Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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May 24th, 25 and 26th here

Sunday, June 1st here Cindy home, Casey with Tony all day, BBQ at Arden Village near Alafaya and University, JG apt complex but not his party. Casey home at 12:16 AM

June 2nd

12:16 AM Casey arrives at the Anthony homestead.
12:21 AM Casey sends Amy a text
“Glad you’re home! Sorry I didn’t come tonight. I do have a great story for you though. I’ll call ya tomorrow!”
12:46 AM Jesse texts Casey
12:46 AM Jesse texts Casey
1:08 AM Chris S texts Casey
Casey catches some ZZZZ’s for 2 hours
3:17 AM Tony texts Casey and she does not reply.
Casey gets some more good sleep and does not show activity on her phone until the sun comes up. 6 hours.

Casey wakes up at the Anthony home after close to 8 hours since the last major texting, spends time in the morning with Caylee and her mother. Leaves with Caylee and goes to Tony’s apt for swimming. Tony does not have classes this week.

9:03 AM Casey calls Tony and talks for 12 minutes. She must be up, dressed and ready to spend the day with Tony. Caylee is with her this day.
10:06 AM Casey is receiving a text message and she is pinging at Tony’s apt.
Pg 14 and 15 Tony Lazarro interview July 22nd with Det. Edwards
Tony states that he did not have school this week and Casey came over to his apt on June 2nd with Caylee. He has pictures of Casey and Caylee on his cell phone from this date. This is the first time he has seen Caylee. She brought over food for her and Caylee to eat. He did not feel real well. Relaxing at the place. She was reading Caylee books. Then they went down to the pool. Then they left around 5:30 -6:30.”

There is no cell activity for 2.25 hours after she arrives at Tony’s apt until she receives a text message.
12:30 PM Text from Chris Stutz
1:10 PM Text from Adam “Officer Charlie” Lynch?
2:10 PM Casey gets a call from Anthony Home and it lasted for 1 min. Within the same minute she gets a text notification of a call from Cindy and she then checks her VM.
2:55 PM Casey calls Casey (Voicemail check?)
2:56 PM Voicemail message gets cleared.
2:56 PM Casey calls the Anthony home call last 1 min
37 minute break…
4:33 PM Within the next minute a call comes in from the Anthony Home(Cindy) a vm text msg is sent and a outgoing call to Casey VM.

Casey and Caylee are pinging south of Tony’s at 4:34. No cell activity for 1.5 hours. This could be pool time. Lazzaro spent $5.00 at Winn Dixie on June 2nd per Credit card usage report.
4:52 PM – Tony takes a picture of Caylee at this time on his cell phone.
5:40 PM Amy H texts Casey…
“I made out with a guy last night!”
6:13 PM Anthony Home calls Casey, Call goes to VM, Casey gets text notification, she checks VM
6:27 PM Casey texts Amy
“Me too!”
Casey pings south of Tony’s until
6:40 PM Casey calls the Anthony Home and talks for 7 minutes
This call pings at or near Tony’s apt
6:47 PM Casey calls Ryan P and does not connect tries again in 23 seconds.
6:49 PM Casey calls Ric and talks for 5 min while Casey and Caylee are traveling south.
6:54 PM Casey calls Ryan P again and talks for 5 minutes. Casey and Caylee are at the Anthony home.7:01 PM Casey sends a text to Tony L

Heavy texting occurs for 1 hour with Tony L until 8:09 PM for 1 hour. Caylee would have been probably spending time with her Grandma.
8:09 – 10:13 The texting slows down for with breaks of 23, 13,31, 20and 38 minute breaks. She is more or likely getting Caylee’s bath and ready for bed and just hanging out at home.10:14 -12:10 - 2 hour text fest between Casey/Tony and Casey/Ric.
11:59 PM Casey text to Amy
“So it is more sad or funny that Ric decides to finally spill his real feelings for me after hearing that I made out with Tony? Stupid. So stupid. I couldn’t wait for him forever and I'm truly glad that I didn’t. Anyway.. I can wait to hear your story from last night!”

Casey must have made a decision at this point after the text fest to choose Tony over Ric.
12:13 AM Amy texts Casey back…
“I want that toy now that someone else has it! Dumb boys. Last night was interesting. Kissing is fun. And he was real playful which was really fun. I actually kinda want him to call not that I’m holding my breath but he was fun.” the middle of the night going into the AM hours of June 3rd. Middle of the night…
There are 4 missing or deleted texts from Amy’s phone documentation.

12:13:07[ AM/B] – Casey texts Amy... finish sentence over 40 secs later
“You needed a good distraction from firefighter boy. I’m glad! It’s nice to finally feel wanted to Ric but it’s like I had to move on to get anything out of…
12:13:54 AM Casey completes the text
….him. I stand by my decisions and I'm really starting to like Tony. Everything in due time.”

Amy Huzienga July 23rd interview regarding June 1st. PG 10

“June 2nd is when Ricardo kind of finds out.. She told me as well on the 2nd.” Amy references the “made out with a boy text and Casey’s response.. me, too!”

Casey while texting with Amy, Amy accidently sends Ric a text that was meant to go to Casey. Casey is back to texting Ric and Tony until 12:59 AM

12:59 to 1:33 AM The texts really start to fly between Ric and Casey. I would assume this is where they are fighting. No texts or calls until 8:26 AM.

June 2nd appears to be a pivotal day... Casey has Caylee all day.
Heavy texting between Casey/Tony and Casey/Ric. Ric finds out that Casey has been with Tony. Tony and Casey had sex the day before. Time for bickering in the AM with her mom.
Ibyoungr - Ok...I found the Voyage pics but it apears the owner of the site has either pulled them down or he is just having issues at the moment.

If you go to:

Candyrose has some of the pictures in her photobucket but they seem to be just a few and only of KC and TonE. She has them marked as happening 6/6/08.

If you go to (where the events were posted by the photographer), The Voyage event is listed 6/4/08 (which I think matches up to what you had previously reported and outlined) but when you click on the event, you get an error. I *know* I looked through those pictures just a month or so ago....disappointing they are not working now.

ETA!! I found them! Finally remembered that I saw these pictures in the Patrick B thread. Anyway, someone was kind enough to save them to flickr so here you go. They say 6/6/08 but again, if you go to the actual photographer's site, it happened 6/4/08.

In photo #13, for example, you can see AH talking to JPC in the background. In photo #70 (second to last) you can see RM leaning against the wall and smoking.
Per E-Pass records here

Just for the record, the E-Pass records show them taking George's car to the beach on June 7 - Leaving around 10:37 AM, getting back around 3:42 PM.

Sat June 7th - Cindy gone but Casey leaves at 3 PM (something rotten with this day...) REALLY NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT TIME THEY LEAVE AND RETURN FROM BEACH...... Cindy had every right to be peeved this day.
me thinks she figured out Casey did not work on the 24th, 25th and 6th. Casey returned the latest/earliest EVER.. 5:12 AM.
(first fight topic) Casey stays at Ric's....

I think we've got a pretty good fix on 6/7 timing. Someone speculated Cindy might not have gone w/ George. can go down that path. We could probably find something in G&C's cell records, home phone records, etc. to support Cindy was actually w/ George...if we hafta. Personally, I'm satsified Cindy went w/ George and the EPass records fix the timing. I'll check the EPass time stamp and driving time to/from G&C's from that toll (as done for 6/15), FWIW.

ETA: IBY pointing to potential for 6/7AM 'fight' before G&C left. Having a look @ 9:11AM seems plausible, FWIW.
Ibyoungr - Ok...I found the Voyage pics but it apears the owner of the site has either pulled them down or he is just having issues at the moment.

If you go to:

Candyrose has some of the pictures in her photobucket but they seem to be just a few and only of KC and TonE. She has them marked as happening 6/6/08.

If you go to (where the events were posted by the photographer), The Voyage event is listed 6/4/08 (which I think matches up to what you had previously reported and outlined) but when you click on the event, you get an error. I *know* I looked through those pictures just a month or so ago....disappointing they are not working now.

ETA!! I found them! Finally remembered that I saw these pictures in the Patrick B thread. Anyway, someone was kind enough to save them to flickr so here you go. They say 6/6/08 but again, if you go to the actual photographer's site, it happened 6/4/08.

In photo #13, for example, you can see AH talking to JPC in the background. In photo #70 (second to last) you can see RM leaning against the wall and smoking.

Wow thanks... I wiill be adding that link to the timeline...



I think we've got a pretty good fix on 6/7 timing. Someone speculated Cindy might not have gone w/ George. can go down that path. We could probably find something in G&C's cell records, home phone records, etc. to support Cindy was actually w/ George...if we hafta. Personally, I'm satsified Cindy went w/ George and the EPass records fix the timing. I'll check the EPass time stamp and driving time to/from G&C's from that toll (as done for 6/15), FWIW.

I thought LE said it was the night of the 15th?



I think we've got a pretty good fix on 6/7 timing. Someone speculated Cindy might not have gone w/ George. can go down that path. We could probably find something in G&C's cell records, home phone records, etc. to support Cindy was actually w/ George...if we hafta. Personally, I'm satsified Cindy went w/ George and the EPass records fix the timing. I'll check the EPass time stamp and driving time to/from G&C's from that toll (as done for 6/15), FWIW.

Based upon this, II will say a fight must have occurred in the AM of June 7th.
Fight occurs because:

Casey returns home at 5 in the morning and Cindy is wanting some time without Caylee. Fight occurred between 7 AM and 9 AM. Cindy says "You need to come home at night." Casey responds with a "F you" and goes for a jog. She comes home and mom and dad have decided to take off for the day and leave Caylee with Casey.

Casey says fine.. I will show you.. I won't come home tonite.
Sunday comes and she can't stay at Tony's and she makes up with Mom and stays home Sunday and Sunday night because she will need Cindy come next Friday when she wants to go out again.
Chris S states he thought he saw her out running sometime around this time.

I think we have a first fight nailed down.
Based upon this, II will say a fight must have occurred in the AM of June 7th.
Fight occurs because:

Casey returns home at 5 in the morning and Cindy is wanting some time without Caylee. Fight occurred between 7 AM and 9 AM. Cindy says "You need to come home at night." Casey responds with a "F you" and goes for a jog. She comes home and mom and dad have decided to take off for the day and leave Caylee with Casey.

Casey says fine.. I will show you.. I won't come home tonite.
Sunday comes and she can't stay at Tony's and she makes up with Mom and stays home Sunday and Sunday night because she will need Cindy come next Friday when she wants to go out again.
Chris S states he thought he saw her out running sometime around this time.

I think we have a first fight nailed down.

Regarding Chris S statement about KC running: In his interview of July 30 YM asks him if it was on July 15 ... Chris says yeah. Page 12: I know this actual interview is dated June 30 and at the time LE was getting June and July mixed up as well as KC and Caylee's names. I don't know if Chris S ever corrected or clarified the date to June 15. You all probably do and if so please don't mind me. :crosseyed: Snip attached ...


  • Chris Stutz statement re Chickasaw.JPG
    Chris Stutz statement re Chickasaw.JPG
    63.4 KB · Views: 12
Based upon this, II will say a fight must have occurred in the AM of June 7th.
Fight occurs because:

Casey returns home at 5 in the morning and Cindy is wanting some time without Caylee. Fight occurred between 7 AM and 9 AM. Cindy says "You need to come home at night." Casey responds with a "F you" and goes for a jog. She comes home and mom and dad have decided to take off for the day and leave Caylee with Casey.

Casey says fine.. I will show you.. I won't come home tonite.
Sunday comes and she can't stay at Tony's and she makes up with Mom and stays home Sunday and Sunday night because she will need Cindy come next Friday when she wants to go out again.
Chris S states he thought he saw her out running sometime around this time.

I think we have a first fight nailed down.

Hmmmm....:waitasec: Let's take a closer look @ 6/7 morning, then, IBY.

I kinda like 9:11AM...after which there's a 29minute break w/ no cell activity.

After that 9:50AM...with a 20mintue break w/ no cell activity. IIRC, G&C's EPass had them leaving not too long after seems to fit better. Not too early for Jean C. to be washing the car or mowing the yard...not rainy...likin' this better :)
Updating recap to-date:

Sleuthed as best candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 6/7: Cindy & Casey have it out ~9:11AM before Cindy & George leave for the beach. Casey goes for a jog afterward.
  • 6/15: ~9AM Casey heads to Tony's and Cindy & Caylee leave for Mt. Dora shortly after. Cindy warning Casey not to be MIA later since Cindy has to be @ work Monday morning. This may fit the Casey-drive-away event witnessed by Jean C.

Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 5/24: Rained all day and Jean's accounts require outdoor activies
  • 6/1: Cindy & Casey appear not @ home @ the same time. (allow some latitude for period of cell inactivity that morning that speculate was Casey sleeping @ Tony's sans Caylee after splitting the night 'tween Tony L. & Tony R.)
Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents - BUT - plausible incidents based on circumstances and/or opportunities:
  • 6/15: ~9:30PM After Caylee likely in bed & before George got home. ~40 minute period of cell inactivity on Casey's phone amidst otherwise considerable amount of texting
  • 6/2: ~9AM After Casey appears to have been away from G&C's leaving Cindy w/ Caylee from Saturday evening until Monday morning.
Still to be sleuthed:
  • 5/25
  • 5/26
  • 5/30
  • 6/8
  • 6/14
BTW...5/30 might be an easy one to tackle since Cindy was reportedly @ Mt. Dora most of that day. Researching Cindy's cell, G&C home phone & Casey's cell activity might be short work if anyone wants to take it on.

Bumping w/ edit to reflect change of 6/7 vs. earlier post. I couldn't edit my original post since too much time had elapsed. :blowkiss: to IBY! Especially like this 'cause it means Devon's initial instinct was correct, and IBY hung in there to sleuth it out after I'd given up on it. :thumb:
Updating recap to-date:

Sleuthed as best candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 6/7: Cindy & Casey have it out ~9:11AM before Cindy & George leave for the beach. Casey goes for a jog afterward.

Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 5/24: Rained all day and Jean's accounts require outdoor activies
  • 6/1: Cindy & Casey appear not @ home @ the same time. (allow some latitude for period of cell inactivity that morning that speculate was Casey sleeping @ Tony's sans Caylee after splitting the night 'tween Tony L. & Tony R.)
Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents - BUT - plausible incidents based on circumstances and/or opportunities:
  • 6/15: ~9:30PM After Caylee likely in bed & before George got home. ~40 minute period of cell inactivity on Casey's phone amidst otherwise considerable amount of texting
  • 6/2: ~9AM After Casey appears to have been away from G&C's leaving Cindy w/ Caylee from Saturday evening until Monday morning.
Still to be sleuthed:
  • 5/25
  • 5/26
  • 5/30
  • 6/8
  • 6/14
BTW...5/30 might be an easy one to tackle since Cindy was reportedly @ Mt. Dora most of that day. Researching Cindy's cell, G&C home phone & Casey's cell activity might be short work if anyone wants to take it on.

Bumping w/ edit to reflect change of 6/7 vs. earlier post. I couldn't edit my original post since too much time had elapsed. :blowkiss: to IBY! Especially like this 'cause it means Devon's initial instinct was correct, and IBY hung in there to sleuth it out after I'd given up on it. :thumb:

Some of those "cat fights" between moms and daughters last about
30 minutes.

I do not know if we have enough info of the Chris S interview to say that would be the day she was jogging.
Regarding Chris S statement about KC running: In his interview of July 30 YM asks him if it was on July 15 ... Chris says yeah. Page 12: I know this actual interview is dated June 30 and at the time LE was getting June and July mixed up as well as KC and Caylee's names. I don't know if Chris S ever corrected or clarified the date to June 15. You all probably do and if so please don't mind me. :crosseyed: Snip attached ...

Thanks for the link! The date of the interview is incorrect. Caylee was not reported missing until July 15th. This interview had to have taken place on July 30th. The interview transcript is incorrect.
I understand what you guys are trying to sort out but don't you think that these two were cat-fighting on a regular basis? I think that they may well have had choice words the week of June 7th as well as the week after...But why get hung up on the notion that a single event set everything in motion. It seems much more realistic to accept and understand that a culmination of constant (CONSTANT - think of CA) sbarring brought about - CAUSED) the culmination of extreme frustration that resulted in Caylee's death. I don't believe that there was one fight. I think that there were many, many, many arguements, disagreements and fights. Maybe in the last couple of altercations, CA uttered threats about taking away Caylee...But there is a history of chite here that seems undeniable!

I understand what you guys are trying to sort out but don't you think that these two were cat-fighting on a regular basis? I think that they may well have had choice words the week of June 7th as well as the week after...But why get hung up on the notion that a single event set everything in motion. It seems much more realistic to accept and understand that a culmination of constant (CONSTANT - think of CA) sbarring brought about - CAUSED) the culmination of extreme frustration that resulted in Caylee's death. I don't believe that there was one fight. I think that there were many, many, many arguements, disagreements and fights. Maybe in the last couple of altercations, CA uttered threats about taking away Caylee...But there is a history of chite here that seems undeniable!


Yes, there were probably many bickering fights over the years.. however...
by looking at the time period of May 24-June 15 in a minute by minute play by play gives a lot of perspective on what was going on and when.
Something changed in this time period or was ramped up.... or else Casey would have killed Caylee earlier on her life even when she was MORE defenseless and alot more work.
Also by going through the days minute by minute hour by hour... alot of "mis-perceptions" have been ironed out.
Yes, there were probably many bickering fights over the years.. however...
by looking at the time period of May 24-June 15 in a minute by minute play by play gives a lot of perspective on what was going on and when.
Something changed in this time period or was ramped up.... or else Casey would have killed Caylee earlier on her life even when she was MORE defenseless and alot more work.
Also by going through the days minute by minute hour by hour... alot of "mis-perceptions" have been ironed out.
ib - I'm in awe of what you have put together! Don't get me wrong...I think that something triggered the main event but I also think that it had inevitably been building over time...tick tock tick tock...

Thank you so much for all the work that you do! I am so proud to be her on WS amongst you!

: )

Some of those "cat fights" between moms and daughters last about
30 minutes.

I do not know if we have enough info of the Chris S interview to say that would be the day she was jogging.

I wouldn't sweat Chris S.' account fitting or not. Be nice if it did, but, doesn't really have to, IMHO.

Yes, there were probably many bickering fights over the years.. however...
by looking at the time period of May 24-June 15 in a minute by minute play by play gives a lot of perspective on what was going on and when.
Something changed in this time period or was ramped up.... or else Casey would have killed Caylee earlier on her life even when she was MORE defenseless and alot more work.
Also by going through the days minute by minute hour by hour... alot of "mis-perceptions" have been ironed out.

Well put, IBY. :thumb: I kinda view it like a picture that comes into focus pixel by pixel...the more resolution you get...even around the edges...the better view you have of the entire thing. Esp. w.r.t. "fights"....what was witnessed may've just been the tip of the also helps us tie the "fights" to what prolly tripped them off...and where there's smoke...there's (eventually) fire. IMHO...this was much more 'bout Cindy & Casey than anything. How did Shirley put it? "I'm afraid she hated her mother more than she loved her daughter"...or something to that effect....hit the nail on the head (I'm afraid).

I understand what you guys are trying to sort out but don't you think that these two were cat-fighting on a regular basis? I think that they may well have had choice words the week of June 7th as well as the week after...But why get hung up on the notion that a single event set everything in motion. It seems much more realistic to accept and understand that a culmination of constant (CONSTANT - think of CA) sbarring brought about - CAUSED) the culmination of extreme frustration that resulted in Caylee's death. I don't believe that there was one fight. I think that there were many, many, many arguements, disagreements and fights. Maybe in the last couple of altercations, CA uttered threats about taking away Caylee...But there is a history of chite here that seems undeniable!


Here's THE thing, IMHO, Pink. IF we can show that Casey's reaction to "fights" with Cindy :argue: was to TAKE Caylee away (which it appears pretty d@mn clear is what happened 6/7...and maybe 6/2)...then we've actually shown Casey's m.o. and that goes a long way to supporting what happened when Casey took things one step further...taking Caylee away...permanently So...putting in that extra effort to establish w/ clarity some of the things that seemed kinda obvious early on...but with the added day-to-day kinda detail, really makes it come into focus.

Special TY to IBY for pouring so much time & effort into it already.
just throwin this out there before the thought in my mind gets lost....

Casey goes out... ABC Party on the 25th..... Cindy finds out a few days later (fight on the 29th in the evening??) May 29th and 30th Casey stays at Ric's

June 1st - party at Arden Village... home at midnite.. but gone ALL DAY... not spending time with Caylee ?? (fight again early between 7 AM and 8 AM) Casey gone on June 2nd all day with Caylee

June 4th party at Voyage,

June 6th party at Fusion.. not home until 5 AM.. FIGHT... Casey and Caylee gone on night of June 7.

June 13th.. party at Fusion.. not home until 3 AM FIGHT on June 14th and possible bickering VM's on June 15th (need to check this out) Caylee gone for good on June 16th.... Casey just gone from the house...
just throwin this out there before the thought in my mind gets lost....

Casey goes out... ABC Party on the 25th..... Cindy finds out a few days later (fight on the 29th in the evening??) May 29th and 30th Casey stays at Ric's

June 1st - party at Arden Village... home at midnite.. but gone ALL DAY... not spending time with Caylee ?? (fight again early between 7 AM and 8 AM) Casey gone on June 2nd all day with Caylee

June 4th party at Voyage,

June 6th party at Fusion.. not home until 5 AM.. FIGHT... Casey and Caylee gone on night of June 7.

June 13th.. party at Fusion.. not home until 3 AM FIGHT on June 14th and possible bickering VM's on June 15th (need to check this out) Caylee gone for good on June 16th.... Casey just gone from the house...

...Nice summary, IBY.

I took a quick look (and I do mean quick) @ Saturday, 6/14.

Casey headed out from G&C's ~11:50AM going to Tony's. She called Amy (prolly pushing off the move-in date again, since she'd said "tomorrow" the day before...George-stroke-day :rolleyes: & supposed to goto J'ville-day :rolleyes:...and day she was gonna give Amy the 'ok' to tow her car to Tony's apt. that evening). After getting to Tony's there's 2.5 hours of cell inactivity and Casey shows up pinging over by Jesse & Tony R's....guessing this may have been taking in a movie...lunch w/ Tony...nothin' comes to mind.

@ 3:14PM call from G&C's rolls to vmail :rolleyes:

@ 3:30PM Casey left Tony's and headed back to G&C's...calling G&C along the way.

Casey was @ G&C's for the remainder of the afternoon and evening...absolutely burned up the texting w/ Tony...w/ some Jesse sprinkled in for good measure. Heavier Facebook activity as the evening wore on.

Did Cindy hafta go somewhere the afternoon of 6/14? Casey getting called home to care for Caylee? Gotta look into that a bit futher.

Recall that 6/15 ~9AM maybe candidate for the drive-away "fight" w/ Casey heading to Tony's whilst Cindy & Caylee would leave for Mt. Dora shortly after. Casey likely upset that her Saturday-w/-Tony had been cut short...anxious to get going Sunday morning w/ Cindy reminding her as she left that Cindy would hafta be @ work Monday morning and she couldn't tolerate another MIA Casey that evening...:waitasec: I edited the post above to put the 6/15 AM encounter on the list of likely candidates for Jean C. events.

BTW...IBY...along w/ the pattern you're seeing. I'd like to add..

~9AM 6/2 (note not a weekend date, but, Cindy home on vacation)
~9AM 6/7
~9AM 6/15​

All of these potential "fights" occur when Cindy or Casey are parting from one another. IOW...when they'd be trying to strike an agreement on what they could count on from the other one next (e.g. be home to take care of Caylee). And, as you pointed out in the pattern above...Hide-the-Caylee seems to have been Casey's way of sticking it to Cindy to "show her" who had the upper-hand.
Regarding Chris S statement about KC running: In his interview of July 30 YM asks him if it was on July 15 ... Chris says yeah. Page 12: I know this actual interview is dated June 30 and at the time LE was getting June and July mixed up as well as KC and Caylee's names. I don't know if Chris S ever corrected or clarified the date to June 15. You all probably do and if so please don't mind me. :crosseyed: Snip attached ...

Chris S**** told LE he thought he saw KC running along Chickasaw around 9-9:30 am on July 15, and sent her a text asking if it was her.

The released docs show that this text was actually sent 7:38 am July 14:

Chris to KC 7:38 am: "Were you running this morning?"
Chris to KC 8:17 am: "O nevermind. I thought i say you." (error in original )

So this episode of jogging was long after KC had left the house and was not in connection with any pre-murder fight with Cindy.
I'm drawing a blank @ the moment. What was the date (and time if available) of the message Casey sent 'bout keeping Caylee being more exhausting than working an event?
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