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DNA Solves
  1. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I think adoptive parents sometimes have different expectations of the adopted child, than do biological parents. It was alluded to in the adoption disruption article. The adoption worker talked about counseling the parents and asking them if they will be able to handle it if the child doesn’t...
  2. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I just cannot imagine there being a good reason to reject the DePauls. They seem like really great people, great parents. To choose average height parents over parents that really “get it”. To me, it’d be like choosing hearing parents over deaf parents, if you were choosing a new family for a...
  3. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    My guess, pure speculation, it that it’s discrimination. I think the Ciccone’s felt repulsed by this family of dwarfs. I think they felt she was better off with a “normal” family. I think this was a case of ableism. Again, just speculating.
  4. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Unfortunately those are civil issues, not criminal. But there is restitution in criminal cases. So maybe that could be done? I don’t know all the rules about WHEN restitution can be ordered. Also, a criminal conviction would make a civil lawsuit progress easily. Since the act would have already...
  5. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    This is the full Inside Edition interview with the DePauls. Interestingly, the DePauls daughter is advocating for NB in the comments section. She said that NB was only “starting” to grow signs of maturity and that her mother inquired of a doctor and was reassured it was normal esp with her...
  6. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I’m thinking that maybe it doesn’t even matter what they “thought”. Just like with statutory rape—-It doesn’t matter if You thought she was “older”, all that matters is her age. Perhaps same here. Because how can you prove what someone “thought”.
  7. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    This, to me, shows what an experienced liar he is. Note that he doesn’t actually say that any son actually ran into traffic. But that is what he wants people to think. And if they didn’t actually run into traffic, WHY is this a murder attempt rather than a “I destroyed your toy/homework”...
  8. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    My thoughts on using his dad’s first name is that (1) it aligns with them being estranged which was referred to by Michael himself on his (Michael’s) Facebook OR (2) Not Ethan composing the message. Ethan is about 1 month older than NB. I think that is old enough to have memories of her time...
  9. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I feel conflicted about the whole Dr Phil thing, too. But I also got the impression from the preview that he is “on their side”. If he does come out on their side it will be very influential. Love him or hate him, many viewers put great stock in his opinions.
  10. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Except there is the little matter of Michael’s admission to the police detective that they KNEW she was still a minor
  11. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Recall, her age was changed while she was institutionalized. Kristine said in her Facebook post that she was discharged into a halfway house. I posted a screenshot of the housing Aspire provided. All the “halfway” houses had 24 hr monitoring. Most likely a live in monitor. I don’t think she was...
  12. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I’ve heard it said that what a lawyer says is Not testimonial. Testimony is given under penalty of perjury, non-testimony isn’t. Further, lawyers are not sworn in like witnesses are.
  13. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    There’s be similarities. Just like how dna is used in genealogy to find other relatives. But still would be able to distinguish who is the mother or not.
  14. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Oh cool!! That’s the story!!Good find. Wow that’s from 2006. I think there’s been a case with a man since then also. Even though there’s only a couple dozen cases of this in the literature, I wonder if it happens a bit more but just goes undetected. For most people there’s few reasons to check...
  15. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Your post made me think of a wild story in the press some time ago. A woman was being prosecuted for welfare fraud. They said her children were not her biological children. It all started when she applied for benefits. The state made the dad take a paternity test, and unbeknownst to mom, they...
  16. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    It’s absolutely heartbreaking. Then they added insult to injury, with their fantastical stories of attempted murder and claims of diagnoses of psychopath and sociopath. This is a case crying out for justice. I would love to see the criminal case followed by a civil suit. I can only hope that in...
  17. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    That makes sense about the interview format. I hadn’t seen him do that before. I’m just an occasional viewer, if he has a guest or topic advertised that appeals to me. I don’t have much of an opinion on him one way or the other, except people need to remember before going on the show that It’s A...
  18. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    Michael definitely could have tried to contact her through the Mans Facebook had he been so inclined. As for their address, they have moved since the guardianship proceedings. Additionally, when the State filed for a protection order against Michael on Natalia’s behalf, there was also an entry...
  19. Dawn Day

    IN - Couple charged with abandonment of adopted child after legally changing her age, Sept 2019

    I watched today, just in case. It wasn’t on. BUT I did see it advertised as a future show in November. The clip showed Natalia and parents (The Mans) sitting on a couch across from Dr Phil in a chair. This was NOT in the big studio, on stage, with Audience members. It was some kind of private...

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