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DNA Solves
  1. M

    Canada - Principal Admits Throwing Feces

    I totally agree with you. I bet you anything the parents of the poor young crap throwers will sue the principal and school district too. :loser:
  2. M

    CT CT - Newborn 'Baby X', Clinton, December 1974

    That is ridiculous. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Had they kidnapped a newborn from the hospital and killed it, they would prosecute, but because this baby was unwanted from the moment she took her first breath, it isn't worth it. That is disgusting.
  3. M

    Keith Richards: "I Snorted My Father"

    He is so ugly- inside and out. :P
  4. M

    IMPORTANT - Recalled Pet Food

    JBean, I am very sorry for your loss.
  5. M

    Britney Spears $1m divorce settlement

    I read that with gifts, property and cash, K Fed wound with about 13 Mil in assets. Oh, and he will get $25 K a month child support til the kids are 18 AND shared custody- he gets them 4 days s week, she gets them 3.
  6. M

    Sex Offender Causes Stir at Nev. Church

    No, they do not have to be mutually exclusive. If I didn't have children attending services with me, it would be much easier for me to focus on loving the pedofile and helping him to overcome him weaknesses. But because I do have small children, *their* needs come first and that means...
  7. M

    Sex Offender Causes Stir at Nev. Church

    That is true, and agree with you. I admire this man's desire to attend church. I truly do. There are creeps, pervs and hypocrits everywhere, but some crimes/addictions/perversions only hurt the sinner... others hurt innocent victims. This is where my compassion comes to a halt and my desire...
  8. M

    Sex Offender Causes Stir at Nev. Church

    I am sure they ARE everywhere, but as a parent and a victim of one of these "pillars of the community" I choose not to purposely put my children around KNOWN pedofiles. Period. EVER. There was registered sex offender who attended my church a few years ago (I saw his picture on the Megans...
  9. M

    Sex Offender Causes Stir at Nev. Church

    I am all for forgiveness, but pedofiles tend to act when the opportunity arises and while his intentions may be good, it is hard for me to believe (given the recidivism statistics) that he is safe around families with children. He may believe that he will not act out again and he may truly wish...
  10. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    Not necessarily, especially if it meant your family might be sought out and killed for that claim. That argument doesn't work for me. I can't prove Christ had a wife/kids and you can't prove he didn't. I am not saying he did, I just believe it is possible and it isn't blasphemy to entertain...
  11. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    Yah, I am sure he would have just had occasional hook ups :D Why is it so hard to believe that he may have married and had children? I don't get it. :confused:
  12. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    I am totally guessing here... But Christians believe Christ knew his mission and that he would eventually be persucted and sacrificed. Knowing this, I think hemight have kept his family sort of secret or secluded to keep them safe. The fact that Christ may have had a family doesn't rule...
  13. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    Another thing- How many people do you that can trace their family tree back to 20-30 AD?
  14. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    I am sorry, I disagree. His mission was to be an example for all mankind as He taught and ultimately to be our Savior and outlet to eternal life. I don't think having a family and being the Savior of man are mutually exclusive.
  15. M

    Documentary Claims Jesus Was Married

    I totally agree with you and IMO, if we are to emulate Christ and strive to be Christlike, and the Bible says we should multiply and replenish, then it would make sense that Christ most likely would have married and had a family.b
  16. M

    He breaks into apartment, mistaking *advertiser censored* screams for actual rape

    CLOWN *advertiser censored*??? Now I believe I have heard everything.
  17. M

    Twitney Spears enters rehab! Threads Merged

    I am not sure that he was promoting his album for the several months he was spotted in Vegas, LA and NY boozing but you may be right. I have a feeling Shar Jackson may have been saying lots of great things aout K Fed to ensure that she keeps getting support from Mr Britney Spears. I have...
  18. M

    Twitney Spears enters rehab! Threads Merged

    That's because he never married her :) I don't think a good parent goes to clubs every night while they leave their kid with a nanny. BOTH Brit and KFed have done this... KFed is just smart enough to stay low profile right now while Brit is being the idiot. Just a few months ago, it was KFed...
  19. M

    He breaks into apartment, mistaking *advertiser censored* screams for actual rape

    Buzzm1, Apparently I missed the toungue in cheek part of your post- sorry, it's been a loooong night (and morning) :crazy:
  20. M

    Twitney Spears enters rehab! Threads Merged

    Yes, leaving your pregnant girlfriend to go shag another woman is real stand-up.:woohoo:

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