Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #35

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DNA Solves
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I don't live in New York, but I'm impressed with Cuomo's pressers. He is so focused, and calling it out on so many things. e.g. yesterday's presser he was saying it is NOT working that he was told by Trump to get materials, as other governors were, on their own. He stated he is therefore in a situation of states bidding up prices against other areas.. and the feds need to step in to stop the price gouging for the highest bids.. etc etc. This is yesterday in case others have not seen him in action. He is impressive to me on this matter.

Ergo trials with z-pac and antimalarials being tested?
That's what worries me a bit since I am allergic to penicillin and its derivatives and some antibiotics I can take make me violently ill. My doctor is very stingy when prescribing antibiotics so I hope it has kept my ability to fight off infections naturally.
Do the stores in your area have early hours for seniors?

Yes, Wal-Mart from 6am to 7am.

I ventured out this morning at 6. Five minutes into my trip to Wal-Mart I encounter a mom with 3 kids.
Just as I pass the canned tomatoes, the two year old throws up. Yeap, mom keeps shopping and I hear an employee offer to get her immediately checked out. The mom said, no thanks and kept shopping. This mom is one row behind me, as I rush to grab stuff and leave. The kid or maybe another kid throws up AGAIN. As I'm heading to the checkout, I see what appears to be a manager arguing with the mom.

I wasn't happy. I realize stores can ask customers to allow over 65 to shop special hours but can not refuse others entry.

Am I wrong to be upset with this mother who choose to put others at risk?
That's an interesting graph. For example, is it telling me 40% of 30% tested in Washington state are dead?

I apologize, I misread the thing.
It means that testing per capita is behind deaths per capita. To adequately understand future impacts, the opposite is required. If deaths are occurring without testing, those deaths were infected 14 days ago. So we are running 14 days behind.
I was glad to see our stores reserving times for our seniors to shop. I did not expect to see this when checking the hours we can shop at specific stores. I feel like crying you all :(

Coronavirus: Clark County groceries reserve special hours for seniors, at-risk to shop
A Facebook post by the Clark County sheriff’s office highlighted some of the stores with the special shopping hours while another post explained deputies — some in uniform and others undercover — would be posted at every grocery store in the city of Springfield and throughout the county.

Sheriff Deb Burchett told the Springfield News-Sun that was in response to reports of elderly people being treated poorly in stores in the area.

“I’ve received several messages from the public and from managers of the stores saying that the elderly people are being shoved around,” Burchett said. “People have been trying to steal out of their baskets. They’re trying to take their purses out in the parking lot, and I thought, ‘We can’t have this for our community. We’re better than that.’ So I decided that I would post an officer at every one of the stores when the elderly and at-risk are going into get their groceries to let them know we’re here for them whatever they need.
Yes, Wal-Mart from 6am to 7am.

I ventured out this morning at 6. Five minutes into my trip to Wal-Mart I encounter a mom with 3 kids.
Just as I pass the canned tomatoes, the two year old throws up. Yeap, mom keeps shopping and I hear an employee offer to get her immediately checked out. The mom said, no thanks and kept shopping. This mom is one row behind me, as I rush to grab stuff and leave. The kid or maybe another kid throw up AGAIN. As I'm heading to the checkout, I see what appears to be a manager arguing with the mom.

I wasn't happy. I realize stores can ask customers to allow over 65 to shop special hours but can not refuse others entry.

Am I wrong to be upset with this mother who choose to put others at risk?
No, I don't think you are wrong to be upset. Shopping while your child spews all over the store?
I'm glad the manager dealt with the mom. As always, management is key. Maybe this will prompt a more proactive response during the morning hours.
bill gates made a powerful speech which I needed to hear at this moment in time... if nothing else it gives us hope and reflection at a very dark time.

“I’m a strong believer that there is a spiritual purpose behind everything that happens, whether that is what we perceive as being good or being bad.

“As I meditate upon this, I want to share with you what I feel the Corona/ Covid-19 virus is really doing to us.

1) It is reminding us that we are all equal, regardless of our culture, religion, occupation, financial situation or how famous we are. This disease treats us all equally, perhaps we should to.

If you don’t believe me, just ask Tom Hanks.
Okay, this is nice and all, BUT I have to disagree with point number 1 to a certain extent. If you have the financial means, you will be tested, treated, and comfortably quarantined. This is not necessarily so if you have limited resources. Additionally, there is the consideration that if you have underlying health issues and are of a certain age, you may have to sacrifice your life so that others may be saved (triage). MOO.
I was glad to see our stores reserving times for our seniors to shop. I did not expect to see this when checking the hours we can shop at specific stores. I feel like crying you all :(

Coronavirus: Clark County groceries reserve special hours for seniors, at-risk to shop
A Facebook post by the Clark County sheriff’s office highlighted some of the stores with the special shopping hours while another post explained deputies — some in uniform and others undercover — would be posted at every grocery store in the city of Springfield and throughout the county.

Sheriff Deb Burchett told the Springfield News-Sun that was in response to reports of elderly people being treated poorly in stores in the area.

“I’ve received several messages from the public and from managers of the stores saying that the elderly people are being shoved around,” Burchett said. “People have been trying to steal out of their baskets. They’re trying to take their purses out in the parking lot, and I thought, ‘We can’t have this for our community. We’re better than that.’ So I decided that I would post an officer at every one of the stores when the elderly and at-risk are going into get their groceries to let them know we’re here for them whatever they need.

I'm glad they are posting officers. Cannot imagine how much the police have to deal with these days. Love to them, too. Every day.
So it seems our choice now is to flatten the curve or to not flatten the curve. Problem is flattening the curve is REALLY hard and REALLY painful. It will mean we all isolate completely for a longer time. But to not do that ensures many more deaths b/c a surge in critical patients will overwhelm the system.

It’s so hard because I want my high school and college kids to go back to school. I want life to continue. I want to be able to go shopping or to an exercise class. I want to hug people. I want small businesses to survive.

But to have that means a lot of people will die without proper care. It’s a very painful reality.
Correct....deaths could be in millions, rather than 500,000 or less.
And now there is a shortage of the proper size of elastic that we need to make the masks. We can make ties instead, but that takes longer.

after finding and ordering some elastic from Overstock last night, I received shipping notice of some I had ordered a week ago from Michael's. You may want to try those places. Even if not immediately available, you may be a list to have shipped once new supplies arrive.
Also, some JoAnn fabric stores are supplying kits that they will deliver for car side pickup if you bring completed masks back for distribution to front lines - at least that is my understanding
I was glad to see our stores reserving times for our seniors to shop. I did not expect to see this when checking the hours we can shop at specific stores. I feel like crying you all :(

Coronavirus: Clark County groceries reserve special hours for seniors, at-risk to shop
A Facebook post by the Clark County sheriff’s office highlighted some of the stores with the special shopping hours while another post explained deputies — some in uniform and others undercover — would be posted at every grocery store in the city of Springfield and throughout the county.

Sheriff Deb Burchett told the Springfield News-Sun that was in response to reports of elderly people being treated poorly in stores in the area.

“I’ve received several messages from the public and from managers of the stores saying that the elderly people are being shoved around,” Burchett said. “People have been trying to steal out of their baskets. They’re trying to take their purses out in the parking lot, and I thought, ‘We can’t have this for our community. We’re better than that.’ So I decided that I would post an officer at every one of the stores when the elderly and at-risk are going into get their groceries to let them know we’re here for them whatever they need.
Yes, Wal-Mart from 6am to 7am.

I ventured out this morning at 6. Five minutes into my trip to Wal-Mart I encounter a mom with 3 kids.
Just as I pass the canned tomatoes, the two year old throws up. Yeap, mom keeps shopping and I hear an employee offer to get her immediately checked out. The mom said, no thanks and kept shopping. This mom is one row behind me, as I rush to grab stuff and leave. The kid or maybe another kid throws up AGAIN. As I'm heading to the checkout, I see what appears to be a manager arguing with the mom.

I wasn't happy. I realize stores can ask customers to allow over 65 to shop special hours but can not refuse others entry.

Am I wrong to be upset with this mother who choose to put others at risk?
:eek: Absolutely not!
Why a Tiny Colorado County Can Offer COVID-19 Tests to Every Resident

This explains the antibody blood test study in CO that I was talking about yesterday.

For this reason, scientists all over the world have been pushing antibody testsas a way to study the true scope of the coronavirus pandemic. If serological testing can find asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19, it can also clarify the disease’s transmission and fatality rate. Testing a whole population—say, a whole county—would give epidemiologists a snapshot of everything going on in one place. “Any sort of population-based study is really interesting,” says Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University. And while it’s unclear how long immunity to COVID-19 lasts, she says, it could allow people who are immune to go back to their normal lives.

Hu said that United Biomedical started working on an antibody test back in January, as the outbreak got serious in China. The company had developed a very similar test for SARS in 2004. Its scientists could apply that expertise to COVID-19, but they needed blood samples from COVID-19 patients to confirm that the test indeed detects antibodies against the virus causing the disease. The company’s existing connections to China and Taiwan helped it get patient samples quickly. “We were actually able to ship tests to ground zero in Hubei, Shanghai, Beijing, and Taiwan,” Hu said.

According to data that Hu said the company has filed with the FDA, its serological test was validated using 47 samples from coronavirus patients and began to detect antibodies 10 days after infection. The company also ran the test against hundreds of COVID-19–free samples from blood banks to confirm that it does not mistakenly pick up antibodies for related viruses that cause the common cold. Catherine Blish, an immunologist at Stanford University, told me that other scientists have developed a COVID-19 antibody test that picks up infection earlier, but there is often a trade-off between how specific a test is and how early it can detect an infection. “They managed to get very fabulous specificity,” she said. United Biomedical is now waiting for emergency-use authorization from the FDA, but certified labs can offer testing in the meantime because of the public-health emergency.

Researchers in China, Singapore, Europe, and the U.S. have made their own versions of COVID-19 antibody tests, and several companies are now offering theirs. Florian Krammer, a biologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, says his lab started working on one in January, the very day that a Chinese group first shared the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus. Krammer and his colleagues used that genetic sequence to synthesize S, the protein that makes up the virus’s outer spikes. Any antibody that binds the synthesized S protein is likely the result of a past or ongoing COVID-19 infection. United Biomedical’s test also uses S, as well as parts of two other viral proteins.
Okay, this is nice and all, BUT I have to disagree with point number 1 to a certain extent. If you have the financial means, you will be tested, treated, and comfortably quarantined. This is not necessarily so if you have limited resources. Additionally, there is the consideration that if you have underlying health issues and are of a certain age, you may have to sacrifice your life so that others may be saved (triage). MOO.
I thought the same thing. Tom Hanks isn’t actually a good example of being treated equally. JMO
Yes, Wal-Mart from 6am to 7am.

I ventured out this morning at 6. Five minutes into my trip to Wal-Mart I encounter a mom with 3 kids.
Just as I pass the canned tomatoes, the two year old throws up. Yeap, mom keeps shopping and I hear an employee offer to get her immediately checked out. The mom said, no thanks and kept shopping. This mom is one row behind me, as I rush to grab stuff and leave. The kid or maybe another kid throws up AGAIN. As I'm heading to the checkout, I see what appears to be a manager arguing with the mom.

I wasn't happy. I realize stores can ask customers to allow over 65 to shop special hours but can not refuse others entry.

Am I wrong to be upset with this mother who choose to put others at risk?

Are you serious????? Call the police. Vomiting and she refuses to leave?? Twice? Yes. Police. Next thing we’ll hear is that she’s suing the store. Good luck with that. Walmart litigates everything to the end. And here’s a good example of why they do that.
No, I don't think you are wrong to be upset. Shopping while your child spews all over the store?
I'm glad the manager dealt with the mom. As always, management is key. Maybe this will prompt a more proactive response during the morning hours.


The manager can't possibly be happy with this. They probably should have closed down and disinfected the store, based upon responses we've been seeing other companies having and shoppers self-reporting; and maybe they did, thus losing valuable shopping time.
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