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DNA Solves
  1. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

    Oh wow! Jury questions? Anybody know if there are any? My observation...JW asks to approach over and over because it isn't "about her" at those times. She loves to strut herself!
  2. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

    I love it when Nurmi and JW get the big smiles on their faces. They get to do that so rarely! Do they really think they are scoring points?
  3. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

    Today, JW asked Dr D some question...can't remember what it was...but she said Jodi shot Travis and he fell on her. That's the first I've heard of that. I know she said he lunged at her, but never heard he fell on her. I can't help but wonder if that isn't what in Jodi shot...
  4. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #152

    If there were thousands and thousands of text, email, and IM's, and only 4 or 5 times that Travis called her names, isn't that considered rare? And forgive me for not thinking Travis was an abuser, but can you please tell us why he was that angry with her? If you only throw out part of the...
  5. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

    She's probably afraid "somebody" might slip her a mickey while she's away! I know I would!
  6. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

    I thought it was bad when I couldn't run the microwave and the toaster oven at the same time! You need to have that checked out. My problem turned out to be squirrels had chewed my lines from the pole to the house. In at least 7 different places!!!! And when you call the power company, they...
  7. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

    Miffed? I practically rage!
  8. Maryann123

    trial day 50: REBUTTAL; #151

    I'm finally here! I wanted to bring grandma with me, but you know she has a trash mouth, LOL! Plus, Nurse let me get by with it earlier, and I didn't want to push my luck!
  9. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    I miss my Mom too, and this woman even looks a little like my Mom. She danced too! I did forget to warn about the F word! Hope it doesn't offend anyone.
  10. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    Seriously, when I play that little video, it sets my mood for the day! You can not watch that and not want to get up and dance!
  11. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    Did you say grandma? I sure hope this works, because this woman is my hero! Here goes....trying to post.....
  12. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    Ditto from me. I wanted to post something about her involvement with OJ too, but I had a post removed earlier for .....well, I have no idea why......and I didn't want to go there. Anyhow, the only thing I really know about Walker is the fact that she is a feminist (don't know how that fit...
  13. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

    Bottom line, Dr D got it right and ALV and RS got it wrong. I might add, ALV and RS did what they were paid to do. Dr D, did a through exam, and her conclusion matches what 99% of us believe.....Jodi is mentally disturbed, but fully aware of right and wrong. Killing Travis suited her needs...
  14. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

    I don't know your time zone, but I'm gonna have a little liquid refreshment. I need to chill out.
  15. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

    Oh dear lord! Talking heads saying how bad Jodi looks, she's sick, her nose is red, yada, yada, yada. Jodi is a manipulator! Of course she looks bad.....she's been setting the stage all day for this.
  16. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

    It's been the defendant and the defendant's expert witnesses that have delayed, delayed and delayed again. I wish the judge could start fining the DT for these stall tactics. The jury has to be sick of it, and I know I am!
  17. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

    LOL! Guy on HNL saying Dr. D can't remember article she just read last week. He says he would hit her hard on about 10 questions regarding that article that she can't remember. How the hello can JW question her on the article when she has no idea what the article was about? Typical defense...
  18. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #148

    Any and all of this nit-picky stuff about Dr D's CV is a joke. It doesn't hit me as being inexperienced. I see this Dr working at her job, and not globe trotting all over the place trying to make herself look better than what she is. If Alyce had spent as much time treating people as she did...
  19. Maryann123

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #148

    In my opinion the mental problems Dr D describes are only anger issues, and having "it should be all about me" issues. Nothing she has said gives the impression Jodi doesn't know right from wrong. I think all murders have the same thoughts....and that is.....they think people that dare to...
  20. Maryann123

    trial day 48: REBUTTAL #147

    I had the feeling that Jodi pretended to not listen to Dr. D, but was actually hanging on her every word. She certainly has nailed Jodi! I think Jodi had to be impressed that she figured her out. But, once JW started her questions, Jodi could look at her without giving away the fact that she...

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