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  1. EmMomma

    Found Deceased SC - Samantha Josephson, 21, Columbia, 29 March 2019 *Arrest*

    It wouldn't have kept anyone out. It just takes a lot less planning/forethought to engage them if the switch is in the cabin vs having to open rear doors the engage.
  2. EmMomma

    Found Deceased SC - Samantha Josephson, 21, Columbia, 29 March 2019 *Arrest*

    Have been away from WS for YEARS, came back for Sami. :( I live an hour away and my oldest is a student at USC. (In fact, she's on the right in my profile pic...she's 19 now...) This has shaken me to my core. Can someone point me in the direction of arrest/search documents so far? TIA. ETA...
  3. EmMomma

    Found Deceased SC - Samantha Josephson, 21, Columbia, 29 March 2019 *Arrest*

    His car is a Chevy; apparently in some there's a button on the front console to turn child locks on/off. Every car I've had w child locks they had to be engaged on the side of the door, but it's possible that wasn't the case with his.
  4. EmMomma

    GA - Troy Davis fails to prove his innocence to Supreme Court

    I've followed this case for years. I'm still on the fence about guilt/innocence. Mr. Davis certainly wasn't a model citizen. With that said, if there is an *inkling* of doubt in so many people's minds, WHY is this execution going ahead as planned? This really makes me sick to my stomach...
  5. EmMomma

    Earthquake in VA 5.8

    Holy carp! We were right around the corner. :/
  6. EmMomma

    Earthquake in VA 5.8

    We are in Fredericksburg. I should have known something was amiss when our normally cool, calm chihuahua was acting like a spazoid this morning. :crazy: Took the girls to a late lunch since it's their last day of summer vacay. I had just paid, and the earth moved. I thought a truck had hit the...
  7. EmMomma

    Casey to be given new name & moved to secret location. Where is Casey?

    Where are these supposed "supporters"? :confused: They sure have hung in there and been forthcoming with the funds these past 3 years. I'd like to know exactly WHO these people are. :loser:
  8. EmMomma

    2011.07.22-25 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    It's noon here on the east coast and this thread is still on the first page. :great: A sign that everything is dying down? I sure hope so. I'm sure she is loving all this "attention".
  9. EmMomma

    The ‘Belle 8-3-11’ mystery grows

    I think the Bible verse makes a lot of sense. When I Googled just the numbers (8 3 11) that was one of the first 3 or so results. Since they alluded to the verse, makes sense to me. Now MY question is, what exactly is gonna come of all this? Will be interesting to see. I hope nobody ends up...
  10. EmMomma

    The ‘Belle 8-3-11’ mystery grows

    I don't know if I can sleep now. :eek:
  11. EmMomma

    Lippman says Cindy & George may sue John Bradley re 84 searches

    I don't get this. At all. :banghead: If this thing goes ANYWHERE, I'm afraid my already shaken faith in America's justice system will be nil. I could understand better, I think, if she had been convicted.
  12. EmMomma

    GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

    I've read every post on both threads, haven't posted until now. Sweet, precious Leiby and his grieving family have been on my mind all day. Then, tonight, to see new pictures of him makes my heart hurt even more. I hope justice is thorough and swift for the monster who has confessed to...
  13. EmMomma

    2011.07.19 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Supposedly there's a Twitter acct that is hers. It's locked, So you have to "ask" to follow. Just wondering if there was any talk of whether it's real or not...just curious. :)
  14. EmMomma

    2011.07.19 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    Haven't watched any news today. Any mention of the Twitter acct?
  15. EmMomma

    2011.07.18 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

    I was thinking about this today, so I'll ask your opinion. Do you believe the A's said they didn't want her home, or the retraction/denial of that statement? As an aside, I think that CM's criticism of the A's for not posing as "decoys" is ridiculous. They thought there was a legitimate...
  16. EmMomma

    Sex Offender Awarded Custody of 3 Year Old

    :banghead: Is it any wonder why so many children are victimized? Now I will walk away so as to not receive a TO.
  17. EmMomma

    2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

    Funny (not ha ha funny) that she left from that airport. That's where I was assigned to search for Caylee w TES. :(
  18. EmMomma

    Tim Miller: Possible Lawsuit against Casey

    I guess I can recant my post on another thread about Tim not taking their money. I KNOW, though, if he goes to court and wins, that money will be used to help another family that WANTS help. With that said, GO TIM!!! :woohoo:
  19. EmMomma

    JVM 7-6 ZFG files defamation suit against KC

    Yep. I quoted myself. :crazy: Maybe ZFG will win and rain on ICA's monetary parade. This is my hope.

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