Found Deceased ID - Joshua Vallow, 7, & Tylee Ryan, 17, Rexburg, Sept 2019 *mom arrested* #38

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I don't really think Chad was the "informant" because if he were, there would have been no need to get a search warrant -- he could have granted permission. I'm more comfortable thinking one of the kids living at the home stumbled upon the sites, maybe even did a little digging as sleuthing, and then called the police.

Because the kid would not know for sure who did the actual killing, it's reasonable to assume he/she felt scared letting it be known who ratted CD out -- on the off-chance one of CD's buddies is still lurking around and might take revenge.

Yes I am. And I was trying very hard to delete my post and my computer froze. I had to reboot.

Everyone please forgive me. I am so sorry. Think I will go back to just reading here and not commenting. Would love to blame my old age but maybe its more than that. :(

No worries. This is a crazy case with a thousand weird and uncharted boundary breaking details. How did CD run into the luck of a laxidasical or weak coroner?
I would like to see some of our super sleuths concentrate on the actual crime timeline not just the chronology of events. Pinning down when the crimes likely took place might help us understand the potential evidence LE has to pursue the murder charges.

I’ll start first but I’m not really sticking my neck out. I think the crimes took place before the welfare check. The prosecutor has cast a wide net but it stands to reason once LE got involved it didn’t leave the monsters much room. They were mainly gone from Idaho after Thanksgiving too.

With that in mind the question also begs if Chadbo was bold enough to attempt a burial/burn prior to Tammy passing away. With his kids across the street and Tammy in the house I can’t imagine him pulling that off unless it was on the weekend she was gone. We also don’t know if his kids were living at the house prior to her death so that brings up another potential roadblock.

My guess is the actual burials took place after Oct 19 but prior to November 25. That’s just 5 weeks but well after the kids last confirmed sightings. When the murders actually took place is another real conundrum. I have to think it was all done at once but with Tylees absence before JJ it’s really difficult to read. We know that MG was there late Sept which according to everything else might have been the peak of their derangement. The possibility of both being murdered at different times and/or moved creates more questions as well as the involvement of AC. In short I think the murders took place between 9/23 and 10/19 with the burial/burn (if that happened) between 10/19 and 11/25.

Any other thoughts on the dates?

The one thing that does concern me a wee bit is why murder charges where not ready to go. We’ve all seen cases where LE says “we just need the body” and charges come as soon as it’s discovered. I’m confident LE will get it right but since they didn’t come immediately probably underscores the complexity and difficulty of the case. I think the monsters will eventually turn on each other but with this bizzaro case nothing would surprise me. I’m hoping LE is laying out irrefutable evidence as we speak.

Also, I understand the intense interest but many of the questions and theories contemplated and posted have been answered or discussed here for weeks if not months. Having casual participants catching up is the reason but I’m sure many of us are scrolling and rolling through 75% of the posts when almost everything is in the timeline or searchable. Seek and you shall find :)
Question: What does DBM, in reference to post on this site, mean?

I googled it and found that the urban dictionary says it means “don’t bother me.” Am I on the right track?

This made me laugh so hard because I’m new here and that is EXACTLY what I thought it meant until I figured it out lol! I kept thinking wow! Some people are really in a bad mood here. :) Wish I would have been brave enough to ask like you did!
I think this was a very suspicious death and the autopsy would have been extremely thorough.

And, anyway, who would really want him dead? He seems to have been extremely loyal and supportive of LV. It seems his new wife had been someone she knew, ie he was introduced to her by his sister and maybe CD. There was gossip about LV and AC having a fight in the street, but it appears he was seen frequently on video visiting the storage locker, so they were still connected.

Pulmonary Edema is linked to emotional stress, and I would think AC was under a lot of stress - he'd shoot at/kill people, was under investigation for homicide, newly married, and certainly knew about the missing children if not directly involved.
IMO I think LV would want him quite. There is literally no telling what information he was privileged to know. His death was right after they exhumed TD. The Az LE started reinvestgating CV death. His death was just so convenient. I just can't let it go to natural causes. I'm just not convinced.
Early on I read that TD had reported that someone had tried to shoot her with a paintball gun. This was in proximity to the time that MP's husband had the window of his car shot out.

Later read somewhere of a deadly poison that could be absorbed through the skin via a paintball.

Was there ever anymore found out about this? Was a gun of any type ever found? I have not heard so.
We've had many discussions here about how the embalming might be impacting TD's autopsy/toxicology reports so I'm not sure how this is being questioned at this point, but here is just one article confirming:
"Robin said, despite the fact that Tammy was embalmed and interred for close to three weeks, he believes the odds of finding something are “pretty good. He thinks it’s “likely,” if there was any foul play involved in Tammy’s death, the autopsy will find it."
More light shed on autopsies surrounding Daybells
I understand now. But if I may ask a question that I am confused about...

Your article states she was was interred for only three weeks there was a pretty good chance of finding something. She passed on October 19th and was not exhumed until December 11th. That's is almost two months. Where did they come up with three weeks?
Can someone please tell me how to locate the media thread for this forum? Thank you!
Yes I am. And I was trying very hard to delete my post and my computer froze. I had to reboot.

Everyone please forgive me. I am so sorry. Think I will go back to just reading here and not commenting. Would love to blame my old age but maybe its more than that. :(
<Hugs> LNF, this is such an emotional case, and the last few days have left everyone exhausted.
Wow nice Garth Daybell interviewed on yt by Tyson. Garth appreciates the support of everyone. Cool to see one of Chad's kids say this. I am behind so if my recent posts have already been stated than I apologize. Can I share link of youtube interview here.
I thought Garth was the youngest of the Daybell children, but I just checked and he actually isn't. Poor guy, I can't help but feel bad for him.
I understand now. But if I may ask a question that I am confused about...

Your article states she was was interred for only three weeks there was a pretty good chance of finding something. She passed on October 19th and was not exhumed until December 11th. That's is almost two months. Where did they come up with three weeks?
I am not sure if that was a misquote on the reporters' part, or a misunderstanding of the forensic expert. Something there was lost in translation. I almost edited to post a different source, but the matter here seemed to have been resolved.
Question: What does DBM, in reference to post on this site, mean?

I googled it and found that the urban dictionary says it means “don’t bother me.” Am I on the right track?
Question: What does DBM, in reference to post on this site, mean?

I googled it and found that the urban dictionary says it means “don’t bother me.” Am I on the right track?
No worries. This is a crazy case with a thousand weird and uncharted boundary breaking details. How did CD run into the luck of a laxidasical or weak coroner?
Maybe he knew her? Small town.
I am not sure if that was a misquote on the reporters' part, or a misunderstanding of the forensic expert. Something there was lost in translation. I almost edited to post a different source, but the matter here seemed to have been resolved.
Does anyone know when the autopsy report will be completed or released?
There was a time when I was 16/17 that I seemingly dropped off the face of the earth to anyone in the US for many months. It was all legit. My extended family knew where I was and I was participating in a major, positive, life-changing experience. But I could imagine a situation where neighbors and so forth noticed I was no longer around and started asking questions. Frankly, I don't want to live in a country where nosy neighbors, grandparents, and so forth can just express concern to police and that constitutes probable cause. Probable cause requires actual evidence of both a crime being committed and the target likely being the perpetrator.

Now in my situation my parents would have cooperated but given that I was on another continent, it would have been impossible for me to be "produced" in 5 days or even to make contact.

I'm not anti-police or anti-government. But it should be HARD for the police to get a warrant to intrude on people's lives. This is one of the most fundamental rights Americans have and our Supreme Court has spent much of the last 240+ years reigning in the police and strengthening rights against the police. I think recent events will bring a new sea change but that is another issue. We have terms like "probable cause," "articulable suspicion," "Terry stop," and "Miranda warning" because of past police overreach and abuse.

Even in the last few years we've gone from seeing police openly and routinely grabbing peoples' cameras and smashing them to avoid being filmed to a situation where cops are jailed for assault for that kind of unconstitutional behavior. Police need to meet very clear standards before acting whether it is a search, a stop, or an arrest. And I think it is a very good thing that it is hard to demonstrate probable cause. It should be harder IMO.

Imagine if we lived in a country where police could just show up at your neighbor's house, chat for a bit, possibly leading your neighbor, and get some token statement that your neighbor thought your behavior was odd and they could search. I don't think any of us would like that.

While we might all wish the Idaho police had acted quicker, I think the Idaho police have acted very professionally in this case to diligently establish clear probable cause at every step. I think it is their hard work that has led to high bail when arrests were finally made because they only acted when the probable cause was clear and convincing. This is an extremely complicated case, probably the most complex that any LEO working on it will face in their career. No one would want to see it blown because evidence is thrown out because of bad policing! It may seem simple at times but there is an awful lot going on here and many many jurisdictional and other issues to consider.

If we are patient we will see first degree murder changes again both Lori and Chad, and we will see convictions, but only because everyone did their job professionally without rushing the process.

****standing ovation****
Wow nice Garth Daybell interviewed on yt by Tyson. Garth appreciates the support of everyone. Cool to see one of Chad's kids say this. I am behind so if my recent posts have already been stated than I apologize. Can I share link of youtube interview here.
Who is Tyson? Thanks.
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