a 15 minute break. Make that 20 minutes due to a request by Defense.
Witness says after she processes evidence, is not her job to analyze it, she turns over to another agency, such as FDLE.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Smith also checked the gun for latent prints.

She took DNA swabs from Skittles and flashlight. She also got evidence from medical examiner to process, watch and got fingernail scrapings from TM, bullet from his body.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 11m
Smith also checked #TrayvonMartin hands and fingernails for DNA

Diagram of scene she turned over to LE.

Smith is dismissed and go to recess.

Bill Schaefer...all of jury very attentive and taking notes, one juror is taking copious notes..
Diana Smith is back being cross examined by Atty West for the Defense. He seems to want to know the exact distance between items marked at the crimescene.
Is the feed down for anyone? I tried two sites and I cannot access the feed.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Back in session. Defense attorney Don West is cross examining crime scene technician Smith now.

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The tech says the key chain flashlight was on when she got there. She assumed it was not tampered with. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The tech's husband Officer Tim Smith was first on the scene. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The tech says she can't even guess the distance. But FDLE did a computer model of it. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The crime scene tech did not measure the distance between #Zimmermanon9 's keys and Martin's body.

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Actually she is not an officer. Diana Smith is married to an officer who showed up on scene that night. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Judge is back. Jury is on the way for defense cross examination of the crime scene tech, #Zimmermanon9

West asking her questions about how evidence was handled, if she had any reason to think it had been contaminated before she arrived: no.

She mentioned repackaging, did she do this to GZs clothing, no. Only the FDLE card (?).

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
#TrayvonMartin's father Tracy Martin is back in the courtroom. Mother Sybrina Fulton is not.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Smith says her police officer husband Tim Smith was the first responding officer on scene.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Smith says she has no reason to believe anyone tampered with evidence.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 10m
Smith says she took measurements of the crime scene the night of the shooting. #Zimmerman

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Smith testifies that she didn't detect any blood on the sidewalk through her crime scene investigation. #zimmermantrial
Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 6m
Smith says she thinks the only thing that had been moved since shooting when she arrived was iced tea can and Trayvon's body.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
West asks to display the pants #TrayvonMartin was wearing night he was killed to the jury. Does w/ help from De la Rionda.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Smith testifies that she didn't detect any blood on the sidewalk through her crime scene investigation. #zimmermantrial

Asking her about touch DNA and how it would be affected if somebody else wiped it or touched the item.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Smith says she did one touch DNA swab each on Skittles and flashlight at scene. Says she did multiple on gun/holster.

Asking about her taking photos of GZ at police station. Time after 11:15pm that night. Does not know if he had been allowed to clean up before then.

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3m
Smith also says it's possible for someone to touch something, but not leave DNA behind. #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Smith says she doesn't do touch DNA analysis herself. Says its "possible" for touch DNA cells can be accidentally wiped off.
West asking her about pictures of GZ and if she saw the blood and lumps on his head, and other injuries, and if she saw them that night: yes.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
West is displaying photos Smith took of #Zimmerman and pointing out each of his cuts and bruises visible in photos.

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 4m
West: #GeorgeZimmerman allowed to clean himself up before your pics? Smith: "That I don't know about." #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Now Guy redirect: asking her about taking evidence off TMs body. She took items from ME at scene. He asked if ME has possession of the body and she said yes, reason she did not take items first. She also got TMs clothing.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
West is done. Prosecutor Guy is doing redirect examination.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Just a reminder the photos on question/on display are photos Smith took at police station hours after shooting. #Zimmermann

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Guy is showing jury #TrayvonMartin's clothes, including the hoodie he was wearing the night he was killed.

Witness confirms these are clothes she collected.

Asking her about time she took pictures of GZ at PO. Asking about search for blood on sidewalk at scene, she used flashlight and did not see any blood. Asks her about gray discoloration on bag found on TM.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Smith testifies that she didn't see not was she notified if any blood found on the sidewalk by any investigating officers.

No recross...she is dismissed.
Prosecutor de la Rionda (sp) questioning witness.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Next is state witness Selene Bahadoor, works at a hospital.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Bahadoor was living with sister an niece at condo complex night of shooting.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 57s
Bahadoor says it was dark and raining intermittently night if shooting.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 54s
Says she heard noise that "sounded like 'no' or 'ooh'". Also heard what sounded like running on the pathway behind her town home.

Witness said she could not see from kitchen and moved to sliding door to see. Individuals were in standing positions on the pathway. 2 people. only took her 15 sec. to move. noise continued, couldn't make out any words, just heard what sounded like 'noo'. She went back to kit. and turned off stove, heard a shot, then returned. Saw a body in the grass, didn't see anybody else.

2 other people also looking out, one on porch, a man, he said 'what is going on, need to call the cops', he went back inside.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Said she ran to turn off stove in the kitchen and returned to see someone "laying in the grass".

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Bahadoor: "I just heard what sounded like 'No'".

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Said she couldn't make out the figures.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
She Saw figures "and what looked like arms "flailing."

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Said she looked out the window but had obstructed view. Said moved to look out sliding glass door. ".

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 11m
Says she heard noise that "sounded like 'no' or 'ooh'". Also heard what sounded like running on the pathway behind her town home.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Prosecutor De la Rionda is showing Bahadoor a map/diagram of the town home complex, getting her to ID her home/vantage point.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Bahadoor says she heard shot as she went to turn her stove off.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 10m
Said she ran to turn off stove in the kitchen and returned to see someone "laying in the grass".

OM doing cross..asking her about going over her testimony before with state. She says given in 2/04 and was transcribed, not a tape. Asked about her hearing noise that went from left to right.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Bahadoor says she gave her initial statement to investigators in Feb 2004

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3m
O'Mara: Last person who talked to you before testimony? Bahadoor: T.C. Osteen, state investigator, last wk. #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Prosecutor is done questioning Bahadoor. OMara is cross examining her now.

Bill Schaefer says defense needs to discredit her testimony since contradicts with defense theory.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
O'Mara says they are looking for an exact transcript of her 2012 interview with investigator Serino.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Bahadoor: "I believe I mentioned the noise. I'm not sure if I told him the direction."

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Sidebar over

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Correction on this tweet: @khightower: Bahadoor says she gave her initial statement to investigators in Feb 2012

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Attorneys are at sidebar after prosecution objection.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
O'Mara says that she never told lead investigator Chris Serino about those running sounds.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
O'Mara us attacking what he seems to say is new statement today that she heard noise that sounded like running behind town home.

OM keeps asking her who she first told the movement was 'left to right'...asked her was it today in court? She is confused now with all the different dates of statements he has brought up.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Reading her deposition, Bahadoor says she mentioned running sound, but not that it was "left to right.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Bahadoor says she didn't mention in interview in Serino about the running noise.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Says she's met with state attorneys office 2-3 times to discuss her upcoming testimony.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Apparently Bahadoor didn't mention noise in her deposition either. O'Mara seems agitated.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 10m
Bahadoor says she can't remember if today was first time today that she mentioned left to right running noise behind her home.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
O'Mara has her looking through her deposition to see if she mentioned left to right movement in there.

She says the first person she told about the left to right was her sister after the incident.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 28s
Bahadoor: "I know I must have mentioned it. It's just not in the transcript."

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Bahadoor says after reading transcript that she can't find where she mentioned "left to right" movement sound.

OM seems calmer now...asking if her sister told her she didn't see anything but would say she did...Objection as hearsay...sustained.
is there a thread for the trial that isn't all tweets? I find those posts so hard to read.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Says the opportunity never presented itself to "like" #Zimmermann Facebook page.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
She says she felt sympathy for both #TrayvonMartin and #Zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Bahadoor says "probably yes" to question if she "liked" #justicefortrayvon page on Facebook.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
If you're confused about why the left to right movement is important, it would place #Zimmerman way down sidewalk/confronting #trayvon
is there a thread for the trial that isn't all tweets? I find those posts so hard to read.

yes, there is - it stays open during the trial day and closes in the late evenings so mods can rest. This thread is stricty court goings on, without any commentary. Just search Zimmerman and I bet you will find the current discussion thread. =)

And on that note, thank you Reader, IB Nora and others for posting the tweets. You are awesome and diligent and personally, I appreciate the work you are doing. This is a trial that is just far too emotional to watch or comment on.
Its over for the day. It was very wordy today. Too much for my little brain to synthesize and make into posts here. And, I am not a transcriber. But, I appreciate everyone's inputs including the tweets even though I agree they are hard to read sometimes.

The witness Selena B. (not sure of her last name but she lived on Retreat View Circle last year with her sister and her niece and offered ear testimony which was good) was interesting. O'Mara really tried to slice and dice her. Not sure he was successful.

Look at other reports to see what she had to say.
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