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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. noopy

    Logan's PI Ken Gamble's Search for Gabe

    i feel ken's tv appearance was a final attempt at getting some tips IF there were any witnesses of this supposedly park meeting - but no one knows IF there was a meeting (not even ken), and i guess there were no viable tips afterwards cuz otherwise, we'd find gabe. in this journal ej spoke of a...
  2. noopy

    Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

    ok, i believe she's really incompetent to stand trial now (yes the drs have no reason to lie on her behalf), but how come she still knows that she needs to keep gabe's location a secret? how come she's competent enough to protect herself from life in prison/death penalty? she seems to be...
  3. noopy

    Theories: How Would Elizabeth have killed Gabe?

    i believe that is what happened to gabriel as well.... and i don't believe this park couple exists. i think tammi and jack are not involved in his disappearance either. i do believe in her original text msg and that she dropped him in the trash, but which trash we don't know, it could very well...
  4. noopy

    Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

    I wish, but CAN THEY? Our system protects the likes of EJ, not Gabriel... Esp now that she's incompetent, they have to protect her even MORE no?
  5. noopy

    Legal and Law Questions - * No Discussion *

    hi az... so now that she's been found incompetent, and maybe/maybe not restorable (we'll know in august), what happens? the below article says they will have to DROP charges against her if found not restorable?? so she will be free to go? spend some time in a hospital, maybe recover, and walk as...
  6. noopy

    Tammi Peters Smith Psych Profile and indicators

    True, TPS is not behaving like a normal person, but who said she was normal? Normal people don't go to airports to adopt babies, normal people don't forge docs... the list is long. But just cuz TPS' reaction is not normal doesn't mean she is in contact with Gabriel tho, I really don't think she...
  7. noopy

    Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

    ok, maybe it's real insanity, IDK, but how come she's still competent enough to know not to tell anyone the truth? cuz she'll be in jail for life? she sure is competent when looking out for herself even when she's been deemed 'incompetent'.
  8. noopy

    Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

    true true... it's like the chicken or the egg ... one would have to be insane first, in order to kill their own child i believe. it's a sad case.
  9. noopy

    Theories: How Would Elizabeth have killed Gabe?

    I agree iluvmua. Sadly I've been thinking this way since April after she wouldn't talk for that long... and then leaving him out in her fake will. I'm thinking suffocation or drowning. She could have disposed of him anywhere in SA before she hopped on that bus. I don't think she'd carry his...
  10. noopy

    Elizabeth Johnson's Court Hearings & Charges

    k... thx for the insights first of all... question tho: if a sane person wanted to fake insanity, wouldn't they just look at each question, then answer the opposite or answer anything BUT what they know is right? that's what i would do. why would they want to be honest if they were trying to...
  11. noopy

    Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

    wow. could she FAKE insanity? did she purposely attack those inmates as part of her "insanity" ACT ? OR she really DID go insane after what she did? I'd imagine killing your own child is enough to make anyone go insane.... not saying she did, but just saying...
  12. noopy

    Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

    Good questions... I'm wondering too! That's why I do not believe she has told everything she knows, and I do not believe she is telling the whole truth. The longer she holds back, the more likely it's the worst case scenario we are looking at... IMOO.
  13. noopy

    Illegal/Underground Adoption Theories and leads

    Agree with Ransom too... doesn't make sense for them to start thinking "legally" if they have done everything illegally up till this point. But I still think this couple is made up by EJ...
  14. noopy

    Questions for & Info from Gabe's Family **NO DISCUSSION**

    What is Ken's involvement in the case now? Is he still working on it? Is he back in the US?
  15. noopy

    Confused? Get Help Here. Q&A Thread

    Yes indeed very odd that TS never spoke of where she was during Christmas, it would have surely been mentioned given she loves to talk, a lot. I assume she will be questioned about it during her trial - is that still on in early June? or postponed again?
  16. noopy

    Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

    Sorry, to clarify, the "talking" is my interpretation of what Kelli wrote. She was asking for EJ's heart to soften, and that softness to bring him home. I interpreted that was telling the truth about where Gabriel is and bringing him home with that info. Not sure what else could bring him home...
  17. noopy

    Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

    I think Tammi helped her, and Tammi knows the potential buyers, but whether the actual exchange took place or not, I am not sure anymore. I think there WAS a plan in place by Tammi... and it went off track somewhere. EJ doesn't believe she will be in jail that long as long as there's no...
  18. noopy

    Illegal/Underground Adoption Theories and leads

    Now that LE is involved, doesn't the above change, by a lot?? I'd love for this couple (if they indeed exists and have Gabriel) to go finalize the adoption. If this happened,it's GOOOD news cuz at least Logan and we know that Gabe is alive and it's just legal battles going fwd, but at least...
  19. noopy

    Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

    I dunno, I just have a hard time believing TS is THAT GOOD at hiding a person, esp with all the LE, PI, public looking for Gabriel? Also, I thought LE was the one who was leaning towards homicide? I don't know if that has changed now. I certainly hope so. According to Kelli's FB posts, it...
  20. noopy

    Why Won't Elizabeth Talk?!?

    My opinion of what happened- Tammi was involved in the beginning, while in AZ, and involved in trying to illegally adopt Gabe. She did do some illegal things and encouraged EJ to go to SA. Once in SA however, I feel the plans went differently, and now Tammi doesn't even know where Gabe is...

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