Viable suspect: Terry Hobbs #1

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Oh, CL! You're a hoot!:happydance:

I still hold out hope, though. Just call me the eternal optimist. I have no facts, but I just have a very strong feeling that there's something "out there" that hasn't been made public - yet - that will break this case wide open. I'm just waiting for it to come out!
I agree, CR. There has to be something out there that at some point will break this case. I might be naive, but I'm a firm believer in that the truth always gets out in the end. We're just not at the end yet.
Right! Like Winston Churchill said, " Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.'' IIRC, DS has a shortened version of the quote on his desk. We're in good company, IMO!
Can anyone think of a single other case where a parent/stepparent, murdered their own child and their children's friends? That just seems so out there. It's usually done alone, at home. Just curious. Are we reaching here or is there some similar case?
Can anyone think of a single other case where a parent/stepparent, murdered their own child and their children's friends? That just seems so out there. It's usually done alone, at home. Just curious. Are we reaching here or is there some similar case?

Maybe someone who's a little more well versed on crime in general could chime in and give a better answer.

Personally, I consider looking for a similar case is going about it the wrong way. Much like other horrific and high profile homicides, it's probably the only one of its kind. That's what makes those homicides, as well as this one, stand out so much. It's not your run of the mill murder - hence, it shouldn't be treated as such. Furthermore, although nons would disagree, this case remains unsolved. Keep in mind that it's not "uncommon" for children to be murdered by a step-parent (see so called Cinderella Effect) or for witnesses to be eliminated. We might be "reaching", but it's sure as hell not that far IMO.
first, i think it's important to make the distinction between a parent and a step-parent. they are not interchangeable. a child is anywhere between 40-100 times more likely to be killed by a step-parent than a biological parent. the risk of being killed or maimed by a step-parent increases if the step-parent is male and the child is also male. the “Cinderella Effect” is one of the foundational empirical findings in evolutionary psychology. if TH was the perpetrator of these crimes, i believe that SB was the target with the other boys being collateral damage.
first, i think it's important to make the distinction between a parent and a step-parent. they are not interchangeable. a child is anywhere between 40-100 times more likely to be killed by a step-parent than a biological parent. the risk of being killed or maimed by a step-parent increases if the step-parent is male and the child is also male. the “Cinderella Effect” is one of the foundational empirical findings in evolutionary psychology. if TH was the perpetrator of these crimes, i believe that SB was the target with the other boys being collateral damage.

BBM. I couldn't agree more, EntreNous!
Can anyone think of a single other case where a parent/stepparent, murdered their own child and their children's friends? That just seems so out there. It's usually done alone, at home. Just curious. Are we reaching here or is there some similar case?

I haven't got much to add to Graznik, and EntreNous posts, I agree with them on the whole, I would just like to add a bit of statistical information.

It seems a lot of people have problems believing that it was one of the parents due to the fact that the three boys came from different families.That's understandable, if you google "two or three murdered children" you are faced with a long list of Mother kills her children ..... Father kills his wife and children.

It is true that child victims outside the family are very rare, don't be fooled by the media. Multiple child victims outside the family are even more scarce. A case with the constellation of WM,... I've only seen one up to now.

Korogocho triple murder Catherine Muthoni Nairobi February 17, 2015, in which
a young woman 23, murdered her 1 year old son, then went over to her neighbours and killed two of her neighbours children. I think she was in a pretty desperate mental condition.

This is a case of a Mother killing her daughters playmate, but not her daughter:

"She told police that Cantu often played with her own daughter"

If we took the time to research this, I'm sure we would find something similar in criminal history world wide, but it's very time consuming, I will keep my eyes open.

I've always found it interesting that people were more willing to believe the "satanical ritual" perspective, although in '93, there was no known case of this.

One thing that multiple murders of children have in common, they often remain unsolved, there are often wrong convictions, coerced confessions, many things that bear resemblance with this case, some in a more than eerie way like:

The "Jerry Hobbs" case which I mentioned somewhere else:

The Schuessler - Peterson Murders at "Robinson’s Woods"

The Grimes Sisters:

11-year-old Betty June Binniker and 8-year-old Mary Emma Thames:


The Lake Bodom Murders in Finnland:

My opinion:

The injuries of the boys suggest one of the parents did it.
The crime was staged to look like it was a serial killer.
It certainly wasn't three drunken teens.
Maybe one of the parents is a "potential serial killer" ?

My Speculation:

The "placing" of the bodies suggest two boys were targeted, one was collateral.
The direction in which the bodies pointed, two pointing South, one pointing North suggests the same, plus the reinstatement of power over the two targeted.
The reinstatement of power was also underlined by the symbolic association of something that "belonged" to the perp, possibly double laced LA Gear which had a black and white lace in each boot, thus two victims bound with Black and White laces, one bound with two black "half" laces that might have came from the perp, who sacrificed this lace as a sign of remorse for the collateral damage. Crazy, but maybe psycho-logical.
If TH was the perp, I'm still looking at possible realistic scenarios. TH has shown that he has a violent side, and it could be a mixture of long term pressure build-up, plus short term events, plus drug abuse, that triggered the excessive violence for such a crime. I think one of the events on this day was the advance of CB towards AH. In another scenario, I could see further events that would push up the pressure. All speculation, but trying to not wander away from the known facts / statements too much.

TH arrives back at the house after taking PH to work. SB is there waiting outside. TH takes SB's bike off him "grounding" him as part of the punishment impended by PH. TH also tells SB that he's not getting supper, because he's too late, and then tells him to stay in the area.

SB, and MM play in the area as described by the Ballards, and are then joined by CB at some point. TH goes to DJ, and takes AH with him. CB who had already shown on that day, that he was becoming independent, suggests breaking into the house, or accessing it through an open window, and retrieving SB's bike. At this opportunity, SB eats some of the Green beans. They leave the house taking the bike, and ride down the area where Dana M. sees them.

Because they know they did something wrong, they avoid any contact with parents. After this, they realise it could have consequences for them, and decide to take the bike back to the house. Somewhere at this point, TH comes back from DJ, possibly under the influence of amphetamine, sees that the boys were in the house, and catches them in front of the Ballards house. I could imagine there would have been an angry confrontation.
Plausible, CL. I think it's either something similar to your scenario or, when TH first saw SB around 5:30 (or a little before), he gave him permission to stay out with his friends till dark. Then, when he returned from DJ's, they were in the house, SB eating the green beans. When SB begged to stay out longer, TH refused. The boys ran from him (being seen by JB and her sister) and headed for the woods. TH, angered by the disobedience, ditches AH with DJ and BJ and pursues the boys, and . . .

Of course, if the Guy and Stewart affidavits are added into the mix, it's possible that TH saw SB around 4:30 and gave the permission at that time. Those affidavits are pretty short on time frame. It's just within the realm of possibility that the four (TH, DJ, BL and LCH, Jr.) met up around 5:30 and headed for the woods, were discovered by the boys, and . . .
Terry Hobbs was seen by neighbors with the boys on the day that they where murdered; however he says that he never saw Stevie, Mark, or Christopher that day. Why would you lie about being with the boys if you weren't hiding something. Terry Hobbs was involved with the murder of those three little boys.
Terry Hobbs was seen by neighbors with the boys on the day that they where murdered; however he says that he never saw Stevie, Mark, or Christopher that day. Why would you lie about being with the boys if you weren't hiding something. Terry Hobbs was involved with the murder of those three little boys.

I totally agree, TMartin.

I see this is your first post here! Welcome to Websleuths!
He said that the night Stevie went missing he was at his friends David Jacoby playing guitar.
Terry Hobbs was seen by neighbors with the boys on the day that they where murdered; however he says that he never saw Stevie, Mark, or Christopher that day. Why would you lie about being with the boys if you weren't hiding something. Terry Hobbs was involved with the murder of those three little boys.

I, too, totally agree. There are those here who will argue that the neighbors, since they didn't come forward until years later, were mistaken. I disagree. In a small town, like West Memphis, this type of crime is a major story. Also, it is a traumatic event for all involved. Just as I remember, vividly, the events when JFK was assassinated (which was over 50 years ago) I have no problem believing that these witnesses, teenagers at the time, would remember forever seeing the little boys on the night before their bodies were found.

Also, some would complain that their time frame could be in error. Again, they based the time of the sighting by the fact that they were involved with an habitual activity (attending church) occurring at a specific time. IMO, there is no reason to doubt this method for fixing the time. One of the problems with this case is that too many witnesses can't specify time. IMO, this is one of the most reliable sightings as to time.

Finally, some question why these neighbors waited so long to report what they saw. Again, IMO, their explanation of that delay makes perfect sense. They had no reason to believe that an innocent TH would have failed to report that particular incident to the police. It wasn't until it came out, much later, that he was claiming that he had not seen the boys that they realized he had not told the police about the incident. So, they spoke up.

Welcome to the board, TMartin!
^ It's not only why they waited 14 years's the fact that, the JCB sighting of the boys in the 5:30 to 6:30 time period (she places the boys, in her backyard, all together) directly contradict more credible of sightings of all of the following: Posey (Chris, alone at 5:30, after being whipped), the Moore's and Kim Williams (boys at the entrance of RHH at 6), and Otto Bailey. There's no way all the boys could have been in the Ballard yard at 5:30, with CB at the Posey's.

Also, Ryan (CB's brother) never went to school the next day: this is a bonafide fact. Ballard, however, states she saw him at school the next day and he was crying. However way you want to spin it, this is a definitive falsity.
We've been through this before, but, again, I find the Clark girls' sighting much more credible as to time frame than the others you mentioned. For one thing, the JCB statement was under oath whereas the other statements were merely responses to police questioning. In the statement, JCB didn't say that she saw the boys playing in the back yard at 5:30, but in the 5:30 -6:30 time frame. Also, with the boys on bikes and the relatively small area we're discussing, IMO, there's simply no contradiction. Besides, the more important time, to me, is the 6:30 time.

As to RC being seen by JCB at school, as I've repeatedly explained, he could have gone by the school shortly after the bodies were discovered and seen JCB in the school yard. She didn't say she saw him in school, but rather at school. IMO, there's a difference.

Here's a possible scenario. The bodies are discovered and the parents notified. This would have been around 2 pm or 2:30 pm, IIRC, by the time all three bodies were found. JMB and his wife (MB) are distraught. RC could have been more or less "forgotten" at this time. He could have slipped away and gone by the school, seeking solace or for some other reason, like getting his assignments.

According to JCB's statement, she and RC were friends and walked home together from school every day. Although RC had not attended school that day, he could have gone by the school, either to seek solace from his friend or maybe to pick up assignments. Since RC attended a private school at the time, he would have been more likely to be diligent about assignments. When I was teaching, there were several times that a student came by to get assignments right after a traumatic event - and I taught at public schools!

So, either for one of the reasons I mentioned or for some other reason, RC went by the school and saw JCB. In her statement, JCB even mentions that school was dismissed right after she talked with RC. Unfortunately, she didn't clearly state if this was at the "normal" dismissal time (I'm assuming around 3 pm) or if school was dismissed early because the news of the bodies being found had been made public. Either way, however, RC's "dropping by" the school, IMO, is a distinct possibility. Yes, this is speculation on my part. However, I believe that the scenario I outlined is plausible, at least.
I believe the Ballard sighting. But, even if it didn't exist; I'd still believe TH to be guilty.
Here's a possible scenario. The bodies are discovered and the parents notified. This would have been around 2 pm or 2:30 pm, IIRC, by the time all three bodies were found. JMB and his wife (MB) are distraught. RC could have been more or less "forgotten" at this time. He could have slipped away and gone by the school, seeking solace or for some other reason, like getting his assignments.
There is one problem with this scenario: the bodies of SB and CB weren't found until 2:56 and 2:59 PM respectively (it's in the crime scene notes). I assume that the parents were notified after that. If school let out at 3 PM, and RC only heard about the discovery after that, JCB's story can not be correct.
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