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DNA Solves
  1. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    This was the worst thing I’ve heard. I remember my first time using “internal protection” and at first I could not insert it because it hurt too badly. So my mom bought me ones specially sized for teens. I don’t think they make them anymore because I couldn’t find that size for my daughter. But...
  2. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Even though this song is about romantic love, I thought about NB when it came on the radio: It took all the strength I had not to fall apart; Kept trying hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart; and I spent oh so many nights just feeling sorry for myself; I used to cry, but now I hold my...
  3. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Very very apt way of putting it. Simply heartbreaking
  4. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I agree that it may not be best for her case to speak out. But the prosecution should have protected HER better from the onset. I hope they do a better job at trial, that’s all I gotta say. I wish I had a pacer account and could read the gag order.
  5. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    When they pulled this crap on the victims of Dr Larry Nassar, the MSU pedo doctor, there were 3 top notch attorneys filing for a injunction within days. The injunction was granted. The gag order rendered impotent. Then one more narrowly tailored, that took the victims input into account, was...
  6. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    What really pisses me off is that Once Again NB’s rights are determined in a judicial proceeding where She Had No Voice. She had no lawyer there to see to it that her rights were protected or to advocate for her. Maybe she’d have agreed with this? But that’s irrelevant to me. She didn’t get a...
  7. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    F’ing system fails that little girl once again!! Why didn’t the prosecution file for the gag order as soon as the Barnetts started on their character assassination campaign? Instead they fail to prevent the harm Barnetts caused, now are preventing her from attempting to undo some of the harm...
  8. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Where did you learn that? I don’t see her as having been “noticed” in the court ledger.
  9. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I think she’s doing it for the “narcissistic supply”, She gets these mothers (of autistic children) looking up to her, deferring to her, hanging on her every word, treating her like an Expert when she’s absolutely not. Similar to what she experienced making media appearances with her son when...
  10. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Could they have chosen a worse picture to headline it with? What jerks. She is a very pretty girl and they selected a photo that was not representative of her beauty. That broke my heart when she cried. So unfair. I will definitely be watching Thursday
  11. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I strongly suspect Kristine has a narcissistic personality. She didn’t go about it by the rules because narcissists think the rules don’t apply to them. Kristine seems to be devoid of empathy, a hallmark symptom of NPD.
  12. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    That’s reassuring. I’m glad to know there are safeguards in place. Do you think that same govt agency would investigate an adoption so long after the fact? Cause this w/NB occurred about 4 years after her adoption took place and presumably after her 1st adoption was legalized/finalized [adopted...
  13. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    DEPORTATION I think you are on to something with the age change to 22 being linked to making her over 18 at the time of very first adoptive thereby nullifying her right to Citizenship. The rules that confer citizenship on an adoptee ONLY APPLY to adopted CHILDREN, not adopted adults...
  14. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    How many court cases determined her age? Michael has claimed “3”, his lawyer said “2”. I don’t have the link to back this up, but I am certain this is correct. 2012- Age changed Marion Co. 2013- DHS or child protective services initiated a case against Barnetts and tried to get jurisdiction...
  15. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I hope he’s embarrassed,too. And if it can be established that he violated patient (NB’s) confidentiality, or violated any tenant of the AMA guidelines, I hope that he will be brought up on charges before the medical board. He deserves to be tarred and feathered.
  16. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    With the classic dyad of being paired with a Borderline Personality Disordered husband. That man is a drama queen IMO. (I have a loved one with BPD. With proper treatment and motivation, a person with BPD can lead as normal a life as anyone. Unfortunately, men suffering from this disorder are...
  17. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I have a friend who used a private attorney to adopt within the US. They did have a home study done by someone the attorney referred them to. From the time they hired the attorney, until the day they brought their new son home, it was about 2.5 months and $30,000. He was 2 yrs old at the time...
  18. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    And just think, if Kristine Barnett hadn’t gone all daily mail, their crimes would be largely hidden to the world at large. I guess she never heard of the Streisand Effect.
  19. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    The DePauls daughter has posted a must see video to yt. Shared snippet of doctors records and a school assessment
  20. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Were you ever skeptical of these parents claims? From the child’s perspective, how would you ever defend yourself against the claims of grownups? I see how easily the Barnetts lie, and how quickly they gained traction as the victims in all of this.

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