GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

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Leiby's poor family should NOT have to worry about that monster going free. This just ticks me right off. It's not right. People should not have to worry that he could EVER see daylight again.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who represents Borough Park, said in an interview that Leiby’s grandparents, Yitzchok and Mirel Forster, had told him that the family was afraid that Mr. Aron would find a way to go free on an insanity defense. But, typically, defendants who are found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity spend years in locked psychiatric wards.
Perhaps it's because I read too much on the Zahra Baker case, but I was so relieved to see that Leiby had been drugged extensively. He was probably unconscious when he was smothered - and thank god, deceased before dismembered.

It's a cold comfort, but when I was first hearing the details of this case, I had assumed the worst.
Parents of dismembered NYC boy set up website

The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund website

(Note:CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external links.)

The family of eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky has set up a heart-wrenching tribute to the boy, who was abducted in New York City before being brutally killed.

The website, called The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund: Coping with Grief by Doing Good, was set up after the boy was snatched from his Jewish neighbourhood last week when he stopped to ask a stranger for directions.

He had become lost after leaving his day camp.

He was dismembered in a case that has horrified the nation, given that most culprits behind child abductions aren't strangers.

Leiby's family hopes to raise $1 million US through the fund. As of 8 a.m. ET, more than $47,000 was in the fund.

The website features photographs of Leiby as an infant and toddler and says anyone donating to the fund will help the family "accomplish all the wonderful things that Leiby would have achieved had he lived."

I am so glad you posted this. This family seems to be a class act...For them to try to make something positive out of this tragedy while the grief is so new is just incredible. I am glad to be a part of their effort and will pray for them to reach their goal of $1,000,000 for this fund.
How did LA get LK to take these drugs? Investigators allege Levi Aron sprinkled the drugs onto the tuna fish sandwich he gave Leiby which means LA would have had to crush them all or grind them all up into a powder first.


Levi Aron, 35, was indicated Wednesday on two counts of first-degree murder, kidnapping, and additional charges.

"There was intent to kill, and that's based on the ingestion of the medication," Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes told the New York Post.

Aron provided a detailed confession after being taken to police headquarters. Aron indicated that he did not initially intend to kill the boy, claiming that he "panicked" after realizing the massive scale of the search effort for him.

Although Aron's confession had previously come under scrutiny, the discovery of drugs in Leiby's system are evidence that the killing was premeditated, ruling out any possibility that he could qualify for a lesser, second-degree charge.

The prescription drugs - which included the schizophrenia drug quetiapine - belonged to Aron, which could impact his defense's claim that Levi is mentally unstable. While there is no comfort to be found in any developments in the boy's shocking death, the possibility that he was unconscious before he was smothered, and was certainly dead before he was dismembered, can be seen as lesser evil than speculation last week that he may have been alert.
Why isn't there any more news today if they found evidence of any other children at LA's house? Is there a press conference scheduled or any local news being reported?

A sizable amount of children's clothing? OMG this may be bigger than at least I previously thought... I hope not.

For anyone who didn't read theblog post I posted above:

He did attempt to kidnap his neighbors son (a young boy) but the mother screamed and screamed... which scared him away.

Also, we was stalking an 11-year-old boy.

I'm going to guess that there just may be more. The police have been digging up his backyard. :sick:
While there is no comfort to be found in any developments in the boy's shocking death, the possibility that he was unconscious before he was smothered, and was certainly dead before he was dismembered, can be seen as lesser evil than speculation last week that he may have been alert.

Respectfully snipped. I think the part that bothers me the most is LA knows the customs of the Jewish religion with regards to the human body, burial and amputation. What he did to LK's remains is what really bothers me the most. It's not as if LA was a different religion or non religious where someone might not be familiar with the Jewish customs. That just breaks my heart - as if he deliberately showed such disregard for the customs of his own beliefs.

Respectfully snipped. I think the part that bothers me the most is LA knows the customs of the Jewish religion with regards to the human body, burial and amputation. What he did to LK's remains is what really bothers me the most. It's not as if LA was a different religion or non religious where someone might not be familiar with the Jewish customs. That just breaks my heart - as if he deliberately showed such disregard for the customs of his own beliefs.


I think it was disregard, but I'm not sure if it was malicious or religiously motivated. I'm not sure yet whether I believe he had a mental break, but I don't think he willfully set about violating Jewish custom, if that makes sense? To me, it seems like it was something he came up with to hide the body, but not intended to desecrate it. I don't know, I'm just not feeling this was religiously motivated. Callous disregard, yes, but I don't think it was intentionally malicious. :twocents:
Respectfully snipped. I think the part that bothers me the most is LA knows the customs of the Jewish religion with regards to the human body, burial and amputation. What he did to LK's remains is what really bothers me the most. It's not as if LA was a different religion or non religious where someone might not be familiar with the Jewish customs. That just breaks my heart - as if he deliberately showed such disregard for the customs of his own beliefs.


I was thinking the same exact thing awhile back. I was wondering if it was intentional as some sort of smack in the face of a religion and community that didn't accept him (per news articles). Just a way to get the ultimate revenge and do the most harm. All my own speculation of course but knowing how the Jewish faith feels about the human body and burial (even tattoos can keep one from having a purely orthodox funeral and burial!) I wondered why he would do something so brutal.
I never implied NYPD scratched up Aron's hands etc.

I just don’t see how LK could have been conscious when he was smothered and in a position to resist and fight back like we’ve been led to believe he did. It doesn't jive IMO.

It’s possible LA was extremely anxious when he was dismembering the body and his knife slipped numerous times.

MO is LA wanted to spare the child from experiencing a painful and agonizing death.

It is really bizarre to me that you think LA was worried about Lieby as he murdered him. See below. He probably tried to suffocate him and it wasn't working so he drugged him.

I know so heartbreaking. I can't imagine how they must feel because they were so close!!

I wonder if maybe he had tried to smother Leiby before he gave him the meds and Leiby fought him off therefore he realized he had to give him something???

Other children? Scary.

I hate to keep coming back to this, but the only other child missing in all of New York, male OR female, age 5-12, that's NOT a family Patrick Alford.

Specific to Brooklyn, Patrick is the ONLY child missing in the last 10 years not listed as a runaway or family abduction.

Patrick is one of the first things that came to mind. Although his neighborhood isn't a Jewish neighborhood, it's very big and is basically right off the exit of the Belt Parkway. It would be easy to get into and out of.

Interesting. Apparently LA's father works for B&H photography where a friend of mine also works. She said the orthodox community is so ashamed that an orthodox would do this. LA didn't just hurt the child and the family but the whole community as well.
I think it was disregard, but I'm not sure if it was malicious or religiously motivated. I'm not sure yet whether I believe he had a mental break, but I don't think he willfully set about violating Jewish custom, if that makes sense? To me, it seems like it was something he came up with to hide the body, but not intended to desecrate it. I don't know, I'm just not feeling this was religiously motivated. Callous disregard, yes, but I don't think it was intentionally malicious. :twocents:

I didn't mean to imply this was religiously motivated. I guess it just bothers me. It's hard to explain. Maybe it is as shocking to me as FCA's 31 days of partying. Maybe it is an 'over the top added shock' or something like that. It's really hard to put into words. Kind of like it is bad enough but that too? way.....
I didn't mean to imply this was religiously motivated. I guess it just bothers me. It's hard to explain. Maybe it is as shocking to me as FCA's 31 days of partying. Maybe it is an 'over the top added shock' or something like that. It's really hard to put into words. Kind of like it is bad enough but that too? way.....

Oh, I didn't think that you did really - I was just thinking along after you mentioned that, and wondered if perhaps it was done intentionally because Leiby was Jewish, but decided that probably wasn't the case (in my opinion).

It does add an extra amount of horror though - particularly for his family if/when they find out. Like rubbing salt into a wound. Terrible.
Another bit of creepy infi:
Included in the &#8220;Activities and Interests&#8221; on Aron&#8217;s Facebook profile is a link to a page for a non-profit organization that offers tips on how to find sex offenders in your neighborhood. The page is headlined, &#8220;IS YOUR FAMILY SAFE? Find out who really lives in your area!&#8221; {source}

He's sounding more and more like a pedophile to me! Am I the only one? What do you guys think?
Oh, I didn't think that you did really - I was just thinking along after you mentioned that, and wondered if perhaps it was done intentionally because Leiby was Jewish, but decided that probably wasn't the case (in my opinion).

It does add an extra amount of horror though - particularly for his family if/when they find out. Like rubbing salt into a wound. Terrible.

Salt in the wound is a good way to put it.

I guess it is the disrespect for those particular beliefs that bothers me.
And knowing that LA knew more than most is especially horrifying. Myself, I knew an almost immediate burial was part of this religious belief. I did not know - as someone posted upthread - if a person following Jewish beliefs had to have a medically necessary amputation they would save or preserve the body part for later burial.

Since LE has repeatedly stated there is no evidence LK was sexually molested, I find myself wondering if LA took out his self hatred on LK? But then the collection of childrens clothes leaves me even more perplexed.
Another bit of creepy infi:

He's sounding more and more like a pedophile to me! Am I the only one? What do you guys think?

With LA who knows. I even find myself wondering if he, like Dahmer, chose to eat part of his victim. And I don't even know how LE could test for that. I don't want to know how, but I am curious if they can test.
I think it is ridiculous for them to say that he wasn't sexually molested. Just because he wasn't sodomized doesn't mean he wasn't sexually molested. LA could have done things to him or in front of him. I'm thinking they want to spare the parents more pain. It's comforting to think the child was drugged or not really hurt. But the evidence speaks otherwise. You don't have ligature marks and defense wounds if it was calm and peaceful.
I'm going to have to step back for a bit on this one. After seeing these clear pictures of him I'm really upset. I've been able to get through Kyron and Zahra but Leiby looks too much like my brother when he was a kid. It's the eyes and the freckles on the nose and dark hair. I'm sorry. I've never been this affected before. He used to buzz his hair too.

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