GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've read every post on both threads, haven't posted until now.
Sweet, precious Leiby and his grieving family have been on my mind all day. Then, tonight, to see new pictures of him makes my heart hurt even more. I hope justice is thorough and swift for the monster who has confessed to snuffing out this beautiful life far too soon. :(
Unreal. What a monster! Finding out this latest info just makes me SICK...well, sicker, I guess. :(
I missed this
Gerard Marrone, one of two lawyers representing Aron, has withdrawn from the case. Sources told Aiello he found the crimes Aron is accused of to be too horrific.

He must have kids
I think it is ridiculous for them to say that he wasn't sexually molested. Just because he wasn't sodomized doesn't mean he wasn't sexually molested. LA could have done things to him or in front of him. I'm thinking they want to spare the parents more pain. It's comforting to think the child was drugged or not really hurt. But the evidence speaks otherwise. You don't have ligature marks and defense wounds if it was calm and peaceful.

I completely agree. This man is a paedophile IMO. Why else would a grown man be stalking young boys and kidnapping and murdering (at least) one?
Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund Raises $60K in One Day
"Had my dear son Leiby lived he would have contributed so much good to the world. He was such a sensitive and kind soul. Now that his beautiful life was cut so short we should not allow the world to miss out. Our family wishes to establish the LEIBY KLETZKY MEMORIAL FUND to perpetuate the memory of our dear Leiby and to keep him alive in our hearts and minds. This fund would help anguished families in crisis and need, something that Leiby would have wanted to do had he been given more years of life."

SOME good coming out of such a tragedy. Inspiring...

I just checked and it's up to $130K!!! Awesome!
Here's the link:
Been doing a lot of research and posted what I found on my blog:

VERY disturbing... some tid bits:
He tried to abduct his neighbor in the past 2 years but the boys mother scared him away by screaming. (and there was even ANOTHER boy who he 11-year old)
His ex-wife says she Levi wanted to be famous and was "inspired" by the excessive Casey Anthony coverage.
He would stare at children in the park and the neighborhood parents tried to keep their kids away from him.
Also, there's a still from a CCTV camera showing Leiby moments before being abducted.
(lots more on the post)

very creepy stuff
thank you for this

:banghead::banghead::banghead: I have heard this info on the local news repeatedly, and each time, it makes me angry. Why wasn't this known? Why didn't these moms report it? Why are they trying to protect one of their own?
Statement by Rabbi Nachman and Itta Kletzky

By the Grace of G‑d
Tammuz 19, 5771 / July 21, 2011

The traditional seven intense days of mourning (“shiva”) for our beloved Leiby are complete, but the ache in our hearts will remain forever.

We thank G‑d for the nearly nine beautiful years that He entrusted us with Leiby’s pure soul. We are certain that Leiby is now looking down from heaven and blessing us all.

We would like to once again thank all our friends and neighbors; all the selfless volunteers from near and far; local, city, state, and federal agencies; and all our fellow New Yorkers and beyond who assisted us physically, emotionally, and spiritually—as well as all of G‑d’s children around the world who held our dear Leiby in their thoughts and prayers.

We pray that none of you should ever have to live through what we did. But if any tragedy is to ever befall any of you, G‑d forbid, you should be blessed with a community and public as supportive as ours. We feel that through Leiby we’ve become family wi th you all.
Many of you have asked us what you can do now in Leiby’s memory, and how you can help us find comfort. Looking back at Leiby’s all-too-short years among us, here are a few ideas:

Acts of unity and lovingkindness. Let us perpetuate the feeling of collective responsibility and love expressed during the search for Leiby. An additional act of kindness toward your neighbor, or to those less fortunate than you, can go a long, long way toward perfecting our world. Putting a couple of coins into a charity box daily is one way of tangibly expressing that lovingkindness.

Gratitude. Leiby deeply cherished his siddur, his prayerbook, and praying to G‑d meant the world to him. He was known by his teachers for his concentration in prayer, always being the last to finish. In Leiby’s memory, when you wake up each morning take a few moments to pray and reflect and thank G‑d for giving us life (“Modeh Ani” in the prayerbook).

Light. Every Friday evening our family sits down together for Shabbat dinner to the light of the Shabbat candles. A candle shines for each of our children—and Leiby’s candle will always be included. On Friday evening, please give a few coins to charity and light the candles before sunset with our beloved Leiby in mind.

Memorial fund. Together with Rabbi Binyamin Eisenberger, we have established a memorial fund to help people in dire need (, to channel the lovingkindness shown to us and our dear Leiby toward many, many others in need. We welcome your participation.

From the deepest place in our hearts, we thank you all for your help, your support and your prayers. May Leiby’s soul live on as a blessing inside each and every one of you.

Nachman and Itta Kletzky
Aron had Leiby out in public with him after his mother reported him missing and therefore Aron realized he would be identified as “the last known person to see the child alive” and that's why he panicked and disposed of the evidence that proved this when he returned from work IMO.
Local Councilman Proposes "Leiby's Law"

To prevent tragedies such as the one that occured to Leiby Kletzky, Brooklyn Councilman
David Greenfield is proposing "official" safe havens for kids.

To qualify, store owners and their employees would undergo a background criminal check.
Residents could also volunteer a background check.

Once they passed, participants would receive a green sticker identifying their place as an official Safe Haven.
According to the councilman's office, the idea is being supported by store owners and home owners alike.

Councilman Greenfield intends to introduce legislation for the program in the fall, and could take three to six months to implement.
I'm having a hard time with Aron's story that he panicked. First, when you come across a child who is lost, you don't put them in your car - at all. You don't take them home. You don't take them to a wedding. You don't take them anywhere.

You have the child call their parents. If they don't know their number or don't have a home phone, you call 911. Immediately. Standing right where you are. Additionally, the community has the other brigade - the name escapes me - starts with 'M' I think - that works closely with LE and who the people in the community call on for help.

But Aron took Leiby away, kept him hidden, e.g., at the wedding, took him back to his apartment, kept hiim there overnight, kept him there all the next day, and in all that time, never called Leiby's parents, or 911, or that community brigade, or anyone. Never told the people at work that he had a lost child.

He kept Leiby, and kept him secreted, for a reason.

Personally, I wonder if Aron had a long-standing murder and dismemberment fantasy, and when he happened up poor little Leiby, so trusting, he saw his chance to act it out. He may have struggled internally for the time period before he murdered Leiby with whether he would actually act on his fantasy, or he may have decided as soon as he took Leiby that he was going to, and was simply planning when he would do it, and how he would hide Leiby's body parts. He might have wanted a 'build up' to the moment of murder, so he could enjoy it more, since this appears to have been a murder for the 'pleasure' of murdering, versus a pedophile who molests a child and murders them so they won't get caught.

I think it is more that he was probably planning Leiby's murder during the time he held Leiby before he murdered him, because the multiple steps he used in murdering him - first the tying him up, then the drugs, then the suffocation, then the dismemberment, then the disposal in multiple places, including going out to dispose of some of poor Leiby's body parts.

Nothing about this says 'panic' to me. Nothing. It sounds slow and methodical.

My opinion. Just had to get that off my chest.
I missed this

He must have kids

You were right, Charlie:

Gerard Marrone, one of two attorneys defending Levi Aron, said he bowed out because of "the horrific way this boy was killed."

"I have three little boys," he said. "You can't look at your kids and then look at yourself in the mirror, knowing that a little boy, who's close in age to my eldest son, was murdered so brutally."

Cops yesterday took boxes and bags from Aron's home. One bag was tagged "kids pants" and another was labeled "pillow, blue child's spoon and pink cup," but there's no indication he attacked more than one child.
Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund Raises $60K in One Day
"Had my dear son Leiby lived he would have contributed so much good to the world. He was such a sensitive and kind soul. Now that his beautiful life was cut so short we should not allow the world to miss out. Our family wishes to establish the LEIBY KLETZKY MEMORIAL FUND to perpetuate the memory of our dear Leiby and to keep him alive in our hearts and minds. This fund would help anguished families in crisis and need, something that Leiby would have wanted to do had he been given more years of life."

SOME good coming out of such a tragedy. Inspiring...

I just checked and it's up to $130K!!! Awesome!
Here's the link:


I just checked & made a donation. As of now it's past $145,000!
Gerard Marrone, one of two lawyers representing Aron, has withdrawn from the case. Sources told Aiello he found the crimes Aron is accused of to be too horrific.

I don't blame him. And it's good, in light of recent events, to be reminded that all defense attorneys shouldn't be painted with a broad brush. Many have a conscience.
Potential Death Penalty Case due to LA taking Leiby across state lines:

As Aron was left with one attorney, Pierre Bazile, legal experts told the Daily News the suspect is eligible for the federal death penalty because he took Leiby across state lines.

"That crime is punishable by up to life in prison or the death penalty," said former federal prosecutor Morris Fodeman.

Cops believe Aron drove the 8-year-old to an upstate wedding, stopping at a gas station on the Palisades Parkway in New Jersey.
The poor guy.

Defense Attorney Quits High-Profile Kletzky Child-Murder Case, Says He Cried Over Victim’s Death

But a veteran lawyer abruptly quit a high-profile child murder case in New York this week, saying he had cried over the death of 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky and was too affected by the crime to continue to represent the alleged perpetrator, Levi Aron, in the first-degree murder case, reports WABC.

"The allegations were too horrific, and it's not something I wanted to be involved in," said attorney Gerard Marrone. "I have three boys. One of my sons is seven. I looked at my own children and there are no words. You see the victim and you feel so sad."
Does anyone know what length of time these tests to determine LA's competency to stand trial might take?
I think it just depends Cubby on a few factors: like for instance, who is assigned to test him, their availability for the testing. What kind of testing they will need to use.

Not that I know from experience, just finished reading a really good informative book on competency testing written by a forensic psychologist (she might have been a psychiatrist I can't remember her exact title sorry). I posted the name and author on our book subforum.
"The allegations were too horrific, and it's not something I wanted to be involved in," he told Eyewitness News.

Marrone admitted there was a time earlier this week when he cried over Kletzky's death.

"A little piece of me died when I got the case,"
Marrone said.

"Before I got involved I believed in the divinity of human beings, and when I got involved I questioned the divinity of human beings,"
Marrone said.

Marrone says the medical examiner's report was the final straw.

"Knowing what he went through, just putting two and two together
, you know they made more than one attempt," Marrone said.

"Looking in his eyes what did you see?" Eyewitness News asked.

"How about I answer that question when the case is over.
It is something I'll never forget," Marrone said.

After Baez... this is so unbelievably refreshing.
A defense attorney with limits and a conscience.
Thank you.
They are just going through the motions with this trial. The man is going to be dead in under a year. Prison doesn't like child murderers.

I do think he's done this before. I think the whole thing was methodical and he didn't think he'd get caught. The only sloppiness is disposing the body. The guy who tracked him down is a miracle.

He left him outside the doctors office to establish an alibi that he was at the doctors alone. He took him to the wedding because he wanted to establish an alibi. He probably got off on tormenting the poor boy the whole way up, also to confuse him as to where he really was and make him not try to escape or run away.

So sad, if that boy was in the car at the wedding and he'd managed to get inside somehow. LA probably drugged him in the car and went in to establish an alibi.

This isn't a panic, this is methodical and the guy enjoyed it. ROT IN HELL.

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