Completely agree with this. Honestly lost count of the amount of times I woke up in a random person’s house or flat when I was in my late teens/early twenties after a night out. Have too much to drink, get separated from friends either through choice or just losing them while out in pubs/clubs and end up chatting to some random people my age and back to their place for an after party or something because I didn’t want the night to end. More than once I woke up in cities/towns an hour or so away after jumping in a taxi with some random people.
As for whatever he’s wearing in the Snapchat he took while having a cigarette early on Monday morning before he went missing, again I woke up countless times wearing a hoodie/jumper/blanket/duvet/dressing gown I found in the place I was staying just to wear if I got a bit cold in the night or something.
Same with the low phone battery, drunk me would never think about needing to charge it when I got to wherever I headed to at 3am in the morning, it was just something I worried about when I woke up and left (which I always left early to get home as soon as possible, nothing worse than being hungover in a place you don’t really know).
Obviously these nights were in and around my home city and not thousands of miles away in a foreign country, and I never went missing the morning after so it is very different. But I don’t think there’s anything ‘off’ about the events of his night out/morning after at all, apart from the fact he hasn’t been heard of since the phone call to his friend. He’s gone for a night out, wanted to keep partying so gone back to the place where the two guys he met while out there lived, hasn’t charged his phone but wants to get back to where he was staying asap to recover from the night before. Probably still intoxicated so in his head walking back seems like a great idea seeing as he missed his bus. To be fair he probably didn’t even expect to walk the 11 hours back, I imagine he thought he’d stumble across a little village or something, grab a drink and ask to borrow a charger to get hold of his friends and then either arrange with them a way to get back to his hotel or phone a taxi or something.
I reckon he’s gone onto Google Maps as he missed the bus, Maps has given him a direction to walk which takes him to the hiking trail. He’s following that but lost his bearings so phoned his friend while on 1% battery to update her with what’s going on (him saying “I can’t go back, I don’t know where I am” is literally exactly that, there’s no hidden meaning behind it or anything, he’s generally got lost). His phone’s died so can no longer rely on Google Maps to direct him so he’s probably just tried to wing it hoping he’ll come across a house, car, person etc and has got lost in doing so. Unfortunately unless he’s found a source of water I think he’s succumbed to the elements. My betting is he got disorientated and dehydrated, sat down in some shade or shelter in the vast amount of land out there and has passed away. I’m praying that’s not the case though, would love him to come back with a story about how he managed to survive on Aloe Vera plants or something.