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  1. R

    Tom vs Nicole

    I generally think she just does not look good in that washed out pale blond color she has going these days. Of course, she is gorgeous by most standards even on her "bad" days. She looked much better as a redhead, in my opinion. She seems to have totally bought into somebody's advice that she...
  2. R

    Tom vs Nicole

    I sure do wish someone with the inside scoop would let some details about Tom slip out. Katie's parents probably don't want to talk because it would comprmise their relationship with their daughter/grandaughter, and Nicole doesn't talk because of her kids with Tom. Although, honestly, I don't...
  3. R

    GA - Meredith Emerson, 24, Blood Mountain, 4 January 2008

    My husband and I spent a few days after Christmas in a cabin up in the mountains where Meredith was found. He took our gun, which at the time I thought was kind of silly. I will not ever think it is silly again. We will always take it when we stay in remote places like that again. RIP Meredith.
  4. R

    Tom vs Nicole,2933,317765,00.html More weirdness from the Cruise camp.
  5. R

    Men Who've Murdered Their Wives: A Comprehensive List Compiled by Our Sleuthers

    Tom Capano murdered Anne Marie Fahey when she broke off her relationship with him. He shot her in his home, and then he and his brother dumped her body into the Atlantic ocean. Her body was never recovered. She worked for the Governor of Delaware at the time of her murder, I believe. Several...
  6. R

    Charlie Sheen And Denise Richards

    From this latest article, it sounds to me like Charlie knows he has anger management issues. I wonder if he is bipolar or something. I suspect Denise's side leaked this stuff out because he has been trashing her lately and the custody battle has been heating up - these "leaks" legitimize her...
  7. R

    Charlie Sheen And Denise Richards

    Here is more........this is very interesting indeed.,2933,299543,00.html
  8. R

    Charlie Sheen And Denise Richards

    Well, Denise wouldn't be the first woman who thought she could change her man, and she certainly won't be the last. Sheen's current fiance is drinking the koolaid too, apparently. All things considered, those kids are probably better off with her than with him.
  9. R

    Charlie Sheen And Denise Richards,2933,299100,00.html What a nutjob this guy is.
  10. R

    PICTURE!!!!! Is it Maddie???

    I really can't believe the photo was altered, the woman who took the pic seems to be on the up and up. And, I put a lot of credibility in her comments about seeing the little girl, and immediately thinking about Maddie. First impressions often mean a lot.
  11. R

    "Damning Proof Found"

    OK, I have not really followed this case all that closely until the last week when the allegations against the parents hit the news. I have been really unwilling to believe the parents could be involved. I kept thinking about the Van Dams in San Diego, when their daughter went missing and they...
  12. R

    Cuddle Cat (and Other Obvious Lies)

    If the above is true, I definitely think it was staged. From what I have read about other children gone missing, generally speaking, the parents don't automatically assume the child has been kidnapped, that is too painful and stunning to wrap your mind around. Instead, the first words might be...
  13. R

    katie holmes...Did anyone notice

    My question would be when did your friend provide security for them? I could see Nicole being much more dependent and needy when she was younger. She met Tom when she was so young, I would imagine she grew up a lot when they split.
  14. R

    Holloway and Ramsey? Didn't see that one coming......

    I have heard it said that people who have had loving, good marriages want to find it again, they had such a good experience that they want to find that sort of companionship again. My own husband was married before we met, and his first wife died of cancer. He loved her dearly, she was his...
  15. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    It could be that she was bound and gagged and unable to scream. And I believe, at some point in what she was going through, she was probably in a profound state of shock.
  16. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    I think that is part of it, this was so horrific that some people would probably change channels, it would be so upsetting to them. However, the media is not supposed to decide what we find palatable.
  17. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    This is a link to the other case the Newsom/Christian case reminds me of:
  18. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    I agree with you, I generally don't believe in designating a crime a "hate" crime, I generally don't really care what the motivation for the crime was, simply that it happened is all I care about. But I do believe the media not covering this case is race related. I read about this case for the...
  19. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1

    I remember a case, I cannot remember where it was, but some of the elements were quite similar to this crime. If memory serves, it was a home invasion, and there were two couple in the home, the couples were forced to have sex with one another in front of their attackers, then the attackers...
  20. R

    TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #1 Sorry is this has been posted before, this is the first I have heard of these murders. They are beyond horrible. What is this not reported anywhere except in local news, yet we get a play-by-play of Paris Hilton's every move?

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