trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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I want to think that my frustration is all about the jury and the waste of money. But, if I'm being honest with myself, this frustration is really about the fact that I am watching this trial, in part, as entertainment and no one wants that entertainment delayed. I have to remind myself that this isn't about me--it's about justice and justice will be done. I may not live to see it, though.
Today is my 25 yr old sons birthday. I am tearing myself away from this trial to take him to lunch. LOL
DD turned 13 today too! (Oh god. I am officially the mother of a teenager. :facepalm:)

Enjoy yourself, katy, while I go drown my sorrows (when did I get old?!?) in a nice, big slab of homemade, four layer, death by chocolate cake with peanut butter filling, chocolate fudge frosting, and chopped peanut butter cups. No, it isn't just an excuse for eating chocolate. Really. Cake, anyone?

(Sorry for the O/T too!)
Oh dear lord! Talking heads saying how bad Jodi looks, she's sick, her nose is red, yada, yada, yada. Jodi is a manipulator! Of course she looks bad.....she's been setting the stage all day for this.
I think this is all about Wilmott failing miserably, and Jodi helped her out and gave her some cover. Wilmott was clearly lost.

Now Wilmott has all night to find some little thing on DeMarte's CV....Errrrr.
Shout out to Weebles, who makes all things possible!
No court on Friday, the 26th.

Of course I'm off that day! Dang!

i'm sorry but i'm happy for myself! that means only THREE days next week i have to entertain my friend who's flying in, and miss the trial. you have no idea how upset i am about this already. and CONCERNED!!

WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME????? this trial is making me crazy, literally.

Welp I guess everytime around the date/month, Jodi will have issues. I guess this should be her last court stalling day...If this case goes passed may 10th...I would be shocked.

if it is her last one I would be surprised as well.
I think if I was JA, I would feel pretty ill - emotionally speaking - after listening to DR D's testimony. It has to hit her hard. She knows down deep the woman speaks the truth about her. If that's the case, then she would be feeling dizzy, nauseous, and headache, maybe even throw up. Talk about anxiety.
I think when this trial is over, we may see new changes in the ways trials are covered. The influence of sites like W sleutths...court spectators trying to be part of the case..the media focus. I would not at all be surprised that on appeal, JA is granted a new trial becuase of this circus. It must have been like this in the infamous Dr. Sam Sheperd case in the 1950's which as a result ended up making new law as it went to the Supreme Court( not JA's trial but issues surrounding it)
In 2008 I video archived two trials. Mark Jensen & Entwhistle on UT. First person to do it. Defense team for Entwhistle got the UT channel closed for prejudicial reason.

That being said I don't see future revision on trial coverage. Jury sequestration and a Judge keeping their foot on the gas pedal of keeping the trial moving forward ... jmco
Once a month? Well majority of women suffer from a monthly disturbance. Of course if she suffers from menstrual migraines, they can be horrible. I can only smile and hope it is a bad one. :)
I want to think that my frustration is all about the jury and the waste of money. But, if I'm being honest with myself, this frustration is really about the fact that I am watching this trial, in part, as entertainment and no one wants that entertainment delayed. I have to remind myself that this isn't about me--it's about justice and justice will be done. I may not live to see it, though.

Thank you King Tut....I needed that reminder too!

I think justice will be done though...Travis and his family will get justice
Can someone tell us why doesn't the Judge explain to the court what is the issue that caused trial to be cancelled???
When I was a bailiff in felony court, we never told the Jury the reason for delays. It is deemed prejudicial if it is due to the Pros. or Def. If the Jury gets irritated they could let it affect their outlook on the trial. I knew the DT was going to make sure JA was sitting there when the Jury was dismissed because they do not want them to be upset with JA. I loved the look on Judge's face when she was watching JA walk in. If looks could kill we wouldn't need to proceed any further. JMO
Whoever predicted that Jodi's green shirt she is wearing today is a sign that she will need to end court early because of her "migraines"'re right! Must be Jodi's unlucky shirt.

When I saw her today with that green shirt, which by the way does give her a "sickly look", and her hair done up to look downright homely as heck, I felt this was coming today. :furious:

Yesterday Jodi was playing the "I'm prettier than you look" with no glasses, hair down, coloring all day and not looking up at the witness.

You can read what this defense team is going to do by the way they dress the prisoner. It's all a shell game to them. :furious:
if this is about her being sick, i say she's doing it because it's all she CAN do to exercise control. stop the music! this is about ME and i'm SICK so go home and cool your heels, janeen. i'm in charge here.

heck, she might decide to be sick tomorrow too, just for good measure. did you hear her attempt at a cough?


I heard it and immediately knew that she was purposely fake coughing to act sick. It reminded me of when you go to the doctor with an ailment that you need help with, but you over-empahisize the issue so he takes you seriously.

I'm getting sick and tired of Jodi controlling things. Make her stay and watch re-runs of Juan grilling her till 5 PM.
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