Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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Yeah, I was just reviewing some details about money. I don't think the fight was about money. That might have been mentioned as an effort to push buttons but not the main point.

Here is why. If Cindy's main concern was the money, I don't believe that she would have let KC leave without inspecting her purse to ensure that all financial instruments that were not hers were removed. It also would have been simple to cancel the credit cards and ensure that KC did not use them.

Here is what I think it was about. I was about KC's neglectful care of her daughter. IMO Cindy's meeting with a psychologist and her threats to take custody of Caylee were what started this huge fight.

This also explains why KC withheld Caylee from Cindy.

Just my thoughts

I think that was the root of it as well. I just noticed something (it's probably been brought up numerous times, I just haven't seen it) that seems so obvious - Cindy and George did not believe the Zanny story at the beginning. In that infamous phone call home from jail where she spent the bulk of the call begging for TonE's number and whining that she had been arrested on an effing whim, Cindy pisses her off by telling that it's her own fault she's in jail because "YOU'RE NOT TELLING US WHERE SHE'S AT"!! That statement makes no sense whatsoever if Cindy believed the Zanny kidnapping story. But it seems to continue throughout the jail interviews. I thought it was odd that George in one tape seems to be begging Casey that they need Caylee home by her birthday. Like they still know she is playing games with them, several weeks into the situation. Seeing her in court yesterday just reinforced my conviction that she is seriously mentally ill. She just seems to have no grasp of reality at all. And I think they know it. How they ever let her be alone with Caylee, I'll never fathom. :furious:

ETA - Casey acts like they're playing a game with her in jail too - in the chat with them while Jose was in New York ("doing business" for her, cough, cough..ABC???) she whines to them that "I've been here a month, what am I supposed to learn from that?" And that she's upset with them because the opportunity was there for them to get her out and it wasn't taken. As if the only reason she is in there is her parents wanting to punish her and teach her a lesson. (Oops, forgot - Zanny was the one who wanted to teach her a lesson!)
Hello WS :)

Up until now, I thought there was a huge fight on June 15th that caused Casey to take off with Caylee after killing her at the house. I had thought that Casey had killed Caylee in a rage, after Cindy had choked her and threatened to take Caylee away. Whether or not there was a fight between Cindy and Casey the night of the 15th, I think everything was still "normal." Casey had decided to kill Caylee long before that, and telling her parents she was going on vacation with Caylee would give her that opportunity. I believe when Cindy Anthony left for work on June 16th, 2008 she thought Caylee was going to bond with her mother. Not that Casey had stormed out of the house.

Casey is supposed to be in Jacksonville but there are three times she is at home in a week. Casey came home on the 24th. George says Casey says she is home for about 10 mins but has to go back to work.

OCSO Supplemental Report
Evidence obtained from the White 1998 Pontiac Sunfire along with evidence found with the body suggests that the body of Caylee Anthony was in the trunk of the White 1998 Pontiac for a period of time but removed prior to June 27th, 2008. Evidence on the body suggests that the child’s death was not accidental but an intentional act. - Det. Corporal Yuri Melich

Interview with LE
Cynthia Anthony

3 wks ago asked my daughter to bring my (word “her” crossed out) car home along with my granddaughter Caylee. She told me she was in Jacksonville for the last 2 - ½ wks. Today we got a registered letter re: my car being in Orlando since the last week of June. (skip) Since June 27th the car sat at Amscot for 3 days and was towed June 30th to Johnson’s towing.

George says Casey said she was on her way to work and taking Caylee to the nanny’s. She said she might be working late and might not be home till the next day. It was after she got out of the house that Casey called Cindy(and Cindy informed George) that she had was going on vacation, that vacation turned into a work conference/trip to Busch Gardens complete with an accident on the way home. Which turned into Jeff Hopkins is in town and we are going to catch up. All of this is what Cindy and George were believing from June 16, 2008 until July 3rd when Cindy was fed up with the excuses for why Casey and Caylee had not come home. Casey had not left after threatening to take Caylee away, she was expected back home. Casey set Cindy up that she would not be in contact with Caylee because she needed to bond with her daughter. Casey was in constant contact with Cindy from June 16th to July 3rd, during this time Cindy had no contact with Caylee.

LE: What about her clothes for her trip she took on the 16th, how much, you said initially about that night that she didn’t take anything except a regular diaper bag and baby clothes...
CA: That I saw, again George and I are at work I don’t know, she had access to the house during the day. She could have come in at any point and gone into the house.
LE: Didn’t you tell me you asked her about baby clothes and she told you she bought all new clothes?
CA: Yes for Caylee.
LE: Right
CA: No, no, no I said Zanny keeps clothes for Caylee at the babysitter’s but then she said on the weekend that they did shopping and Zanny took them shopping and bought more clothes.
LE: Because that was one of the things you were worried about because you asked her...why don’t you take her clothes and she said we don’t need the clothes because we bought her all new clothes because I remember you told me that, that night.
CA: Right on the 21st they bought clothes but she told me because I started asking her about Caylee’s clothes here and she said, “Mom, Zanny always has extra outfits and clothes, shoes and things at her house.
CA: Anyway this is, it ended up being the day they were coming back from Tampa, the 27th. I remember because I got a phone call from Casey in the afternoon they were going straight back to work. Juliette and her needed to check in because they’d been communicating with Tom, Tom Frank, her boss at the event co-ordinating place. Later I thought for sure when I got home they would be home but I found out later she said Jeff was in town...Jacksonville...
LE: You just know he was in town because Casey said?
CA: And she told me Jeff was in town from the 28th until the 30th. And Casey was excited to see him because they hadn’t seen each other since December, somewhere around the first of the year when he went to Jacksonville. And Jeff is the one that has Zachery.
LE: On this week, on the conference week, do you ever get on the phone, do you remember...
CA: I talk to her every day.
LE: Every day you talk to the baby?
CA: No, I stopped talking to Caylee, the last time I talked to Caylee was the 15th. I did not have a conversation with Caylee after that, and...
LE: What time was your last conversation, do you remember?
CA: Sometime on the 15th when we put her to bed. Now George had conversation with her in the morning, she was there in the morning had breakfast and the normal stuff.

The night of June 15th, Casey uploaded the video and pictures from Caylee’s trip to Mount Dora to see her Great Grandfather. Evidence shows Casey and Caylee spent the night at George and Cindy’s and were still there in the morning.
Statement To LE
August 4, 2008
George Anthony

LE: ...these two days out but um she, so she actually told you on the 16th, I plan on staying at Zanny’s on a late event?
GA: Yes, most definitely.
LE: Mom starts calling, apparently mom says that she had some form of a uh, big deal on at, at work, a convention. So they were staying at the uh, Hard Rock Hotel.
GA: That’s what she told us.
LE: Yeah
Ga: I mean that’s what my wife reiterated to me.
LE: You didn’t have a conversation, just what you wife...
GA: Right
LE: ...told you, okay. And then there was, they had to move that to Busch Gardens Tampa area.
GA: Yes
LE: And that’s where Zanny got in the accident.

Interview with LE
Cynthia Anthony

CA: Now on the 22nd I talked to her in the morning and Zanny’s actually I think she said Zanny’s roommate has come in, Raquel that’s right, Raquel was with her, said Raquel was with her, ah, when they went to Busch Gardens. That was the 21st, Zanny and her roommate were together.
LE: She called you on the 22nd and told you that?
CA: Yeah
LE: So they were going to stay at the park for the day?
CA: Because they were going to stay at the park for the day, uhm because Zanny had taken, Zanny and Raquel had taken the girls to see the animals at Busch Gardens.
LE: When did they get back?
CA: Well here’s the deal, they ended up staying at the park so Casey and Juliette could actually go to the park too, so all four adults and the two girls went to the park that day and then she said they stayed on more night and was on their way back Monday morning on the 23rd.
LE: When was the accident?
CA: On the 23rd, she said it was just, they were getting off, I hadn’t heard from Casey all day. She told me they were supposed to be home by around noon.
LE: On Monday? (6/23/08)
CA: Yeah on Monday. I think at some point I called George and asked if he heard from Casey, if she had gotten home. I can’t remember what time and he said, “no” so I think I left Casey a message or two to find out what was going on because I just wanted to make sure they got back safely. I had a little sick feeling that something wasn’t right. So she finally called me back later in the evening, probably after 5:30 because I was already leaving work and she, she was apologizing she said, I finally got “Mom I know I should have called you...” Casey called me back because she hadn’t called me back and realized we were worried.
LE: This day?
CA: Yeah sometime after 5:30, I’m sure because I was on my way home from work.
LE: She stayed over from the accident on the 23rd? And she stayed over in Tampa again in the 24th Tuesday?
CA: Right
CA: So they kept her overnight. She also started complaining of some difficulty breathing and she said she had a fractured rib and it was pushing on her lung but it didn’t puncture the lung.
LE: So Casey was staying in Tampa while Zanny was in the hospital?
CA: Yeah
LE: So she stayed from the 24th to the 25th?
CA: She told me that on Wednesday over here on the 24th(pointing to calander) that the sister had come up, Zanny’s sister...
LE: But she arrives the 24th June Tuesday?
CA: Yeah, with Zanny’s Mom from what Casey’s told me over the last several months has been in and out of the hospital.
LE: So Casey’s there the 24th and 25th but she comes back home to get insurance paperwork?
CA: Casey said she drove home on the 25th to get, eh, Zanny’s um insurance paperwork at the apartment. Zanny told her exactly where to go, Casey had her key and everything so she was able to get in the apartment. And I asked her Zanny’s apartment, I asked her why Raquel or someone just call it in when they get there?
LE: Let me finish this one, she went to the apartment to get the insurance papers.
CA: Right and then she stopped home to grab something and that’s when George saw her.
LE: That was the 25th?
CA: Yeah
LE: And to make a long story short with the gas cans, Casey had taken the gas cans earlier and he confronted her, she gave them back. When would she have taken the gas cans if she had just come to the house?
LE: So Casey being in Tampa for one, two, three, four, five days...first off let’s clarify one thing, the report actually said the 24th Tuesday.
LE: So if she’s in Tampa how can she get the gas cans?
CA: One of the days she said she came home to pick up the gas cans, (skip) ... George saw her in the car she had come to get the gas cans, the day she got the gas cans was the day she was coming to pick up Zanny’s insurance information that she... (skip) ...and while she was in town...
CA: Whatever day George made the report.
LE: And she stopped by your house to get what?
CA: She said she was going to pick up some clothes and there was a few of her clothes missing.

Supplemental Report
Lee Anthony

LA: Correct
LE: Never hears them? Never sees them? Just goes...
LA: To...
LE: To work?
LA: To my knowledge, no.
LE: Okay. But Dad leaves around noon...
LA: Uh-hum
LE: go to work and he believes, or is, is he, he’s certain that he saw?
LA: Your going to have to corroborate with him. But he has offered that up.
LE: To you?
LA: Exactly, that...
LE: Okay
LA: ...that he did see Casey and Caylee leaving at about a quarter to twelve.
LE: You indicate that the 16th, from what you found, seems to be when your sister started staying with Tony.
LA: Around that time, absolutely.

CBS Early Show
George and Cindy Anthony

Q: Tell me about that day George. That last time that you saw Caylee.
GA: Well the last time I saw her was June 16th was ah, (pause) one year ago today. I woke up with her in the morning at 7:30, got a chance to have breakfast with her (pause) (inaudible) just before 1:00 that day, I didn’t ever realize that would be the last time to see her, a chance to kiss her, hold her. I would hear her name, hear her call me JoJo and puttin’ her in the car and waving bye to her.

Statement to LE
Lee Anthony

LA: She hadn’t talked to Caylee. She, and while, while she’s had communication with Casey she’s not had any communication with Caylee and my mother was extremely concerned because of the nature of the car, we were notified about the car, and that my sister even claimed that she was out of, out of the city when she wasn’t. That my mother was saying, “okay, if you weren’t where you were how do I know where Caylee is where you say that she’s been?

LA: And she still maintained everything, but she would say, uhm, that’s when she opened up to me and said, uhm, uhm, “Mom has uhm, thrown it in my face many times before that I’m an unfit mother and you know, maybe she’s right and maybe I am.” She offered up for me for the first time that uhm, my mother had referred, said to my sister that uhm, even though Caylee’s been the best thing and the best mistake that she was indeed a mistake. That she was Casey’s mistake.

Interview with LE

August 21st, 2008
Rick Plesea

RP: And she, so when Casey first took Caylee away Cindy told my mom she just thought Casey took Caylee to punish her, or you know just being uhm, you know threatening her all the time and, and uh, but Cindy didn’t think a whole lot about you know that Caylee’s well being was, was ever going to be in jeopardy. She just thought Casey took her. First Casey I guess made up a story that she was on vacation in Tampa. Well first she said she was working in Tampa. And then she said she was on vacation...
RP: it came out um, Casey never, never came back. Well, I guess she did come back to the house a few times but they still never ever suspected anything happened.
LE: They just thought she was gone out of spite and that’s it?
RP: Well, yeah that, that Casey was just holding her off and, and said that oh, she’s with uh, the babysitter or some, something you know and, and she was always doing something that just wasn’t uhm, convenient for her to talk to Cindy. You know let Caylee talk to Cindy.

It was Cindy and George that were fighting(too). Cindy mentioned to Amy that she had told Casey she was going to sell the house and move into an apartment but says that was when she couldn’t afford the payments. Cindy denied she and George were talking divorce. SP said Cindy had “kicked George out” once before(right after Caylee was born)and it was George who had filed for Divorce. SP says Cindy couldn’t afford the divorce so she let George come back. The fight on the 15th June may have been between George and Cindy with shades of Casey.
What time do you work tomorrow? I’m in and out of sleep. Stupid Drama.
She still has yet to move into the house. Hell, in the past 9 days I haven’t even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. I’ll fill ya in later on. Miss ya, yo.

Casey was fully into her role as Tony’s girlfriend and promoting his lifestyle/career. She was working hard at getting people to attend the nightclub Fusian.
Hey guys anyone doing anything tonight? Yes I’m a mass texter.

Tony says Casey slept in on June 17th, the day he skipped school to be with her all day.
Yo if ur on the couch I have a cold bed.

When Cindy does catch up with Casey on July 15th at Tony’s apartment, Casey is making more excuses why Casey had not brought Caylee home yet. Casey knew Cindy had been expecting they would be home after the vacation/bonding, work trip, Jeff visit and had run out of excuses for why she had not come home with Caylee. Casey never thought her two lives would clash, the old and the new. She had given Cindy the brush off long enough to dispose of Caylee and move on to her new beautiful life and thought she had hidden her tracks to Tony’s. Casey knew she was expected home with Caylee.
So, I picked her up and when we went, when we got Cay, Casey and I was hoping to find Caylee with her...but she wasn’t with her. That’s when I started to ask Casey questions. When she couldn’t tell me where Caylee was at, well she said she was at the sitters but I wanted to go pick her up, I hadn’t seen her in a month. I wanted to go see her, wanted to bring her home and let her sleep in her own bed and she made an excuse, “we don’t want to disturb her mom it’s night time she putting her down, by the time we get there she’ll be asleep. Why do we want to wake her up?”

Statement to LE
George Anthony

My daughter Casey, Caylee’s mother has been very vauge for a month... (skip) ... each time we have asked to speak, see her or ask where she is at, my daughter would always have a different answer.

By 7/2 Cindy knew Casey was purposely keeping Caylee from her. On 7/3 Cindy writes her MySpace page.
CA: That week, without warning. I mean, she had told me in advance the other days, but she didn't tell me that day or I wouldn't have driven to Universal. So, to me, it was like leaving out of town that day without giving me an oppotunity to see her, to see Caylee. That's what I was referring to. That day.

June 16th, 2008
Casey leaves for "work", saying bye to George. She returns with Caylee in the car seat. Casey took Caylee in the house to get her ready for "bed" putting on the "Big Trouble" tee and taking off her socks and shoes. Casey gives Caylee an overdose(insert of what here). Casey then put Caylee in her car seat, she had drove in with the baby in the seat and had to drive away with the baby in the seat. She headed to Tony's but made a stop(at Blanchard?) that lasted for about an hour. Casey had taken the duct tape from her house. When she parked the car, she put the duct tape on and put Caylee in the trunk of her car. She waited a while to make sure she wasn't making any noises, that she was dead.

In the very first interviews Cindy gave to the media she states Casey was going on a trip somewhere to bond with Caylee and some work related trip.

If Casey left on the 16th with Caylee to go to work, and to take Caylee to the nanny’s why would she need Cindy to babysit?

Casey planned on killing Caylee before she walked out the door on June 16th, telling George she was going to work. Casey went around the corner to wait for George to go to work. During the wait, Casey called Jesse Grund and told him she had to find a new place to live, thus setting up some of her new life. Jesse heard Caylee in the background(I think they were in the car)and that was the last time anyone other than Casey heard Caylee’s voice. Casey changed her “work” clothes when she went back to George and Cindy’s and put them in the car so her parents wouldn’t see them. When she left on the 16th she told George and Cindy that she had a work conference at Busch Gardens(ETA: Vacation first? Tampa.) and that she and Caylee would be staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. At one point, maybe the “flurry” of calls-Casey informs George and Cindy via phone that the conference has been moved to Jacksonville. Casey says that Caylee along with Zanny and others stayed behind so they could see the animals. Casey joined them later. There was an accident, and Zanny had to go to the hospital. By the 27th Cindy was expecting Casey and Caylee home. She calls George and asks if they are home yet, but Casey calls and says that Jeff Hopkins is in town and they are going to catch up 27th - 30th. By July 3rd, the MySpace page and sending Lee to Universal Casey’s excuses were wearing thin with Cindy.

Casey stops at Ping 23 calls Jesse, tries Cindy(again). Another “flurry” of calls to Hopespring at 6:30 pm. At this point Casey is at Tony’s and is pinging there. This flurry can’t be Casey wanting Cindy to babysit. She was already at Tony’s without Caylee. Last attempt to reach Cindy is at 7:06 pm. Casey pings from Tony’s and is calling Hopespring.

Casey had this planned before Father's Day. She was jealous of Caylee and had a hate/love/hate relationship with Cindy.
GA: So she mentioned a couple of different times, she said “Caylee cares for you more for a mom than she does me.”

RG: Uhm, I never, I never heard, the only thing I heard from Jesse is when the fights began the fights began over Caylee the fights began with you love Caylee more than you love me the only reason your marrying me is because of Caylee.

Summary: There was no accident. There was no fight that was the one catalyst for Caylee's murder. Casey planned on living the beautiful life, and for Casey that meant a life without Caylee. Plus Casey was resentful that Cindy loved Caylee more than her and Caylee loved Cindy more than her. (My note: Caylee did love her mom more but Casey was too selfish to know that.) IMHO.

All of this came from reading here at Websleuths. I may have something very wrong. I hope you will let me know what you think.

Hello WS

Continuing with the idea that Casey left George and Cindy's on June 16th, telling them she was going on vacation to bond with Caylee. Casey did not storm out after a fight. There may have been a fight, but Casey was expected "home"(George and Cindy's) circa June 27th and Casey knew it.

In a police report filed by George Anthony on June 24, he said two gas cans were stolen from a shed on the side of their house, but Tuesday night he admitted to Fox News that he found out his daughter stole them on the same day.
Casey said, “I’m just stoppin in to get some clothes, I’ve gotta go back to work.” He asked, “Where’s Caylee?” And she just stated, “With Zanny.” He asked “When you guys comin’ back home?” She said, “We’ll either be home late tonight or early the next day.” So then George says, “Okay, have you been talking to mom” and she said, “I talk to mom every day” and he said, “I know but did you talk to mom today?” And he said she sort of hesitated and said, “Yeah” and then she said, “Oh, by the way it’s a shame what happened in the shed.” And Cindy interjects, “Yeah, cause I had called her and talked to her about it.”

Cindy’s July 3rd MySpace

CA: Casey. Yeah, why can't I spend time with you? I would have gone to Jacksonville. I would have gone wherever. I, you know, If I would have been off when she would have been in Tampa. I would have gone there. But I had to work. So this week I was off and I felt like I didn't have my girls.
CA: I felt that Casey had betrayed me by not confiding in me where she was and why she had to tell me she was at Universal that day. Again, that was the day I was upset, that I drove there and she wasn't there and I found out later that she was supposed to be in Jacksonville.

Because in my mind it was because she was working and not being able to spend time with her. So that's my perspective. And this is what she said, she wanted to have time to re-bond with Caylee during that week that she was not going to be working and she'd actually have those days to spend with her. But I was kind of jealous of Casey, too, because I figured the three of us could do something together.


Tony Lazzaro reported that he recalled visiting the Anthony’s address with Casey Anthony on June 23rd. He also reported that they took the gas cans on that date and that he recalled seeing the neighbor at the time. He also recalled that he spent June 16th and 17th with Casey. He recalled that he missed school to stay with her on the 17th and that Caylee Anthony was not at the apartment on those dates.

Corp Edwards showed witness TL colored photo taken from the Blockbuster surveillance video on June 16th and he positively identified Casey Anthony as being the female in the photos with him. TL recalled that they stayed up late watching movies on that date and that he skipped school on June 17th. He recalled that Casey Anthony stayed in bed late that morning.

Brian Burner came home from vacation on June 16th, did not arrive until 6 pm. (He could not have heard the fight on the 15th.) Mark Fuhrman, and Lee telling Jesse Grund are our other sources.

June 16th, 2008
Casey texted and talked to Tony all night long until 3:22 am. The next call is at 7:45:51 am a call from the Anthony house phone she lets go to voice mail. Casey pings at George and Cindy’s until 4:25 pm when she drives to Tony’s apartment.

Text Messages
Casey to Tony because I'm in love with this boy...
Casey to Tony like CRAZY in love
Tony to Casey which boy
Casey to Tony well, not so much a boy, not even close
Casey to Tony I love my man
Casey to Tony I've been talking about you crazy
Tony to Casey I love you baby
Casey to Tony I love you too!!!
Tony to Casey Ok class time bella mia

July 2nd or 3rd: Casey gets 'Buena Vita' tattoo on her right shoulder.

July 5th: Casey wakes up early at Amy's and jumps on the computer. Acts "very, very, very annoyingly giddy" because Tony is coming back.

Hello WS :)

I no longer believe that Casey killed Caylee in a rage. That was bad enough to think about, but with what I have put together in my previous post, it looks like Casey killed Caylee in a cold and calculated way.

If there was no "big fight" as the catalyst, that would go along with the computer searches for "chloroform" and "neck breaking" as a premeditated murder. I believe that Casey had planned the "vacation" and told Cindy she needed to "bond" with Caylee so Casey could kill Caylee.

Now, of course we have what Lee told Jesse who told RG. If Cindy did put her hands around Casey's neck...I think Casey played it calm. And, when Cindy left for work the next day, Casey called her to say she was taking Caylee to bond.

LE: What did, what did Lee tell(crosstalk)...Jesse?
RG: Well Lee had told Jesse uhm, was that, that fight the night before had escalated to the point that ah, Cindy had wrapped her hands around Casey's throat and was trying to strangle her.
LE: Okay, Lee told this to Jesse?
RG: Jesse, right.
LE: Okay did ah, did ah did Jesse ever tell you about any other incidents that ah, where, where Cindy and Casey had(crosstalk)
RG: (interrupting) That was the only one that I heard of, that was the only one I heard of...
LE: Okay
...and at that point, that's that's such bombshell stuff, I didn't know, we weren't sure if Lee was telling the truth or not and also, and this is going to sound naive...
I said from the last conversation I had I'm starting to question why he's so friendly with us and why he's tellin' us what he's tell' us, 'cause he was telling me, you know Lee would come right out and say, "My parents are out of control, we make a plan but we're not going to do it, we get outside", I mean he was not being complimentary toward his parents. And the last couple of conversations, says, "Guys I'm completely out of the loop, I don't even know what's going on around here."

Next is the neighbor who I keep on saying was on vacation till 6:00pm on the 16th so they could not have heard a fight, but maybe we are talking about a different neighbor hearing the fight? Lastly we have MF, who says George and Cindy told him. It is just weird that Cindy would admit to MF, or anyone that she did anything like "put her hands around Casey's neck."

RG felt that Lee might not be telling the truth.

Hello WS :)

I think that when George and Cindy heard Casey's story of "took Caylee to the nanny's on my way to work" she gave LE, they went with her story. She told George as she walked out the door she was on her way to work, but later she called Cindy to say she was bonding with Caylee.

They knew she had been on vacation WITH the nanny after June 16th. Cindy knew Casey had been calling her with updates on how much fun they were having, and then Zanny/nanny got in an accident!

Cindy knew Casey was lying, but she wanted to believe it was to protect Caylee or herself or the family because otherwise, Cindy knew Casey had killed Caylee in cold blood.

The reason it seems George and Cindy are lying about the 16th is because they are lying. Not about Casey and Caylee leaving that day, but about where George and Cindy knew they were going and that Cindy was in constant contact with Casey the whole time Caylee was "missing."

In Lee's statement to LE he says, when Cindy came in the room and heard Casey say Caylee had been kidnapped Cindy says, "Why didn't you tell us a month ago!" She asks that because she had been talking to Casey on a daily basis all along. And, Casey was giving her all those stories but never did she say Caylee was missing.


Not to mention how Lee said Cindy slammed her fist down on the bed and yelled "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!" And i believe at that point CA knew something horrible happened at the hands of her own daughter!
Hello WS :)

I think that when George and Cindy heard Casey's story of "took Caylee to the nanny's on my way to work" she gave LE, they went with her story. She told George as she walked out the door she was on her way to work, but later she called Cindy to say she was bonding with Caylee.

They knew she had been on vacation WITH the nanny after June 16th. Cindy knew Casey had been calling her with updates on how much fun they were having, and then Zanny/nanny got in an accident!

Cindy knew Casey was lying, but she wanted to believe it was to protect Caylee or herself or the family because otherwise, Cindy knew Casey had killed Caylee in cold blood.

The reason it seems George and Cindy are lying about the 16th is because they are lying. Not about Casey and Caylee leaving that day, but about where George and Cindy knew they were going and that Cindy was in constant contact with Casey the whole time Caylee was "missing."

In Lee's statement to LE he says, when Cindy came in the room and heard Casey say Caylee had been kidnapped Cindy says, "Why didn't you tell us a month ago!" She asks that because she had been talking to Casey on a daily basis all along. And, Casey was giving her all those stories but never did she say Caylee was missing.


So true Chiquita...Cindy was in daily or constant contact with Casey during that time.
I agree, they are telling half-truths, okay LYING, about June 16th
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