Deceased/Not Found Danka Ilić, 1 year old, Bor, Serbia, 26 March 2024 *arrest*

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Not sure if I understood it quite right. Does he think that the suspects are not the perpetrators and that somebody else is responsible for Danka's fate, or does he think that more people are involved than just the ones we know about ?

He said:
"Even if an indictment is filed and people are convicted,
for me this will still remain a big mystery.
I cannot come to terms with the fact that two people of such capacities and intellectual abilities managed to hide such a big secret in this way."

In other words,
IMO he doubts that these 2 suspects had the intellectual ability to pull such a crime all by themselves.
No DNA, hiding the body that cannot be traced, etc.

Well, that is my understanding.

But am I right? :rolleyes:

Ivan, Danka and her brother are 3 persons, not "two children". Where is the error?

Ivana + Danka + brother.
Mum and 2 kids.

I don't know why Google translated it in this awkward way :oops:

OK girls
I don't know Serbian so I only depend on Google translator.

It does what it can poor thing,
but sometimes the text appears weird
despite its efforts.

And I know as much as you do about this tragic case.

Meaning: Not much.

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Not sure if I understood it quite right. Does he think that the suspects are not the perpetrators and that somebody else is responsible for Danka's fate, or does he think that more people are involved than just the ones we know about ?

I found a recording of the interview ( - starts at 17:45). Disclaimer - I am considered fluent but I don't consider myself highly proficient.

What he seems to be saying is that he doesn't believe the two in custody are intellectually capable of committing the crime and keeping it a secret. He says he has spoken with some police officers who have spoken directly with the suspects and they agree.

He reiterates he doesn't think these people (the two in custody) could have kept the location of Danka's body secret for this amount of time. He personally thinks there is something more to it - that someone else is involved in this, whether it's kidnapping, or murder, or whatever it is, and this [what is alleged by police] isn't the truth and simply isn't realistic. That these two men, in this way, without Danka, that they could hide their tracks and not talk about the details, they simply don't have the capacity to do something like that.

He thinks a big mistake was made by police in the beginning and as time went on, it became harder to fix that mistake. He said police started in one direction initially and when officials suddenly came out with the two suspects and the story of what supposedly happened, he personally was surprised. And as time went on, he felt more uneasy about it.

Annoyingly, the show hosts kept interrupting/speaking over him at key points. But essentially, he seems to be saying the initial direction the police were going in and which media reported on in terms of the circumstances around Danka's disappearance (he chooses his words very carefully here but I believe he is alluding to the theory/rumors that the mother/parents were involved) seemed easier to prove. But then out of nowhere police switched to an entirely different set of circumstances and suspects, which he acknowledges is fine and does sometimes happen in investigations. However he states they did that here with no evidence, no trace, no witness and still no Danka which raises serious concerns. He thinks that was a mistake. He thinks police had a lot of public pressure to solve the disappearance and while they may have believed these men were involved, he thinks they rushed it and mistakes were made. He wishes police had given themselves more time to be totally certain as to what happened and gather clear evidence. He thinks that mistake will continue to impact this case.

I did not watch the entire program but I gathered the main topic of discussion was the ticking clock and whether there would be an indictment. It sounds like the entire panel, including this man, believe the two in custody will be indicted.
I found a recording of the interview ( - starts at 17:45). Disclaimer - I am considered fluent but I don't consider myself highly proficient.

What he seems to be saying is that he doesn't believe the two in custody are intellectually capable of committing the crime and keeping it a secret. He says he has spoken with some police officers who have spoken directly with the suspects and they agree.

He reiterates he doesn't think these people (the two in custody) could have kept the location of Danka's body secret for this amount of time. He personally thinks there is something more to it - that someone else is involved in this, whether it's kidnapping, or murder, or whatever it is, and this [what is alleged by police] isn't the truth and simply isn't realistic. That these two men, in this way, without Danka, that they could hide their tracks and not talk about the details, they simply don't have the capacity to do something like that.

He thinks a big mistake was made by police in the beginning and as time went on, it became harder to fix that mistake. He said police started in one direction initially and when officials suddenly came out with the two suspects and the story of what supposedly happened, he personally was surprised. And as time went on, he felt more uneasy about it.

Annoyingly, the show hosts kept interrupting/speaking over him at key points. But essentially, he seems to be saying the initial direction the police were going in and which media reported on in terms of the circumstances around Danka's disappearance (he chooses his words very carefully here but I believe he is alluding to the theory/rumors that the mother/parents were involved) seemed easier to prove. But then out of nowhere police switched to an entirely different set of circumstances and suspects, which he acknowledges is fine and does sometimes happen in investigations. However he states they did that here with no evidence, no trace, no witness and still no Danka which raises serious concerns. He thinks that was a mistake. He thinks police had a lot of public pressure to solve the disappearance and while they may have believed these men were involved, he thinks they rushed it and mistakes were made. He wishes police had given themselves more time to be totally certain as to what happened and gather clear evidence. He thinks that mistake will continue to impact this case.

I did not watch the entire program but I gathered the main topic of discussion was the ticking clock and whether there would be an indictment. It sounds like the entire panel, including this man, believe the two in custody will be indicted.
Do you know who the person being interviewed is? Is he an investigator, police or reporter? Has he worked on the case?

It sounds like this investigation has gone south. There is no physical evidence to link these men to Danka.

The comments following the linked article are interesting, Google translates them to English. It seems most of the people writing don’t believe the men who were arrested are guilty of a crime involving Danka. Many think the mother is involved & that Danka is alive. There are similar comments after other reports but this has more & they seem to believe similar circumstances that add up.
Do you know who the person being interviewed is? Is he an investigator, police or reporter? Has he worked on the case?

It sounds like this investigation has gone south. There is no physical evidence to link these men to Danka.

The comments following the linked article are interesting, Google translates them to English. It seems most of the people writing don’t believe the men who were arrested are guilty of a crime involving Danka. Many think the mother is involved & that Danka is alive. There are similar comments after other reports but this has more & they seem to believe similar circumstances that add up.

Post 238


They remain behind bars for another 30 days,

awaiting the Court's decision on the confirmation of the indictment.

The Higher Public Prosecution in Zaječar
accused Dejan D. and Srđan J. of murdering a two-year-old girl
and proposed that they be sentenced to life

The Court can confirm the indictment
or send it back to supplement the investigation.

Even if the indictment is returned for amendment,
the accused will not be released,
because it was filed within the legal term of six months,
which the accused can spend in custody until the indictment.

The body of the girl,
who was last seen on March 26,
has not been found
although more than 30 locations have been searched."

Google Translator did its best to translate,
Well done! :)

Serbian "Blic" MSM is always on top of the news about Danka.

By the way,
the name "Danka" is popular in my country (Poland) too,
but it is diminutive form of the name "Danuta".
Formal - Danuta
Informal - Danka or Danusia.

Danuta -
a female name, probably of Lithuanian origin, from the word "danutie"
(a combination of the meanings heaven and daughter)
or Latin, from the word "donata" (given by God).

It may also be derived from the South Slavic names Dana, Danka, Danica.

It means a child given by God.
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Thank you to all who continue to update here.

I would like to hear more from both the Prosecution and Defense and also any evidence for alternative explanations for this child's disappearance.

An article which I've translated below. Serbian / Croatian / Bosnian isn't my first language but I have close to native fluency.

OPTUŽENI ZA UBISTVO DANKE ILIĆ MOGU DA ZAVRŠE NA SLOBODI "Blic" otkriva šta sada sledi u slučaju ubistva devojčice​

Those accused in the murder of Danka Ilić could end up free - "Blic" explains what is currently happening in the case of the girl's murder

  • Tužilaštvo u Zaječaru podiglo je optužnicu protiv Dejana Dragijevića i Srđana Jankovića zbog sumnje da su ubili Danku Ilić (2) iz Bora
  • Veće suda će proceniti optužnicu i odlučiti o početku suđenja ili prikupljanju dodatnih dokaza

  • The prosecutor's office in Zaječar filed an indictment against Dragan Dragijević and Srđan Janković under suspicion that they murdered Danka Ilić (2) of Bor.
  • The court panel will assess the indictment and decide whether to start the trial, or to demand that additional evidence is obtained.
Više javno tužilaštvo u Zaječaru podiglo je optužnicu protiv Dejana Dragijevića i Srđana Jankovića zbog sumnje da ubili Danku Ilić (2) iz Bora, a optužnicom je obuhvaćen i otac od Dragijevića, Radoslav, kojem se na teret stavlja da nije prijavio Dejana i Srđana policiji, kao i da je pomogao sinu da se reši tela. Uprkos tome što je tužilaštvo do detalja opisalo kako je zločin izvršen, advokat Radomir Munižaba objašnjava za "Blic" da je sada sve u rukama Višeg suda u Zaječaru koji će odlučiti da li suđenje može da počne ili je ipak potrebno da se prikupe još neki dokazi.

The higher public prosecutor's office in Zaječar has filed an indictment naming Dejan Dragijević and Srđan Janković as suspects in the murder of Danka Ilić (2) of Bor, and has included Dragijević's father Radoslav who is charged with failing to inform the police about Dejan and Srđan's actions, as well as helping his son to dispose of the body. In spite of the fact that the prosecution has described in detail how the crime was committed, the lawyer Radomir Munižaba explained to "Blic" that everything is in the hands of the prosecutor's office in Zaječar as to whether or not the trial can begin, or if it is necessary to bring in further evidence.

Advokat Munižaba objašnjava da okrivljeni, Dragijević i Janković, i njihovi branioci imaju pravo da podnesu pisani odgovor na optužnicu.

The lawyer Munižaba explains that the accused, Dragijević and Janković and their defence team have the right to reply to the indictment in writing.

As this post is rather a long one, I'll stop here and continue with the rest of the article in a second post shortly.

By the way, Zaječar is famous for excellent crystal dishes, crockery and other cookware if anyone is interested in that sort of thing.
The article I linked above continues as follows.

- Nakon podnošenja odgovora, veće nadležnog suda će ispitati optužnicu.Veće, ukoliko utvrdi da je potrebno bolje razjašnjenje stanja stvari da bi se ispitala osnovanost optužnice, narediće da se istraga od strane tužilaštva dopuni, odnosno da se prikupe određeni dokazi - kaže advokat Munižaba.

- After the reply has been submitted, a panel from the prosecuting the case will examine the indictment. If the panel decides that a better explanation of the matter is needed in order to assess the reasonableness of the indictment, it can then order the prosecution to bolster it by gathering additional evidence -Munižaba the lawyer explains.

Optuženi mogu na slobodu?​

Could the accused be released?

Naš sagovornik ističe da prema pravilima Zakona o krivičnom postupku(ZKP), veće ispitujući optužnicu može doneti rešenje da nema mesta optužbi i da se krivični postupak obustavlja.

Our correspondent tells us that according to the criminal code (ZKP), if the panel examining the indictment decides that the indictment is baseless, criminal proceedings are brought to a halt.

- To će uslediti ukoliko ustanove da delo iz optužbe nije krivično delo ili da nema dovoljno dokaza za opravdanu sumnju da su okrivljeni učinili delo koje je predmet optužbe. Međutim, ukoliko veće donese odluku kojom se potvrđuje optužnica tužilaštva, protiv tog rešenja okrivljeni i branioci mogu da izjave žalbu nadležnom Apelacionom sudu - objašnjava advokat Munižaba.

- This will happen if the offence referred to in the indictment is not a criminal offence, or if there isn't enough proof to support the fact that the accused committed the crime that is the subject of the indictment. However, if the panel confirms the indictment, then the accused and defence team can apply to the related court of appeals, according to the lawyer Munižaba.

The other points in the article relate to the body apparently been brought to one of the accused's back garden, and subsequently moved to an illegal rubbish tip. As these points have been previously translated here, I didn't translate the rest of the article.

IMO the whole thing is extremely suspicious to me and I'm not convinced that these two bumbling idiots are responsible.


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