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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. wtiger

    UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #6

    So i wonder if professor Wilson still believes that Campbell is unlikely to be a psychopath? These guys must get their degrees from christmas crackers!! In my opinion he is most unlikely to be released after 27 years and will never effectively re-integrate into society. Some of me is left to...
  2. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Remember... Crimes like this are extremely rare so don't have nightmares and do sleep well :) Ps: it's not the burglars that come in through the window that you need to worry's the wardrobe monsters! :) :) :) :)
  3. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Have to be overriding feeling is more of unfairness and inequity in the way that this case has garnered so much attention for so long when some other missing kids are deemed hardly worthy of two lines in a newspaper. Lets face it...the ONLY reason that this case is kept going is...
  4. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Having read through much of the P.J case files, i just wonder .. How normal would it be for home office reps to be vetting questions from a foreign police force to british citizens? And following on from this... What "line of questioning" towards Kate Healy's father was it that the home...
  5. wtiger

    Identified! UK - N.Yorkshire, 'Pennine Woman' AsianFem 376UFUK, 20-40, in water, Sep'04-Lamduan Seekanya

    Not a mention of the case from any of the Armitage family on social media
  6. wtiger

    Identified! UK - N.Yorkshire, 'Pennine Woman' AsianFem 376UFUK, 20-40, in water, Sep'04-Lamduan Seekanya

    Real head scratcher this one...... Cannot think who could possibly have put her there! Isn't it a fortunate thing for Mr Armitage that he is in Thailand from where extradition for questioning would be such a complicated matter!...what a stroke of coincidence. I am guessing that the media have...
  7. wtiger

    UK Uk - Beachy head, East Sussex, male asian, 20-30, Nov'18

    5 decade rosary beads normally contain one larger stone per decade, i see only one size of bead here. There will be some significance in the number and material from which the beads are made
  8. wtiger

    UK Uk - Beachy head, East Sussex, male asian, 20-30, Nov'18

    Might be useful to say..... Christian rosary beads would normally have 59 beads This necklace appears to have fewer Would be hugely helpful to know exact number of beads as this could be a very good clue
  9. wtiger

    UK UK - Terry McSpadden, 24, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, 2 Mar 2007

    Had a fresh look at the inquest findings..... The only question in my mind is where was Terry's body taken to? The evidence given only points in one direction yet the only charges ever brought were thrown out. It seems pretty clear that the answer does not lie far from wisbech
  10. wtiger

    New Zealand - Christchurch Mosque shooting, dead & injured reported, 15 March 2019

    Him having a gun licence is neither here nor there.... Stating the obvious but people hell bent on murder tend not to worry themselves about minor concerns such as "do i need a licence for my arsenal" or "i wonder if what i am about to do may be illegal" It is impossible to legislate your way...
  11. wtiger

    New Zealand - Christchurch Mosque shooting, dead & injured reported, 15 March 2019

    Surely THAT was my whole point? There should be absolutely nothing political about killing and maiming innocent people ever,regardless of who is doing it I actively do not want this type of bigoted fool to believe that he is somehow advancing a political cause by being a racist coward! Murder...
  12. wtiger

    The British Royal Family - news, views, clothes & shoes! #5

    Here to put up my hand as a recidivist diabetic Off topic i know but i am no royalist! In my head, i know that i have diabetes and it makes me tired,irritable,grumpy,unwell ect But A little part of me thinks that it will somehow be different for me...,that diabetes is something for others and...
  13. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Some entry level detective theorem here: Consider everyone Trust no one Assume nothing Question everything How many out of 4 do we give Law enforcement in this case?
  14. wtiger

    Found Deceased UK - Leah Croucher, 19, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, 14 Feb 2019

    So we have footage of Leah on the day before (14th) We have family members who seem to know exactly how she was dressed (despite not having seen her since the previous night) We have the odd half baked cctv media appeal and a load of facebook appeals (btw im sure that someone has added photos...
  15. wtiger

    New Zealand - Christchurch Mosque shooting, dead & injured reported, 15 March 2019

    I do not want to politicize such a horrible event but it has raised a question for me, with regard to the british government and other happenings this week. The uk armed forces by common acknowledgment murdered 14 unarmed and totally innocent people in Bogside 1972 This attracted the staunch...
  16. wtiger

    UK UK - Terry McSpadden, 24, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, 2 Mar 2007

    Thanks for the info....shall revisit this from a different angle now. I do tend to agree that this one must be solvable....or certainly to the point of being able to draw some sensible conclusions I seem to remember some furore about the private companies being contracted to oversee the...
  17. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Assorted further strangeness.... Why did gerry refuse to answer the question "did you previously know Robert Murat"? His answer of "i'm not going to comment on that" was six words longer than necessary! If Jane Tanner did see a man carrying away a child....might she not have thought to...
  18. wtiger

    Found Deceased UK - Leah Croucher, 19, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, 14 Feb 2019

    One thing i just digested The SECOND part of the clip is from the 14th The first part from 15th But on the 14th she is there at 08.40 - presumably for a 9am start On the 15th the time is 10.05...already well after the time for starting work.. So where had she been? And Why did the family...
  19. wtiger

    Found Deceased UK - Leah Croucher, 19, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes, 14 Feb 2019

    Missing Leah: New appeal a month after she disappeared
  20. wtiger

    Madeleine McCann - Netflix documentary on this case

    Just floating this out there with regard to the blood/cadaver dogs The McCann's are both medical professionals, i would imagine that blood is something often encountered by them (and death too for that matter) However clever the dog may be, it would not be capable of differentiating between...

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