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  1. ibyoungr

    Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

    Caylee never did stay over night with Casey at TL. I think he pretty much admits to seeing Caylee the 9th, 11th, and 12th. Casey really did not spend ALOT of time with Tony on those days. CA did admit to having Caylee at night, even complaining about it to a co-worker and she admits to...
  2. ibyoungr

    Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

    There is a pattern that has emerged....this is not a thrill kill.... "she hated her mother more than she loved that baby" as quoted by Shirley..... It appears at the end of May, Casey was ramping up her partying. When she would stay out to late in the night 3AM ish... then a fight with Cindy...
  3. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    I added the above with credit to BJB to the time line link above for May 23rd to May 31st. It seems to me the texts and chats start to make a lot more since when meshed into the pings and interviews.
  4. ibyoungr

    Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

    Please check here for a minute to minute play by play of Casey's life from May 24th through June 5th. I started on this because I was trying to pin down the pattern in their fighting.. with the times that "they were staying at Zanny's" Then it became needed in the accountability of...
  5. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    I have noticed up above.. I left out May 29th -31st in the links above. This info also has become useful in the Accountability of Caylee thread in the Resource links. So. I posted the info over there as well. From May 23rd - June 5th. (added BJB info about the chats on the 23rd) Here...
  6. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    I will finish added June 6th and 7th over the next day or two. Most of this info is in the case calendar however the calendar is more.. day to day activity and does show minute- hour play by play. Though this would read more like in "story format" and give a smoother transition from day to...
  7. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    June 5th Cindy's Birthday Casey wakes up at the Anthony home after a long night before. Troy’s actual birthday party… strip club with Amy, Ric and Troy… no Casey. 7:12 AM Tony texts Casey 7:22 AM Tony texts Casey 49 minute break.. Is Caylee awake? 8:11 AM Tony texts Casey. Casey does...
  8. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    June 4th 7:18 – 7:57 Casey sends and receives texts to herself. 8:07 – 9:16 PM 68 minute break in phone usage. Caylee has probably awaken and is being fed and clothed. 10:32 AM Casey texts Tony while at home with Caylee and her mom They continue texting back and forth until...
  9. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    June 3rd Casey got about 7 hours of sleep. She is at home with her mom and Caylee. She does hang close to home this day. 8:26 AM Casey is texting herself for 23 seconds. 8:49 AM Casey sends last text to Casey Anthony. 8:58 AM She sends Tony the first text of the day. 4 more texts...
  10. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    June 2nd This is the day Casey and Caylee spend the day at Tony's going swimming... 12:16 AM Casey arrives at the Anthony homestead after being at Tony's after the Arden Village party. 12:21 AM Casey sends Amy a text “Glad you’re home! Sorry I didn’t come tonight. I do have a great story...
  11. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    Sunday, June 1st Arrives home and pings at 3:16 AM from the night before with Tony at Arden Villages. Casey gets some sleep (4 hours) Gets up and leaves early , pings near to at Tony’s,leaves Caylee with mom while she spends the day with Tony at a BBQ. Caylee was with her grandmother this day...
  12. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    May 23rd - May 31st... I have no pings to work off of.. only Amy's texts and interviews of the 4 main people who spent the most time with Casey and Caylee. Tony, Cindy, Ric and Amy. BJB Dug this up... and posted here Unallocated clusters p2655 Casey is chatting it up with Tony R the cop...
  13. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    Ok.. My posts regarding the minute by minute - play by play is getting scattered.. So.. to account for Caylee and Casey from May 24th till June 15th. (only have worked out to the 6th so far) I am going to repost all of it together over here.. my apologies to all that have read them...
  14. ibyoungr

    Accountability of Caylee

    Casey left the Anthony house on June 14th around 11:50 AM. She spent a couple hours at Tony's and after receiving a VM from Cindy at 3:29 PM... she heads home at 3:48 PM. Casey prolly told her mom that she had to "go to work" and Cindy kept Caylee. Casey pings at the Anthony home that...
  15. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    With that.. I would like to say there was a fight on June 2.. maybe a small bickering fight. The 9 AM pattern works for me! Casey was also motivated after having sex with Tony for the first time the day before on June 1st to check to see if he was daddy material on the 2nd.
  16. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    thanks.. that will eliminate wondering if Chris sawing her running in June. I think JC only seen 2 of the possible 4 fights...
  17. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    just throwin this out there before the thought in my mind gets lost.... Pattern: Casey goes out... ABC Party on the 25th..... Cindy finds out a few days later (fight on the 29th in the evening??) May 29th and 30th Casey stays at Ric's June 1st - party at Arden Village... home at...
  18. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    Yes, there were probably many bickering fights over the years.. however... by looking at the time period of May 24-June 15 in a minute by minute play by play gives a lot of perspective on what was going on and when. Something changed in this time period or was ramped up.... or else Casey...
  19. ibyoungr

    Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

    Thanks for the link! The date of the interview is incorrect. Caylee was not reported missing until July 15th. This interview had to have taken place on July 30th. The interview transcript is incorrect.

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