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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. Gunther Toody

    Explaining the indictments.

    And more troubling is the fact that they turned on their friends, claiming that they might be guilty, instead of playing dumb and just going along with the intruder theory.
  2. Gunther Toody

    Explaining the indictments.

    I had a brief discussion with my son who has spent 20 years in law enforcement about what exactly the indictments mean. I am sure most know the implications but for those who are wondering... An indictment is an official charging document allowing prosecutors to proceed with criminal charges...
  3. Gunther Toody

    If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

    I think that the only way amplified or other DNA would be beneficial is if it were located where it should not inside of JB underwear or internally inside her. I am sure these were tested, but what were the findings?
  4. Gunther Toody

    If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

    Likely not. All it may accomplish is to identify people who came in contact with the victim.
  5. Gunther Toody

    If you look at it logically it's very clear who did it!

    DNA amplification would allow for testing if they wanted to. DNA amplification is a process that increases the number of copies of a specific DNA region. This can be useful when there is little DNA to work with, as it allows researchers to obtain more of the target DNA for analysis or further...
  6. Gunther Toody

    The Struggle for a Normal Life After Murder

    Just doing some general research on the psychological aftermath of committing murder. Did anyone in the family suffer from outward signs of mental breakdown, after the fact? According to what I've researched, for those who commit murder and get away with it, living a normal life afterward is...
  7. Gunther Toody


    If it was simply a grudge against JR, why kill his daughter? There are far more ways to harm him that would not risk such an endeavor. No, she was the target for whatever reason. No intruder would do the ridiculous things that were promoted by the intruder crowd.
  8. Gunther Toody

    Overkill - Overkill in a homicide refers to the use of excessive force or brutality beyond what is necessary to cause death.

    A far simpler version could be that BR, in a fit of anger at JBR, struck her with a weapon that caused the head injury. The parents may have thought she was dead from the wound and were placed in the unimaginable situation of either contacting 911 for their daughter's injury, thereby bringing...
  9. Gunther Toody

    Dr. Oz hosts a new show about the Ramsey case.

    Take a look at the basement windows in their model. They are squared and much larger than the real thing.
  10. Gunther Toody

    Dr. Oz hosts a new show about the Ramsey case.

    I stumbled upon this on YouTube. It is apparently from Friday 3/28 While it is more of a Ramsey support show, there is a great 3D mockup of the entire house that offers visuals of what we have only seen in pictures to this date. Clearly, Oz is an intruder theorist, but if you want to get a...
  11. Gunther Toody

    Was a left-handed putter used as a weapon?

    Is this compelling evidence of a golf putter being used as the head wound weapon? Judging by the outline of the wound, it almost looks as though it was a left-handed putter, as in the picture. I wonder if anyone in the house was left-handed?
  12. Gunther Toody

    Was the Ramsey house typically a mess?

    The problem with this is you're creating a justification out of thin air. The last thing in the commotion would be stopping to make a bed. It makes no sense.
  13. Gunther Toody

    Was the Ramsey house typically a mess?

    Are we to believe then that an intruder, who was supposed to have carried an unconscious JBR out of her bedroom with both arms, somehow managed to close the door to a "little bit" while holding her? Why would he or she do that?
  14. Gunther Toody

    Intersting reaction to interview question

    Very reminiscent of their reactions and response when Steve Thomas confronted them on Larry King. He literally accused Patsy of the crime and she did not react with outrage.
  15. Gunther Toody

    Interesting Handwriting Analysis of the Ransom Note

    Here is a software if anyone wants to give it a try.
  16. Gunther Toody

    Was the Ramsey house typically a mess?

    Doesn't it seem odd that acquaintances would go into a kids bedroom and make a bed? I would think it very creepy if I found someone doing that in my home. Also, does anyone know if JBR's bedroom door was closed or open when PR first passed it that morning?
  17. Gunther Toody

    Was the Ramsey house typically a mess?

    I guess what I was thinking was that if JB was killed in his bedroom, or even severely injured. It would make sense for someone to go over everything in the room and clean it up, removing any traces of the crime.
  18. Gunther Toody

    Was the Ramsey house typically a mess?

    I recall reading that the Ramsey house was typically a mess with clutter and things left lying about. The children were said to have just left toys where they were and dropped clothing on the floor. Why do we find Burke's bed made and his bedroom look pretty normal on the day she was...
  19. Gunther Toody

    Using AI to analyze the ransom note.

    Question to AI: in the JonBenet Ramsey case, if a close family member committed the crime, what might their motive be? AI Answer: There could be several potential motives if a close family member was responsible for JonBenet Ramsey's murder, though it's important to note that her case remains...
  20. Gunther Toody

    Using AI to analyze the ransom note.

    I do enjoy dabbling in artificial intelligence for a number of things, so I thought I would ask it to evaluate the ransom note. Question... Can you analyze this ransom note from the JonBenet Ramsey case, and provide insight into the mindset of the author, its legitimacy and what type of person...

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