GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
-went to go to bathroom
-we have t child identified
-clerk id'ed Leiby
-not telling what t clerk told them was said by clerk or L when L used bathroom
cannot answer t question---whether he had opportunity to run or ask for help
we have an open period of time when ingested medication

we don't need a motive
-no, not giving analysis of statement we took, nor will i characterize as a confession-the grand jury
DA: not gonna talk about was he alive when Aron went to work or anything that is in Aron's statement
NY1 anchor reported that ME report says Leiby died on Wednesday.
The medical examiner says the boy's death in the early morning of July 13 resulted from an overdose of muscle relaxant, antipsychotics, pain medication and acetaminophen, followed by smothering.

Leiby disappeared around 5 p.m. on July 11 after getting lost on his way home from a day camp in Borough Park.

It is not long after that investigators believe Levy Aron, 35, approached Leiby and kept him for nearly a day and a half before killing and dismembering him.
Possibly the fight, scrapes on LA occurred IF there was sexual assault. Or when LA putting meds down Leiby's throat. Or when tying him to a chair.
I've read this thread and haven't commented but the link above that stated that Leiby had been given antipsychotics kind of tells me that my intial thoughts that Aron has suffered from psychosis and is probably very mentally ill.

This situation reminded me of some of the other threads that we have on here say for example one this year where a man hacked up his mother with a machete. That man was mentally ill too.

For some reason I don't get the feeling that this man has done this before. I think it's a good possibility that whatever mental illness that he has wasn't being controled properly by the medication he was taking (if he was compliant) or that the meds inadvertantly made him have a horrible psychotic episode. Schizophrenia isn't the only mental illness that can have psychotic features.

Doesn't excuse him of responsibility for his actions. JMHO. Just a few thoughts I had about him. I could be wrong.

Has his eval been reported yet?

(ETA: by not having done this before, I meant murder and dismember a child. He could very well be a predator of children that would and could be exclusive of any mental illness)
I was thinking...I live in a city with a Hassidic Jewish neighbourhood. A couple of the things that strike me when I am in that part of town (apart from the dress) are 1) the children are always walking around all over the place by themselves, even across busy streets and 2) the residents seem to always be outside. I don't think that most of the women work and most of them have quite a few children which results in many, many people walking and sitting on their front porches at all times of the day.

Wouldn't one of LA's neighbours have seen him going into his house with a child?

You'd think!! you'd think a million people would have seen this.
I get local NY news. The 5pm news just game on and they're saying they're expecting a news conference for the indictment.

DA says evidence in Aron's apartment could connect him to other children.

Conference expected at 5:15pm

Oh no...I hope it's not more frozen feet in the freezer. I'm sorry there is something about him that reminds me of Dahmer.
Well, I can only hope all the drugs he gave little Leiby helped numb the pain somewhat for this poor child.
With all due respect, I seriously doubt that NYPD scratched up Aron's arms and/or planted pharmaceuticals in Aron's apartment.

Muscle relaxants and pain medication could be prescribed for back pain Aron told NYPD he suffered from:

Aron told police that he drove Leiby to the wedding, but left early due to back pain and took the boy back to his attic apartment, "thinking I'd bring him to his house the next day."

I never implied NYPD scratched up Aron's hands etc.

I just don’t see how LK could have been conscious when he was smothered and in a position to resist and fight back like we’ve been led to believe he did. It doesn't jive IMO.

If LA forced LK to swallow a potent combination of drugs on an empty stomach in a hot apartment where he had been all day long before he suffocated him, LK's energy level would be very low and he wouldn't have the energy to fight for his life but maybe LK's willpower sustained him and he was able to overcame the powerful effects of the drugs he was given and I am mistaken.

In addition, if LK was lying in front of the television after he ingested these drugs, he would have been docile and he would have passed out and slipped into a semi-conscious state very quickly. Therefore I think he was semi-conscious not conscious state when he was smothered by Aron. Prosecution believe LK was murdered in the living room.

Yes that is true, maybe LA's drugs were prescribed for a chronic back condition. LA said he had a sore back and that's why he didn't plan to stay long at the wedding Monday evening but no one else has come forward and said LA suffered from chronic back pain and was taking medication for pain control; so when this news story broke, I was very surprised.

It’s possible LA was extremely anxious when he was dismembering the body and his knife slipped numerous times.

MO is LA wanted to spare the child from experiencing a painful and agonizing death.
Considering the police were at his apt in the wee hours of 7/13, it sounds like they just missed actually saving Leiby's life?
The medical examiner says the boy's death in the early morning of July 13 resulted from an overdose of muscle relaxant, antipsychotics, pain medication and acetaminophen, followed by smothering.

Leiby disappeared around 5 p.m. on July 11 after getting lost on his way home from a day camp in Borough Park.

It is not long after that investigators believe Levy Aron, 35, approached Leiby and kept him for nearly a day and a half before killing and dismembering him.

I think the perp put the drugs in the tuna sandwich he gave him before he says he smothered him. I always found it weird he was so specific about what kind of sandwich he gave him. Unfortunately, it reminds me of the movie Happiness where the pedo gives drugs to a boy in a tuna sandwich.
I don't know if he'd be able to fight after the drugs - some of those are pretty strong.

What may have occurred is that an assault took place before the drug ingestion (like it was said above, I think it happened in the tuna sandwich); perhaps a sexual assault, or some sort of preventing Leiby from leaving and "telling".

Then again, I've seen some very strange side effects from drugs, and sometimes, there's something called a paradoxical effect, which means that if it's a sedative, the person gets amped...things like that are known with bigger doses.

And just so we're clear, quietipine/Seroquel is not given for a back injury. it's to "quiet" things in the head - meaning, it's use is psychotropic, for mental illness and hallucinations and voices. Not for a chronic back condition.

Herding Cats
Considering the police were at his apt in the wee hours of 7/13, it sounds like they just missed actually saving Leiby's life?

I know so heartbreaking. I can't imagine how they must feel because they were so close!!

I wonder if maybe he had tried to smother Leiby before he gave him the meds and Leiby fought him off therefore he realized he had to give him something???

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