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DNA Solves
  1. P

    POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

    Soloflyer - Could you please refer me to the confession. I have not seen it. I did not say that the girl is guily - I said that in the US a person is innocent until proven guilty. The medical examiner Dr. Michael Baden, said that the bruising and minor lacerations could have come from...
  2. P

    POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

    Kobe was required by the prosecution/"vicitm" to give an apology in order for them to drop the case. That apology was not an admission or indication of guilt. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I have not heard anything that leads me to believe that Kobe was guilty of raping...
  3. P

    POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

    Kobe did not buy his way out. He did not give any money to the "victim." The "victim" is the one who decided that she did not want to proceed with the case. I highly doubt that Kobe would have been convicted had the case been tried - especially since they we going to bring in the evidence...
  4. P

    IA IA - Jodi Huisentruit, 27, Mason City, 27 June 1995 - Anchorwoman

    I remember this case. I live in Iowa but not near Mason City, where Jodi was from. A month or so ago they found some bones in a field and there was speculation that it was her but it turned out to be someone else. Given the length of time that she has been missing I can't help but think that...
  5. P

    Older Daughter

    I would think that having lost one daughter already and going through all of that pain would make JR less likely, or able, to help cover up the murder of JonBenet. On the other hand, if Patsy or Burke did it he may have helped them cover it up so that he wouldn't loose yet another family member...
  6. P

    Older Daughter

    Thanks - I was curious to hear if there were mysterious circumstances surrounding his older daughter's death also.
  7. P

    Older Daughter

    I am new here and I have heard some mention of the Ramsey's older daughter. Can anyone tell me more about her? Thanks!
  8. P

    UT UT - Garrett Bardsley, 12, Cuberant Lake, 20 Aug 2004

    WasBlind - Thank you for pointing out the importance of not pointing fingers. People are always too quick to blame. Like you said, a person can be snatched in the blink of an eye - especially a child.
  9. P

    DC DC - Chandra Levy, 24, Washington DC, 1 May 2001 *found deceased in 2002*

    I just saw on Rita (Fox News) that there may be a break in the Chandra Levy class - unfortunatley I was folding laundry so I wasn't paying close attetion to what they were saying. I hope to hear more on it soon.
  10. P

    Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

    I have always wondered if the brother did it. I didn't realize that the brother's name was Burke until I read the post above. Obviously I am a newbie and I haven't read many of the old posts! I feel horrible about even considering that he could be the one to have done it.

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