Zimmerman Real Time Trial Thread Only *NO DISCUSSION* 06/27/2013

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Bill S. thinks in fairness, thinks judge is going to make sure the full exchange on tape is heard. Waiting for judge to make a decision on what to do. Court wants the jury to have full information, prosecution does not want it heard in full because of other things said in interview.

Jury coming back. Court in session again. West says they are going to play the tape again, and asks witness to listen and tell what she said.

I could hear a little bit, like get off, pros. asks who said that, she says I could hear Trayvon, [that's what I heard] de la Rionda goes on to clarify that she is certain it was TM saying 'get off'.

West asks about the headphone being off, she had trouble hearing him but he repeats that she said, I could hear it was Trayvon, she agrees. Then the phone cut off, hit the grass, she was calling his name but phone cut off, ended.

He goes over again, asks her about hearing grass, she says no I heard somebody hitting someone. She sounds like crying.

Asks what does grass sound like? she answers like someone rolling on the grass, asks again, objection, judge next question, she has answered.
FL Courts 18 ‏@PIOFLCourts18 21m
State vs Zimmerman
Judge plans to have July 4 off and return to court on July 5. Court schedule is subject to change.
Stay posted.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 5m
West asking whether Jeantel said she "couldn't hear" Trayvon. She says no, I said I "could hear" Trayvon saying "get off."
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 7m
Jeantel: Not easy to hear "get off, get off," but "it sounds like his voice." Says "I could hear it was" #TrayvonMartin. #GeorgeZimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 8m
Jeantel: "it sounded like his voice." B51 nods head up and down - and takes notes.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 12m
Jury is back and West will play part of Jeantel's interview with state attorneys in April 2012.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Corey Dade Corey Dade ‏@CoreyDade 14m
Jeantel looking stressed. Covered face w hand when audio of her depo played. #Trayvon #Zimmerman #GZtrial
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower
Out of sidebar.

Attorneys discussing things with each other.

George appears to be falling asleep. Camera shifts off him. (He might have been writing or reading something in his lap because he jumps up when Judge asks for Jury to come back)

Judge asks for a copy of one of the transcripts.

Judge asks for Jury to come back.

Waiting for Jury to come.

Bailiff: "Jurors are present."

Please be seated, Mr West you may proceed.

Ms Jeantel, we are going to play part of the recording we are talking about. If you will listen, I would like to ask you about.

Recording: "Yeah I could hear it, "get off, get off, then the phone hung up"."

She tells West: "I could hear it was Trayvon, that's why I was calling his name."

Phone not cut off, headphones fell off

She says in recording: Bernie: so the last thing you heard was a noise like someone hitting someone? Yes.

Now talking about the sound of wet grass. West wants to know what she heard that makes her form the opinion about wet grass.

He more than anything is leading and distorting her statements.

He is challenging her about what 'get off' meant, or if she even heard it. She says, I did hear it.

West: You were in the bathroom?
R: Yes, sir.
West: Was the water running?
R: No sir.
West: Why not?
R: Why leave the water on when I don't need the water.

West suggesting she was not paying acute attention the whole time of the phone calls.

West suggests that Trayvon didn't want her to know that he was about to assault George.

Rachel: "That's real retarded, Sir."

West says 'she wasn't worried because she thought it was just a fight, and that it was just a fight that Trayvon Martin started?'
Rachel: No sir.

Rachel: "Could hear the wind, thats how I know Trayvon was still walking, (West: as opposed to hiding?) Yes, sir."

West: You believe at that point the Trayvon Martin APPROACHED the man, and asked 'why are you following me?' Rachel: No, sir.

She says Trayvon could see the man again and that the man was behind him. Close.

Rachel: "Trayvon would have told me he would call me back if he was going to approach the man, sir."

"The dude was close, the man was close to him, sir."

"A bump, sir." (Not Trayvon hitting someone as West said)

West again says that she knew that Trayvon was planning to start a fight. Rachel: No, sir.

Rachel: "No sir, he would not allow me on the phone with him if he was about to have a fight."

West says something.
Bernie: Speaking objection. Counsel please approach.

West implying that she has added to statement, after she said the phone cut off when she stated had heard someone hitting someone, she has now added info. about hearing 'get off' and hearing someone rolling on grass.

Tells her she didn't say anything because she knew TM started the fight, no.

Asking her about when TM says he sees the man again, he approached the man and asked why you following me? no

TM told her the man was behind him. West says if TM was hiding, no..

West trying to get her to say, that Trayvon was in hiding, that he approached the man and started the confrontation, no

He said she didn't do anything to help TM because she thought it was just a fight, she says she tried to call back and texted.

She says if he was going to confront the man he would have told her, but he did not tell her that, he was just trying to get home.

Sidebar....Bill S....at some point a lawyer needs to know when to stop and that he is raising sympathy for the witness. thinks West has gotten everything he can. He is trying to get her to say Trayvon laid in wait for GZ and attacked him. Now is argumentative, he has kept witness up on stand to point that he is confusing her, time to stop now.
12:24 PM EDT

Out of sidebar.

West: In any event, you thought it was just a fight.
Rachel: I did, sir.

In April 2nd intvu with Bernie:
Rachel asks for a copy but West wants to set the stage first by asking:
He (Bernie) said to you in a question, "but did he ever say the guy got out of the car?" And, she responded, "you want that too?"
Rachel: I don't remember that.
West wants to play the interview.
Judge wants West to first give Rachel a copy of the interview as she had asked just moments ago.

"No sir, thats not what I said, thats your opinion sir." Those were your notes. re: "you want that too?"

Again: There are two transcripts and the Judge has one given to her by Defense, which doesn't have numbered pages, and can't find what they are talking about. Defense gives her another copy of a presumably unedited transcript. Good God!!!

Something about a Defense transcript with four asterisks noting Rachel's answer to the question. Which is a transcript that means that the transcriber couldn't understand what was being said (by Rachel). And, the defense wants to play the recording.

Where the asterisks are, Bernie's transcript has a phrase. Judge asks counsel to approach.

12:45 PM EDT

Judge tells Jury their lunch has arrived.

Sends them to Jury Room for lunch.

Court in recess for lunch until 1:45 PM.
2:02 PM

Must have been trouble with live stream it starts now with Bernie in the middle of his re-direct asking Rachel questions.

West is objecting about leading, and just about everything and every other word he can object to.

Bernie asking her about language in her culture. The use of words. Asking if she knew Trayvon's name was spelled wrong in the cursive letter.

Interview with Crump was by phone? Yes, sir.

West objects to Bernie asking if she had used the word, "bump". West has 3 objections. Overruled.

Does she agree with the length of times of phone calls? Best record? Yes, sir.

Bernie: no further questions.

West: Re-cross

You were born and raised in Miami? Yes, sir. Was English spoken?

Rachel speaks 3 languages. She considers Creole her first language.

He is asking about the culture she was raised in and the words her culture uses. She says in HER culture people in HER community call white people crackers.

She is confused.

Supposedly they are done with her (State is done), Defense wants to maybe call her again. Judge reminds that she lives in Miami and is going home today!

West says something about 'proffers', maybe later today or in the future. (I don't know what that means.)

Judge has them approach. Sidebar.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Jeantel says her mother doesn't speak English that well and grew up speaking /Creole/Spanish/English. #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 7m
De la Rionda has Jeantel point out that Trayvon referred to Zimmerman using "cracker" and the n-word. Racial slang for blacks and whites.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
The judge just said "creepy a-- cracker" to make sure DLR was quoting correctly. You can't make this up. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 12m
DLR also gets her to confirm her Haitian background and that she grew up speaking creole/spanish & has issues reading cursive writing.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 13m
Jurors laugh as DLR confirms with Jeantel that he is the "bald-headed dude" that she spoke of previously.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 15m
West done. De la Rionda back up questioning on redirect.

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 19m
Judge Nelson ruled the recording of Jeantel's statement can't come in unless she denies saying parts of her statement
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Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 17m
Jury is back. #zimmermantrial

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 25m
Updated: Friend: Trayvon Martin encounter racially charged (from @AP) #zimmerman http://m.apnews.com/ap/db_268748/contentdetail.htm?contentguid=HaxZvhuW …

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 26m
Check that, West is about to play portion of Jeantel's deposition testimony outside presence of jury. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 27m
Awaiting the jury.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 28m
In case you are wondering #RachelJeantel is a trending topic on Twitter. So is #donwest.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 29m
We are back in session. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 30m
Back in courtroom. Waiting for judge to return.
Judge sends Jury out to take care of brief matter within the courtroom.

Counsel, may we approach. Yes you may.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Judge says Jeantel can go back to Miami but there is a chance she could be recalled and not yet released from subpoena/Can't talk publicly

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
For what it's worth, juror in seat 4, the minority woman, seemed largely uncomfortable listening to Jeantel testify.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
Defense is asking for time later to ask Jeantel additional questions that judge may or may not let jury hear. Sidebar to discuss.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
After about 6 hours on the stand , Jeantel is done testifying.
Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 1m
State calls Raymond MacDonald, T-Mobile manager, likely to authenticate cell phone records coming into evidence.
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Mantei doing the direct with Mr. MacDonald..

Going over a display and asking about what the items and codes on the list of calls means.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
MacDonald is breaking down a log from cell records. technical/requires a projection screen. That stuff in phone bill you ignore.
2:23 PM EDT approx.

Judge excusing and sending Ms Jeantel home today. Says she might be recalled in the future and that the subpoena is still in force.

Ms Jeantel leaves the courtroom. Will be able to retrieve her cellphone as soon as she is out.

Judge: Okay, is the defense ready for the Jury to come back into the courtroom? Yes, your honor.
Okay, bring them back.

Jury is back.

Next Witness:

Mr Raymond MacDonald - Sr Mgr at T-Mobile, the wireless company. With the law enforcement section, part of the legal department.

#166 and #167 into evidence.

State's Exhibit #167 Phone Record:

Talking about times. Calls are military time, mostly based where the phone is.
TEXT messages are all on Pacific time.

Now going through columns and describing what they signify.
Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
The jury is listening closely to the time stamping infornation concerning calls and texts. #Zimmermanon9

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
It's also clear asst state atty Richard Mantei is the tech guy on prosecution. He also handled hearing in voice expert testimony.

O'Mara doing the cross. Asks why some have more info on call...due to different applications used.

Redirect...asks about records not available...some they only keep fro 6 mos. OM verifies statement.

Kathi Belich, WFTV @KBelichWFTV
Detailed records are only kept for six months. The state requested those later. 2/2 #Zimmermanon9
Pros. de la Rionda doing direct.

What first drew attention outside, to back yard, could make out words, no, tell the voices were coming from left of where she was sitting, could not tell how many people or exactly where they were, she turned down tv, sounded like someone in sneakers on pavement and grass scuffling. After that sounded like wrestling and getting closer and closer to her resident.

Sliding glass door was open on night of event...she and husband (married little over 1 year, no children) were watching TV, was raining steady most of the day.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Says she had blinds put up over her window in front if her porch then. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Next up is state witness Jenna Lauer, former resident of Retreat at Twin Lakes.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
MacDonald is off the stand. And with his exit, up goes the projection screen in courtroom. #zimmerman
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Jurors have their notebooks open and pens moving as Lauer describes back and forth conversation that was flustered.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 7m
COREX: @khightower: Lauer was watching TV with her husband the night of the shooting. Says it was raining and had back patio DOOR open.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Says her view through window was obstructed at night.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Lauer was watching TV with her husband the night of the shooting. Says it was raining and had back patio window open.
Corey Dade ‏@CoreyDade 2m
Lauer: Grunting gradually became "yelping." #GZtrial #TrayvonMartin
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Yelped turned to help, one person calling, a man.

She called 911 then and husband went to kitchen to get something, knife?, and go out to see....stopped him.

Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 3m
Lauer: Yelling noises, moved away to call 911 "didn't know if it was kids fooling around ... Didn't want them to hear me snitching on them."
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

While on 911 call, heard the shot and she and husband went upstairs.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 48s
Lauer says yelps she heard turned to "help". Says the cries for help stopped at gunshot. She was on the phone w/ 911 during this.
This must be Trayvons phone record.

Main point Mantel makes is that after the last call, all the incoming calls "push it" or go to voicemail.

All done.

O'Mara has questions:


New Witness:

Jenna Lauer. Real Estate for a living. Married. Husband, Jeremy. Married a little over a year.
In 2012, Resident at 1211 Twin Trees Lane. It is the corner town home of the building.
Bedrooms are upstairs.
Front door, kitchen on the left, living room in the back, faces the back, has a screened in porch/patio with bamboo blinds. There is a low knee wall. Screen goes to that. Blinds go all the way, or almost all the way to the end of the screen.

Describing the living room furniture arrangement.

She was on Loveseat facing sliding glass door, Jeremy was on the couch. The seats were perpendicular to one another. They were watching Celebrity Apprentice. It was raining. They had sliding glass door fully open because the sound of the rain was relaxing. The blinds were down. Can not see through them at night.
She heard voices outside over the sound of the TV. Could tell the voices were coming from the backyard. They were coming from the left of where I was sitting. Could not make out any words. By the way they were speaking she assumed there were two people speaking. The volume of each sounded about the same. Tone of it seemed like 'flustered' rather than confrontational.
She muted TV when she heard the voices. She heard 'scuffling' around, meaning "like someone running on the pavement and the grass".

Second series of noises, after she muted the TV. (A continuation of the noises). After the 'scuffling' it went into a 'grunting' noise. At first it sounded like 2 people standing up, could hear sneakers on pavement. Then it sounded like they were rolling around on the grass. Turned into 'grunting' and then it turned into 'yelping'. The 'yelps' turned to 'help'.

They called 911 as soon as they heard the scuffling noises. Estimates about 30 seconds from her muting TV to her call being picked up by 911. Husband had tried to call first, but his phone locked up on him, so then she used her cell phone to call. She moved from couch and called from an area near her stairs so people outside could't hear her 'snitching' on them.

Her husband went to get a knife or weapon with the idea of going out the front and going around the townhouse to the back to see what was going on. She went to kitchen to keep her husband from going out and while they were both in the kitchen …… there was a gunshot. Whole time she was talking with 911 operator.

The voice sounded like a male, and it sounded like it was all by one individual. After the gunshot, they kind of ducked down in the kitchen, and then went upstairs to sort of get out of the way. They did not look through the window/s. She exclusively talked with 911 operator.

Heard her neighbor (John Goode) open his door. His porch is not enclosed. She heard him say something like 'What the hell are you doing?" She said the yelling for help continued. The light on her porch was on that night. The blinds prevent the inside porch light from going outside at night.

Bernie plays her 911 call.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 36s
@SybrinaFulton leaves courtroom presumably in advance of playing of 911 call with gunshot in the background.

Going to play 911 call. loud yelling heard...

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 50s
Juror 8 has hands over her mouth as the call and shot are played. Juror 6 has her head down and fingers resting on chin as she listens.

Asks is husband speaking in background, yes...

Did not hear anyone say 'you're going to die tonite MF'? No... only heard help and help me...

Heard people out there. Heard 'I have a gun, take my gun', matter of factly.
Local 10 Zimmerman ‏@WPLGZimmerman 6m
Travon Martin's mom @SybrinaFulton is back in the courtroom
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Tony Pipitone Tony Pipitone ‏@TonyPipitone 6m
Never heard someone say, "you're going to die tonight, m@#,!?.,@er," as #GeorgeZimmerman claimed #TrayvonMartin told him.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 6m
Prosecutor asks if Lauer heard voice say "you're going to die tonight." She says no, just "help" and "help me."

Now asking her to point out what photos show around her house and yard.
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