trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #149

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Praying for the injured, and praying it was an accident...

I hope it was an accident as well. A nearby nursing home has collapsed and the residents are trapped. This is awful. sending prayers :please: :please:
I get the SAME way at times.. I have to strip naked only a sheet, no light, no sound and cool room basically nothing or I'll become violently ill..

There's one med I took for years which is hard to find but maybe able if you've got insurance to have custom made called Midrin or Isometh something something..

I've been given Imitrex but I still think Midrin is the gold standard for helping me control the pain, vision & sickness!

I used Midrin for a long time, but then got horrible rebound headaches. That was the first medicine that ever worked for me.
I was looking at an old DD transcript. Found an OOPSIE MOMENT from the killers testimony:

NURMI: What was the first incident of violence?

ARIAS: Well, I didn`t consider when he pushed me down twice violent.

NURMI: OK, but that was the first incident.

How about the last instance of violence? Was that June 4th?

ARIAS: No, that would have been right before I moved when he choked me until I lost consciousness.


OOPS. Did she just ADMIT there was NO violence on Travis's part on June 4th?


(sorry to piggyback on your question)
AND I WANT TO KNOW....when she brought up Travis Choking her into oblivion wasn't that the FIRST time anyone from the State heard that? I remember asking that question on this forum when I heard her say it. It's like a Jodi moment, "Okay time to throw another awful thing about Travis out there" ANYONE KNOW?
I don't want to tell you this in case the top of your head comes off, lol ... but there were 29 stab wounds. Twenty-nine.

Just thinking about that ... yeah. I don't give a flip about her headache.

just bringing up memories as the three stars that Casey Anthony did on her tattoo... as far as the years that Caylee was alive, and 29 stab wounds that Travis had. my mind waunders... that she wanted 30 as the years that he was alive and therefore asked how many he had
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When I say, "illness", I'm thinking it is not a sickness of the mind as in depression or schizophrenia, for example. It is a rigidity of personality. The cardinal symptom to me is lack of empathy. Which means hell for the rest of us.

Personality disorders are considered 'ego syntonic' which means that the person with the disorder feels there is nothing wrong with them, everything is in harmony with their ego. The rest of us, on the other hand, feel and see the clash between ourselves, our ego, and what we expect of ourselves in the world (aka, 'neurosis'). Those with personality disorders feel okay about themselves, feel there is nothing wrong, and of course, blame everything on external factors- it is never their fault.
I totally agree with you on much of this, but on some of your points I believe the Borderline is a bit different. The term Borderline came about as it was seen as being on the "border" between psychosis and neurosis. It's not as clear cut as the other cluster B PD's. I know several BPD's that have a lot of empathy, and they definitely DON'T feel good about themselves.

I agree with the rigidity and externalizing traits, but most know they're not in step with the rest of society. I think that's why so many BPD's turn to self-harm. They struggle with the discord of desperately trying to "get it", but never quite being able to. Many with BPD are accused of having no conscience, but I can't agree with that. BPD is so frequently co-morbid with other PD's, and I see those other PD's driving what we see as the lack of empathy and conscience. This is what I see in JA. Definitely see the borderline traits, but I see something else driving the cold calculation (ASPD anyone?)

My daughter is BPD, but all of the other cluster B PD's don't present in her...a "pure" BPD if you will. She can be the drama queen (most 16 year old girls are!!), but no signs of histrionic, definitely no narcissim, and the pros have repeated assured us they don't see ASPD.

She definitely has the rigidity, black & white thinking, emotional disregulation etc., but she also definitely has empathy. Does that empathy always result in appropriate actions? No. But she definitely feels for others and is able to put herself in their shoes. She reactively blames others for triggering her actions, but when the emotions calm and she talks out what has happened she owns her behaviors and feels tremendous shame and remorse. For her, those feelings of self-loathing result in repeated self harm (repeated cutting & 4 suicide attempts in 2 years).

In the course of her struggle, it's been severe enough that she's pushed over into true psychosis, including hallucinations. The psychotic symptoms resulted in a bipolar diagnosis for years, but her extensive treatment team is now coming to a concurrence that it's BPD leading the charge with ADHD along for the ride. We've been fighting the BPD monster since she was 8 years old. With a strong team of adolescent DBT experts, we're seeing progress in the last year. She has a long way to go, but we welcome every baby step!
I don't think she ever got an AZ driver's license...
Her CA license had her address as a PO box?

That was new to me!

That cute cop from Yreka told the court that the P.O Box was not unusual due to the small & rural nature of the town.
I saw that too. Then I wondered if she used that gun to hit him too? I bet it's heavy and she went in a hissy fit after that first gunshot disabled him.

or the camera, it is heavy. Remember how Jodi shows us in court how well she can use both of her hands.
Okay. I will concede your point , especially because I respect you and your posts.

I know it's TMI, but I could suck it up thru a migraine and HAVE on too many occasions, both with (ineffective) meds and without.

But...... A heavy flow is quite simply something that requires bathroom attention and there is no civilized fix for that. I personally have suffered my whole post-adolescent life with super heavy periods and on my first couple of days, cannot even sleep more than two hours at a time. Sorry to be gross. :blushing:

So if she is having a heavy flow (sorry again) as you present as a possibility, then yes, it would be very hard to remain in court with no bathroom breaks.

In fact, the older I get, if I can't have a potty break very couple of hours, it's not so good. We old ladies take our bladders VERY seriously! :blushing:

Again, I do think she is a big ole faker and lying to postpone the sinking of the ship, but I do agree you have a valid point.

O/T but when I was an adolescent, I had particularly bad cramps with my period. The doc gave me meds to deal with this. I remember one time when I didn't have my meds and I was going into gym class. I decided to go to nurse to allow me to go home and get meds and skip gym that day. I was an athlete in high school and had not ever used this as an excuse.

The nurse was male and said something to the effect as when the ERA finally passed women would not be able to use this as an excuse anymore.

I snapped back, "When the guys in football games are hit in the "balls" and there is no time out for recovery, then I'll worry about it." He didn't say a word and wrote my excuse.
PINSKY: And Hollie, you said -- I guess, you have a story about a friend`s house, the Skye Hughes (ph) home?

HOLLIE MEFFORD: Yes. The Hughes home. Jodi showed up one day while I was there with Skye, and she showed up unannounced. She came over to ask Skye why Skye hated her, and Skye, for 15 minutes, told her why we didn`t like her, why we didn`t want her around, why we didn`t want her to be with Travis. And I told her to get out of her house, to never come back.

And then, I was in the kitchen making lunch for Skye`s kids, and Jodi, after, you know, being yelled at for 15 minutes, comes into the kitchen, sits at the dining room table and just sits there and stares at me while I`m cooking macaroni and cheese. And, I didn`t say anything to her. It was really awkward, and I didn`t want to be around her. And she just sat there for 10 minutes, and then, finally, she got up and left.

MEFFORD is on the rebuttal list, along with her husband. If you click on this link you can read the transcript of what they had to say about the killer.

I heard that story on one of the shows. Okay, this fits like a glove when all Travis' friends said she was strange, she would just hang in the background etc. She is so strange. Travis didn't have a clue what he was dealing with. She is pure unadulterated evil.

News articles are starting to trickle in about the injured from the Marathon bombing and they are heartbreaking. Life changing injuries are hitting multiple family members. These people have a long road ahead of surgeries, rehab and occupational therapy as well as the financial and emotional toll.

I'd post this on the Marathon thread, but that seems to be dominated by a handful of serious sleuthers.

How do we get a meaningful dialogue going in this country to stop the senseless violence and restore our core values? Like honesty, integrity, humanity, community, respect and decency.

Whether it is an act of mass violence like the bombing at the Boston Marathon or a singular act like JA brutally and with forethought slaughtering Travis Alexander, if we do not take a good hard look at our society, these incidents will only become more common.
I am not sure where I read it, but the prisoners do not get much time outdoors at all, so that is partly why she looks so pale. In all the photos that we see of her looking robust, blonde and tan, she probably was a sunbather. A tan always helps you look better, JMO. As I have gotten older, I do not take well to the sun anymore, so I am very pale. I agree that the color she had on today is not for pale girls!! Just my observation, IMO.

she looks better in stripes or orange:jail:
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