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  1. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I'm just referring to what SA told Det. Flores when she was interviewed.
  2. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I was simply commenting on an article that was posted. I don't know the first thing about you or your sis. I made no reference to anything 'about my sis again'.
  3. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I have no idea if JA could have been helped or not, but the fact that no one tried at any time in her life, is sad. Perhaps when she hit her brother over the head with the baseball bat when he was 3 and she was 4, (I think that's the ages), might have helped her. It is so sad that a friend of...
  4. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I totally agree with you. Part of me feels badly for JA that she couldn't control her actions, or at least stay put in CA. I truly don't think she can manage her fits of rage. As a result, she has destroyed Travis and his seven brothers and sisters lives, her own parents, grandmother, sisters...
  5. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    Chijojo, I've previously told you in PM's that my thoughts and prayers are with you. This is also my first Mother's Day without my mother. It's going to be rough for many of us, but our Mother's love will get us all through the day. Nobody can take the love in our heart's away from us that we...
  6. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    OMG, Juan's psychologist Demarte(?) hit the nail right on the head. This article blew me away. This is JA in a nutshell! I really wish we could find out about Jodie's childhood. According to the article JA really does have a deep rooted problem with her mother. "Much of BPD distress...
  7. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I read over on one of the other threads, maybe Part 1 of the Aggravation thread, that she will have on civilian clothes because the prison clothing could sway the jury one way or the other in their decision for LWOP or death penalty.
  8. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    This video is hysterical, I love it. All that shaking and grooving and never set her bag down
  9. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    The evening the verdict came down, JA's mother, aunt, grandmother and other relatives went to the jail and spent approximately 33 minutes with her. It was Thursday when whatever happened before court and it was cancelled and JA ended up in a rubber room, her family was not allowed to visit with...
  10. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    In the real world of everyday life, you can be sued for slander for making such statements about an individual.
  11. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    I feel so bad for Steven. He looks over at his sisters at about :35, and I feel like he is all alone except for the person sitting behind him. I don't at any point see any of his siblings comforting or hugging him. The sisters have their husbands there, but Steven seems all alone to me.
  12. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    Great, thank you very much! I'll bookmark it this time.
  13. CourtsInSession

    aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

    Does anyone know if KCL was in the courtroom with Katie Wick on Thursday? I wonder if either of them are going to tell us what happened that court was cancelled, once the trial is completely over. I can't imagine the judge can do anything about telling others once the trial is complete. Katie...
  14. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    Just tell them you have been on jury duty for the past four months and don't know when or if the trial will ever be over.
  15. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    OMGarsh How humiliating it would be to have to actually wear one of these contraptions. I bet JA wishes she never left California. Who would have thunk she would have to give up her green blouse for this blue smurf outfit. Wish they'd make her wear it to court next Wednesday. I think the two...
  16. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    Why in Heaven's name would you feel sorry for her??? Nobody made Jodie murder Travis. Being in the psych ward is just another of her manipulative tactics. HLN stated Sheriff Joe had to put her in the psych ward after her little academy award winning production after the verdict was handed...
  17. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    Earlier today on HLN, one of the TH's stated that after JA's family left from visiting last night, that she was taken to another jail that had a psychiatric ward. She is not in the jail she was previously housed in. She wouldn't be taken to court with the usual prisoners, she would be driven...
  18. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    If no errors were made in JA's trial, and no cause for an appeal, would this be the end of her possibly ever getting a new trial?
  19. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    This sounds most reasonable to me. There is no way she wants to face Travis's family and friends in the mitigation phase. What is she going to say? You didn't know him like I did, he was a piece of dirt, he was into little boys, he abused me. She knows that she has to apologize and show...
  20. CourtsInSession

    Aggravation phase #2

    Kinda reminds me of someone else saying no jury would ever convict her. Why do people say such stupid things???? Comes around to bite them big time.

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