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DNA Solves
  1. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    IF JS ever does come clean with this, whether the boy’s are alive or deceased. He will want to appear as mentally anguished, a psychological break down, and attempt to evoke some sympathy somewhere, an “I did it“ BUT “it wasn‘t all my fault“ kind of thing. He will want to blame all his “anguish”...
  2. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I keep my GPS turned off, unless I’m using it, cause it gives me the creeps that my phone knows where I am! LOL!!! ( the phone would know anyway!:waitasec:) But if the phone is on, it will ping which ever tower you are closest to as you travel from one area to another. I wonder why...
  3. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I’m thinking if you have GPS on your phone, the phone may ping itself periodically?? If the GPS is on. Maybe not?. Or simply switching tower locations could do it too. But he wouldn’t of had to of called anyone but his voice mail, to make the phone ping. If the phone is off, and...
  4. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I, like everyone else so wish something would of turned up yesterday. Our snow has already started here, and MI/OH must be about the same. Once it starts snowing, you wouldn’t be finding much until May or June (at least where I’m at) This guy just makes me sick. And I am...
  5. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    No answers after visit to missing Morenci boys' dad in jail ------------- I do wonder what he IS saying though - I don’t know where they are….. I’m not...
  6. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Well pesky work has kept me away! Taken a bit to catch up. Glad to see the parents of JS are finally arriving! Bout time!! They may be able to help in getting some real info. The Guitar Hero gift is expensive but, it could of come from a Grandparent or another relative?. JS or TS may of...
  7. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Good question ! This is how I read it to be - "You should tell your lawyer the truth. Your lawyer has to know exactly what happened in order to defend you effectively. Tell your lawyer as many details as you can remember. Anything you tell your lawyer is confidential and will be kept secret...
  8. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    JS is just being so erratic and uncooperative, insanity may be a shot in the dark. I aggree with you totally! I think it is controll too. His house was getting foreclosed on, wife leaving for good, has full custody..... Didn't have anywhere to go, might as well go to jail, and screw everyone...
  9. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I think JS is just doing everything in his feeble power to attempt to build an insanity defense. Whether or not he will ever tell? I do not know, I can only hope he will. There is no telling what all he is telling LE and his defense att. He could be saying he is hearing voices, seeing...
  10. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    From bits and pieces of all the reports, all the way from the original kidnapping to FL, to the police officer saying one child greeted him in toy police officer gear and saying he wanted to be a police officer just like him, to the mistaken 911 call, seems like the police were somewhat...
  11. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Regardless of either parents past, good or bad. JS knows where the boy’s are. If they are deceased, and where they are hidden. Or if they are alive and with someone somewhere. And him not telling, is disgusting and irreprehensible. No matter how good of a father some say he has been...
  12. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I agree there, if she allowed the visitation, I can only imagine how she must be feeling. I know how I would feel. She must have been trying to do something “workable” in the divorce, and the kids probably wanted to see their dad too. I do feel terrible for her on that account.
  13. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    It has no bearing on what happened to the kids, but certainly offers a different view into what kind of support system JS had to help him thru all of the recent events that seemed to be raining down on him. --------------------- I’m thinking that too. He’s less than 1000 mils away! He’s not...
  14. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Has anyone seen or read whether or not infrared was ever used in flyovers?? I never saw it, if not, I wonder why they didn’t use it? Maybe because JS stalled them for a couple of days of cold weather initally?
  15. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    I wouldn’t think what I do about TS past chgs. except….. The boy was 14, tell me that there aren’t plenty of 14 year olds doing things BUT, usually with other 14 year olds!!! If she had of been 16/ 17, well……. Not good at all, but….. SHE WAS 32!!! A FULL grown woman! I have a hard time with...
  16. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    “She (LF) said she had spoken with Mr. Skelton earlier in the day and he told her the children were in a safe place but would not say where they were.” ------------------------ If this is so…….. These people are setting themselves up for a slew of charges. If and when the boy’s are found...
  17. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Oh I know it was a people search Cubby, not MSM. But MSM, yanks my chain on a regular basis! LOL! :banghead: I should have been clearer on that, sorry. I’m thinking that when TS and her X divorced, it was said that they had rental property. Possibly TS was living there at the time of the...
  18. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    Tanya Skelton, who hasn't spoken about the ordeal, is staying at her parents' home in Morenci. From The Detroit News: ------------------ Goes back to what I said about the media? Maybe she...
  19. J

    MI MI - Tanner Lucas, Alexander William, & Andrew Ryan Skelton, Morenci, 26 Nov 2010 #4

    The media is terribly inconsistent in reporting these stories. I will even go so far as to say - Plain sloppy! You can read something in one report, only to turn around and read the opposite in another. It is more than aggravation, often times I feel as we are “Sluthing” the media...

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