Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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you don't get to read the text? That chicks a freak.. texting herself *shaking head* That's like what cheating spouses do.. here she is a grown woman with a child and she's texting herself and emaling herself.

It is what I like to call "the liar believing their lies syndrome". The lies are their reality. The rest of us are living in a dream world, not them.
In the cell phone file that I am working off of... it says incoming text Casey Anthony from outgoing Casey Anthony....

I do not know what it means exactly,. .. Maybe bond and jwg know...

My teens have done this - yep both of them <eyeroll>

The elder uses 'self texting' to remind herself of phone numbers, appointments, and email addresses. *Sigh* I remember using a napkin and eyeliner and HOPING it didn't wear off before I noted the contents.

The younger - she used it to avoid a Church Youth group function. Instead of a sponsored walk, she showed the text saying "can you work tonite?" to avoid it.

OT - she is epileptic and the 90 degree heat for extended periods is troublesome - but of course no teen wants to admit 'limitations' in front of their peers.
Thank you for your compliments....:blowkiss: I just have to see all in the play by play... I have June 5th and 6th done... Almost started on the 7th.....

ITA, that Casey was texting herself that morning.. while they were eating breakfast.. so she could say.. "Oh durn it mom, boss is texting me..." guess I have to go into work.....

So CA probably didn't know KC was carrying around 2 cell phones?
Sunday, June 1st ...
For the fight to have been on the 1st. Casey would have had to leave the house in the morning. Ping near Tony's.. shopping? How would she explain to her mom she was working that early on a Sunday morning?

She would have had to come back home around 8:30 with no cell activity. She could have fought with her mom and then left and arrived at Tony's by 12:14... then went to the party.

I dunno IBY. If interested one could cross-reference notes on Tony R....but it almost appears to me Casey may have never stayed @ home (maybe just stopped in to pick-up a change of clothes in the wee hours of the morning 6/1) and proceeded to a rendezvous w/ Tony R. @ his place until 7:25AM...w/ parting texts as Casey headed back to Tony's...actually to sleep for that 4hrs of inactivity you observed.

...getting to "the fight" aspect of this...

While Jean's accounts are clearly weekends by her looks very possible to me that Casey let all the calls from Cindy roll to vmail and she stayed out the entire night prior...the entire day & night Sunday, 6/1....and arrived @ G&C's ~12:52AM Monday morning, 6/2. Note that 6/1 Casey sent one text message to Cindy...kept her @ arms-length. Casey didn't text Cindy again until after the murder. I think this gives us a little insight that Casey knew Cindy would already be upset when she finally did go home (who wouldn't be, eh?).

Morning of 6/2 Casey's left G&C's between 9AM-10AM for Tony's...prolly not w/o a decent verbal joust w/ Cindy :argue:...@ Tony's all day until ~6:54PM then back @ G&C's. appears Casey wasted NO time taking full advantage of Cindy's Sitting Service :rolleyes:...and methinks after all of the ignored calls Sunday 6/1...there were prolly a few choice words exchanged Monday morning 6/2...which would have been a compelling explanation for why Casey took Caylee with her to Tony's that day (IIRC, this was the day Caylee first met Tony and played @ the pool @ his apt. complex). not one of THE fights that Jean tells us about. But...'ya appears the 24hrs of 6/1 went a long way to setting the stage for the blow-up that was to come...and if we allowed one of Jean's accounts to be on a weekday (just for noodlin') and we allowed Caylee to be in the car (vs. assumed to be in the house since not seen by Jean) and we allowed the wording in Jean's account to be Casey leaving in her car (with Caylee)...I wouldn't put up to much resistance to Monday morning 6/2 being one of those two events...:waitasec:

I dunno IBY. If interested one could cross-reference notes on Tony R....but it almost appears to me Casey may have never stayed @ home (maybe just stopped in to pick-up a change of clothes in the wee hours of the morning 6/1) and proceeded to a rendezvous w/ Tony R. @ his place until 7:25AM...w/ parting texts as Casey headed back to Tony's...actually to sleep for that 4hrs of inactivity you observed.
...getting to "the fight" aspect of this...

While Jean's accounts are clearly weekends by her looks very possible to me that Casey let all the calls from Cindy roll to vmail and she stayed out the entire night prior...the entire day & night Sunday, 6/1....and arrived @ G&C's ~12:52AM Monday morning, 6/2. Note that 6/1 Casey sent one text message to Cindy...kept her @ arms-length. Casey didn't text Cindy again until after the murder. I think this gives us a little insight that Casey knew Cindy would already be upset when she finally did go home (who wouldn't be, eh?).

Morning of 6/2 Casey's left G&C's between 9AM-10AM for Tony's...prolly not w/o a decent verbal joust w/ Cindy :argue:...@ Tony's all day until ~6:54PM then back @ G&C's. appears Casey wasted NO time taking full advantage of Cindy's Sitting Service :rolleyes:...and methinks after all of the ignored calls Sunday 6/1...there were prolly a few choice words exchanged Monday morning 6/2...which would have been a compelling explanation for why Casey took Caylee with her to Tony's that day (IIRC, this was the day Caylee first met Tony and played @ the pool @ his apt. complex). not one of THE fights that Jean tells us about. But...'ya appears the 24hrs of 6/1 went a long way to setting the stage for the blow-up that was to come...and if we allowed one of Jean's accounts to be on a weekday (just for noodlin') and we allowed Caylee to be in the car (vs. assumed to be in the house since not seen by Jean) and we allowed the wording in Jean's account to be Casey leaving in her car (with Caylee)...I wouldn't put up to much resistance to Monday morning 6/2 being one of those two events...:waitasec:

Pings have Casey at the Anthony ranch at 3:16 AM... leaves A home at 7:25 Am. I think she got some sleep in... and made up an excuse that she had to go back into work.(to clean up from event)... and she was just a Tony's (this was my first thought..)

I was just noodling around with maybe she was only in the area and then went back home.. just to see if I could fit in a fight that day. June 1st really may have still seemed like May but yet June to JC.

She could have went back to Tony's got called by her mom.. then went back home to appease her mother... fight happens.. she leaves....

My first thought was she did go back to Tony's crawled into bed with him and per Tony's interview.. the first time they became intimate was on this date. Kids hook up at all hours these days.. no romance left in their bones...

However, seems I recall his roommate saying.. "he could hear noises" while they were "sleeping" together.

The impression I got from JC's interview... the one thing he/she was sure of was it was not a day during the week because he/she was working...
Which puts me back at May 26th BBQ day.... Fight with Casey.... Lee shows up.. Mom laments to Lee... You would think that Cindy would remember them both being there.. unless she was glad one of them was gone.:waitasec:

I have no doubt there was a constant tit for tat bickering going on an that is why Casey took Caylee... Casey was also testing to see if Tony was daddy material.
Super job, IByoungr!!

Re: June 4th party at Voyage, are those the pictures from the professional party pic taker we have seen before (can't remember the photographer but a link was posted a while back).

Anyway, it's interesting to see Ric calling KC like crazy after Voyage. If you look closely at the pictures you can see Ric sulking in the background and all the players are there -- Amy, Troy, JPC.....and KC and TonE.

Maybe Ric was hyper calling KC because that was the first time Ric and TonE met??

Thanks for all of your hard work. It is so informative to read her days in the format that you write them!

Your welcome!.. Could you send me a link to those pics?
FWIW...that first ping after the break..the one @ 7:25AM is already pinging near Tony's apt. Not sure its all that relevant I guess. Regardless of where she was...she wasn't @ G&C's when Cindy got up...;)
FWIW...that first ping after the break..the one @ 7:25AM is already pinging near Tony's apt. Not sure its all that relevant I guess. Regardless of where she was...she wasn't @ G&C's when Cindy got up...;)

True.. so.. True...she could have used the.. we worked so late that I just stayed with a friend overnight because we have to be right back in early....

We are doing some great thinkin here BJB.... :clap::clap::clap:
Your welcome!.. Could you send me a link to those pics?

I'll try to find the link.

Another WS found this professional photographer that took the party pics and you could see all of them either in the pics or in the background. I'll get back to you! :)
True.. so.. True...she could have used the.. we worked so late that I just stayed with a friend overnight because we have to be right back in early....

We are doing some great thinkin here BJB.... :clap::clap::clap:

LOL. YOU're doin' some great sleuthin' IBY. I'm just coming along for the ride ;) Thanks again for all the hard work.

Prolly outta go back to the list of days getting scrutiny and see if we can rule in/out any more. IIRC, we'd eliminate 6/1 now...from the weekend days list. Might start a 'b' list of other potential/likely fights just for grins. I'd put 6/2 ~9AM on the 'b' list.
Bring this puppy back 'round, IBY.

Yes, IMHO, we should look @ all 3 of the following day-by-day:
  • 5/24-26 (incl. holiday)
  • 5/30-6/1
  • 6/7-6/8
  • 6/15-6/15
Even though we don't have cell records for Memorial Day, we can still look @ other statements, weather, etc. For example, Jean ruled out weekdays since she was too busy, so..I'd treat Memorial Day itself like a weekend day.

I gave what I thought might be some brain-teasing interpretations/considerations based on Jean's statement a page or two back..FWIW. I haven't seen any follow-up comments expanding on those.

...ignoring the fact that I can't count :rolleyes:

Attempting a recap to-date:

Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 5/24: Rained all day and Jean's accounts require outdoor activies
  • 6/1: Cindy & Casey appear not @ home @ the same time. (allow some latitude for period of cell inactivity that morning that speculate was Casey sleeping @ Tony's sans Caylee after splitting the night 'tween Tony L. & Tony R.)
  • 6/7: Cindy & Casey not @ home @ the same time. Casey & Caylee left before Cindy & George returned from the beach
Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents - BUT - plausible incidents based on circumstances and/or opportunities:
  • 6/15: ~9:30PM After Caylee likely in bed & before George got home. ~40 minute period of cell inactivity on Casey's phone amidst otherwise considerable amount of texting
  • 6/2: ~9AM After Casey appears to have been away from G&C's leaving Cindy w/ Caylee from Saturday evening until Monday morning.
Still to be sleuthed:
  • 5/25
  • 5/26
  • 5/30
  • 6/8
  • 6/14
BTW...5/30 might be an easy one to tackle since Cindy was reportedly @ Mt. Dora most of that day. Researching Cindy's cell, G&C home phone & Casey's cell activity might be short work if anyone wants to take it on.
I have listened to the interview...
By the 28.29 minute mark.. she irons it all out and this is the final result...

May 30th - Cindy goes to Mt Dora and stays the night with her mom. Casey and Caylee stay at Ricardo's. This is NOT the night Casey leaves and takes Caylee home in the middle of the night. Det Edwards assumed it was this timeframe even tho' Ricardo stated while we were still dating... they stopped "dating" mid -April.

May 31st - Cindy arrives home from Mt Dora. She believes she had Caylee that night. IMO, she thinks Casey is working that night... and instead she is at the Arden village party with Tony. This is the party where she introduces JG to Tony.

Thank you so much, Iby! I feel better having the original info I provided confirmed. It wasn't easy to get through lol.

FWIW...I retooled the post above to recap dates still needing scrutiny as well as dispostion of dates already sleuthed. Lemme know if I've missed something. TIA!
...ignoring the fact that I can't count :rolleyes:

Attempting a recap to-date:

Sleuthed off the list of candidate-dates for either of the Jean C. accounted Casey-Cindy incidents:
  • 5/24: Rained all day and Jean's accounts require outdoor activies
** [ S - N - I - P ] **

Still to be sleuthed:
  • 5/24

We can take the 24th off the list, right?? :rolleyes:
Sat May 24th - rainy not likely
Sun May 25th - Nite of the ABC party - Good possibility for afternoon fight. Casey was home texting Amy.
Mon May 26th - Likely Cindy said they had a BBQ. Casey was likely there. Good possibilty for afternoon fight.. (Cindy did find the pics of the ABC party)

Sat May 31st - Possible
Sun June 1st - Casey gone with Tony to Arden Villages in the afternoon...

Sat June 7th - Cindy gone but Casey leaves at 3 PM (something rotten with this day...) REALLY NEED TO FIND OUT WHAT TIME THEY LEAVE AND RETURN FROM BEACH...... Cindy had every right to be peeved this day.
me thinks she figured out Casey did not work on the 24th, 25th and 6th. Casey returned the latest/earliest EVER.. 5:12 AM.
(first fight topic) Casey stays at Ric's....

Sun June 8th - Cindy Mt Dora Casey woke up there but was gone in the AM. Spent the nite of 8th at Anthony's.

Sat June 14th
Sun June 15th

Kinda busy off and on today.. will look closer tonite...

Just what we have so far
Cindy's BD was in there somewhere......was it the 5th? I read something long ago that seemed that things weren't all that happy on her BD.
At some point in time, CA discovered those pictures of KC partying and they had a blow up (according to AH). I'd assume they could be the "no clothes party" pics that were taken on Memorial Day weekend (Memorial Day 2008 was 5-26 and the party was 5-24 IIRC). She may have said she needed to "work" that weekend. Any time after she downloaded those pics into her photobucket could have given rise to that, so that might have been some time the last week of May, first week of June. We might be looking at an accumulation of spats here that may or may not have culminated in a huge fight at the end on June 15.

I would think CA had some resentment over the vacation thing for several reasons. One, she had mentioned to the people at work they were going to all three spend some quality girl time together during her vacation - sounds to me like a BS story KC told her mother to get her off her back - and it turned out she did nothing but watch Caylee alone it seems. Add to that she got snubbed on her birthday. I would imagine that the dropping Caylee off in the afternoon at CA's work phenomenon picked up around before and after that time as well. And somewhere in here, or even earlier, is the check situation with SP. It all sounds like several small squalls that could have led to a perfect storm.

It also sounds like yelling and bickering was pretty much de rigeur in that household. CA said to her coworkers KC was yelling at her dad even more than she was lately. It doesn't sound like very many days passed without something highly unpleasant going on.

If all these culminated in one or more big fights, then it would show me that KC may have done something out of immediate spite in the heat of passion. But if these arguments were simply typical - or were not as large as we suppose, then it shows perhaps that KC was more methodical and premeditated and did not act out of a sudden response. It would be helpful to know if their behavior toward each other was unusual or simply common SOP.

Poor Caylee..........I'm sure she HAD to hear alot of arguing/ sad/pathetic. :( No child should have to hear such horrible language let alone yelling like that.....
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