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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. C

    Last Sightings of the 3-eight-year-old Boys

    I didn't say I knew "for certain" but that I was pretty sure. The site has been updated many times over the years. I would think that, with a non involved, it would have insured a lack of bias. MOO, of course.
  2. C

    I've Changed My Opinion

    There's also TH's Pasdar deposition to consider. He has lied more times than DE! The fact of the matter is that, even though it is not sufficient to convict, the hair for which TH is most likely the donor remains the single piece of physical evidence that can link (however tenuously) someone...
  3. C

    Last Sightings of the 3-eight-year-old Boys

    I'd like to add one caveat to the information about Callahan's. The people involved, IIRC, were both nons until they actually examined the evidence and photographed it. One remained a non while the other was convinced, by the evidence, that the three wrongfully convicted men were factually...
  4. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    We've been through this before, but, again, I find the Clark girls' sighting much more credible as to time frame than the others you mentioned. For one thing, the JCB statement was under oath whereas the other statements were merely responses to police questioning. In the statement, JCB didn't...
  5. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    I, too, totally agree. There are those here who will argue that the neighbors, since they didn't come forward until years later, were mistaken. I disagree. In a small town, like West Memphis, this type of crime is a major story. Also, it is a traumatic event for all involved. Just as I...
  6. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Plausible, CL. I think it's either something similar to your scenario or, when TH first saw SB around 5:30 (or a little before), he gave him permission to stay out with his friends till dark. Then, when he returned from DJ's, they were in the house, SB eating the green beans. When SB begged...
  7. C


    Of course, you can suppose! I don't know, but I suppose they wanted to investigate further and didn't want a bunch of amateurs posting opinions on the video. Again, that's my supposition. I do know for a fact that he was cautioned to keep it private when he first showed it to some forensic...
  8. C


    Again, the experts asked him to take the video down. I don't know why, just that they asked and he complied. As to when we'll have any kind of "answer" available to the public from these experts, I have no clue! Patience!
  9. C


    I'm saying that the experts who opined previously didn't know about TH's partial because it had not been found at the time they gave their opinions. Now, based on Dr. Cowart's work, their testimony would not be the same, if called to court again. They would opine that the partials could not be...
  10. C


    No one has "suggested it wasn't foolproof." In fact, some of the experts who had previously opined that the mark was not a bite mark have changed their opinion based on Dr. Cowart's work. That's what intelligent people do when new information (like the partials) is made available.
  11. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Yep, CL. I totally agree! Thanks for the links.
  12. C

    WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

    I agree 100%, CL! However, I still think it's interesting to learn background on those of us who are still obsessed with this case. Thanks for the info!
  13. C

    WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

    Thanks to Graznik for telling me how to "multi-quote" in a reply! I'm "proof positive" that there's no "typical" supporter. I'm a Republican. I'm a Conservative. My son is one month younger than Damien (so, I'm a senior citizen). Not a thing like the "typical" supporter - more like the...
  14. C


    No, he didn't "realize it wasn't as foolproof as he originally thought." Let's just say that he took it down at the request of some experts. As to the missing teeth, I'm not even sure that TH had any missing lower teeth (although, based on the number of teeth on the upper partial, it would...
  15. C

    WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

    Law and Disorder. I read it recently. It was very good. IIRC, about a third of the book is about this case.
  16. C

    WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

    I'm an old conservative who believes in their innocence, based primarily on my 25 years' teaching high school students. DE, JB and JM are three "types" whom I have taught. DE, the intelligent rebel (with poverty as a contributing factor) who is a basic loner with a few close friends but who...
  17. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Right! Like Winston Churchill said, " Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.'' IIRC, DS has a shortened version of the quote on...
  18. C


    TH, IIRC (from the original video not the "debunking" crap) had some missing lower teeth as well. I don't know why he didn't have a lower partial as well. I can only speculate that the missing lower teeth were not as noticeable as the uppers. Partial dentures are expensive. So, maybe that's...
  19. C

    WM3 are guilty- Evidence.

    I don't know how to "do" multiple quotes, so, with apologies, I'll "cut and paste" the parts of the posts to which I'd like to respond. First, welcome Mackensie_Sage! Graznik said: "There's no evidence pointing to the WM3, apart from Misskelley's confessions. And if you have a closer look...
  20. C

    Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

    Oh, CL! You're a hoot!:happydance: I still hold out hope, though. Just call me the eternal optimist. I have no facts, but I just have a very strong feeling that there's something "out there" that hasn't been made public - yet - that will break this case wide open. I'm just waiting for it to...

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