Earthquake in VA 5.8

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This EQ was felt in such a widespread area. It is surprising it is only 5.9 or so. As a lifelong Californian I have felt much bigger ones. But they are not usually felt by so many others so spread out. This must have hit a perfect spot somehow.

A 5.9 in California barely makes the news. Maybe because everything is earthquake retrofitted and everyone is used to it.

My friend who lives in So. CA and I went through a tiny little earthquake in NYC years ago. She said that none of the larger quakes in CA ever sounded or felt like that one. I read it has something to do with the depth of the bedrock, and that the east coast is more rigid so it feels worse than it is.
I am curious why there have been no aftershocks? CA people, is this common? Also, according to the USGS website the depth of this siesmic event was not very deep, at all! Lng and Lat makes it hard to believe the distance that this was felt.crazy stuff.
For those trying to reach people and finding cell phone service problems......often a text message will go through even when calls do not work.


Very true. I couldn't get a call to go through, yet DH was able to text from downtown DC to say he was okay.
During an Earthquake:

Minimize your movements during an earthquake to a few steps to a nearby safe place. Stay indoors until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.

If you are indoors: Take cover under a sturdy desk, table, or bench or against an inside wall, and hold on. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.

Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and anything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.

Stay in bed - if you are there when the earthquake strikes - hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.

Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, loadbearing doorway.

Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling objects when entering into or exiting from buildings.

Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.

DO NOT use the elevators.

If you are outdoors: Stay there.

Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.

In a moving vehicle: Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.

Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped, watching for road and bridge damage.

Trapped under debris: Do not light a match. Do not move about or kick up dust.

Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing.

Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort - shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.
After an Earthquake

Be prepared for aftershocks. These secondary shockwaves are usually less violent than the main quake but can be strong enough to do additional damage to weakened structures.

Open cabinets cautiously. Beware of objects that can fall off shelves.

Stay away from damaged areas unless your assistance has been specifically requested by police, fire, or relief organizations.

Be aware of possible tsunamis if you live in coastal areas. These are also known as seismic sea waves (mistakenly called “tidal waves”). When local authorities issue a tsunami warning, assume that a series of dangerous waves is on the way. Stay away from the beach.
Okay - we felt that pretty good (in NoVa - the DC metro area). DS and I were stopped at a red light and the car starting shaking, from side to side. I told DS to stop shaking the car, and he was like, "Huh?" It wasn't until we noticed people outside around buildings that I realized something was up and stopped to ask what was going on...

Freaky. No like. :no:

Many years ago we were living on the Central Oregon Coast. One morning we were getting ready to open our business and the kids were fooling around in their rooms. I heard this really LOUD banging type noise and I told my son to stop hitting the wall and get ready. He said 'It wasn't me.'

A little while later we found out Mt. St Helens had erupted, which was 3 hours drive from us. :rolleyes:

We were really busy that day. We sold some auto parts and we were in a tourist area and we ran out of auto air filters. Everyone knew the ash would be everywhere!

Very true. I couldn't get a call to go through, yet DH was able to text from downtown DC to say he was okay.

Being from Kansas....I learned this NOT from any earthquake events, but from being in huge crowds at sporting events. Nearby towers seem to get overwhelmed by large numbers of calls, but somehow texts will go through. This is actually a good thing, as reading texts does not bother others nearby and it is often too loud to hear the other side of a call anyway.

I was in my office building in Rockefeller Plaza in NYC - was sitting at my desk on the 6th floor. I started to feel super dizzy. I thought I was going to faint and I grabbed my desk. I looked up an the lights were swinging then the windows were rattling - stuff was rolling off my desk as the building swayed.

We evacuated and I initially thought it was a terrorist attack in the subway below my building. I was hysterical (I am pregnant and was at work during 9/11) so it was just a crazy reaction.

I feel better now but very worried about this quake as for it being 5.9 not even in NYC - I don't understand hwo we felt it.
I am curious why there have been no aftershocks? CA people, is this common? Also, according to the USGS website the depth of this siesmic event was not very deep, at all! Lng and Lat makes it hard to believe the distance that this was felt.crazy stuff.

I believe that's why it's been felt so widely, because it wasn't deep. More energy near the surface.

And yes, you CAN have multiple aftershocks, but the first hour or so the aftershocks could actually be harder than the original. That would mean, imho, the first one was a forwarning of an even harder one.

Sorry, I know that won't make anyone feel any better, but being from Calif, well, you get my point.

We had one down here a couple of years ago on Easter Sunday, scared the daylights out of me and my grown daughters. I thought it would never stop. We had 100's of aftershocks over several weeks. Some of the aftershocks were in the five range. :eek:

I'm kinda' conditioned now, it has to be over 4 for me to feel it now. Anything less than four we just kind of take it in stride.


PS....LOL, that Easter quake, my girls and I were running around the house, not knowing where to go. As soon as one of us would find somewhere another would shout, "No! That's too dangerous of a spot!" :rolleyes:
I am curious why there have been no aftershocks? CA people, is this common? Also, according to the USGS website the depth of this siesmic event was not very deep, at all! Lng and Lat makes it hard to believe the distance that this was felt.crazy stuff.

I heard reports that we could get them, the quake hit at 151 pm so it hasnt been that long.

I was out in a strip mall shoping all the stores closed and no EMS teams arrived stuff fell everywhere but I have not saw or heard any first responders.

I have heard about a partial building collapse ,it was a building that was still under construction.
Reports Louisa county virginia have had about five after shocks. I am about 25 miles from Louisa.

I did get ahold my hubby ,which is good because he wont be home until 3 hours later then normal.

I also feel nauseous ,not because of nerves either like my equilibrium of off ,or I am car sick. Is this normal for and after quake thing?
There were no local reports of mass evacuations, but emergency management centers all along the East Coast were activating and setting up command posts.
All 911 centers on the East Coast are being flooded with phone calls inquiring about the earthquake. Phone calls should be reserved for actual emergencies involving damage or injuries.,0,7946075.story

As far as evacuations, I think many people in the DC area have decided to self-evacuate from wherever and go home. DH is at the State Dept, and when I told him that the Senate and House buildings were reportedly shut down and he should leave the State Dept, he said that he couldn't if he wanted - that it is complete gridlock.
Cable news reporting damage to the tower of the National Cathedral, and some other homes and buildings with cracks and plaster damage, and showing a brick home with damage to exterior on upper floors. No major damage or injuries reported so far.
I am not worried about the earth quake ,the power plant has me concerned.
We are in Fredericksburg.
I should have known something was amiss when our normally cool, calm chihuahua was acting like a spazoid this morning. :crazy:
Took the girls to a late lunch since it's their last day of summer vacay. I had just paid, and the earth moved. I thought a truck had hit the building until it didn't stop right away. Ha ha.
Hubby works for gov't. His building was evacuated, he's on his way home now. Says I-95 is smoothing sailing, which surprised me.
The most distressing thing (besides the obvious ground moving under my feet thing) was not being able to call out on my phone. :/ Texting worked, though.
We are fine. Rattled, but fine.
Allot of people felt the earth quake here.
My neighbor is the fire chief and said it is being reported all over the city.
I felt nothing.
Time for me to go vote, no aftershocks felt here since. Again I'm 90 miles away.
I am not worried about the earth quake ,the power plant has me concerned.

I hope it is true but HLN just said the nuclear plant automatically shut down and is safe.
My hubby called friends and no phones or cell phones for awhile.

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