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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. M

    Penalty Phase #13

    I thought so. I guess I just hoped he wouldnt use that one anymore. It upsets the family so much and there are other photos that he could use but I guess he's making sure he delivers maximum impact to ensure the jury remembers why the death penalty is on the table. Still, my heart breaks for the...
  2. M

    Penalty Phase #13

    Glad WS is back. I thought Jodi whipping out that Survivor shirt was the equivalent of begging for the death penalty. That was the worst thing she could have done IMO. The jury has already shown with their verdict that they didn't buy her DV story so that was just a slap in the face to them...
  3. M

    SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

    It's a cooler :) 7% so it's got a kick as far as coolers go. I'm also hoping we see the end of this. The Alexander's have seen this drag on for years and the jury, God bless them, have a lot more patience then I ever could! They will see this through to the end. I think they have Stabbys...
  4. M

    SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

    This trial is driving me to drink. I'll have a Vex, cuz I'm feeling pretty vexed after today. 4 or 5 of those and I'll be smiling again ;) Seriously, how can the judge let herself be played like this? It's so blatantly obvious but she keeps bowing to the whims of the killer and her...
  5. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    I guess I should not be too surprised. They have played these little games all trial long and the judge has allowed it to go on. I know she has bent over backwards to accomodate JA so to protect the proceedings but come on! There has to be a limit to this garbage no? I think most other judges...
  6. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Omg! What a farce!!!!!!!!!adjourned??? Enough is enough, jss needs to put a stop to this crap.
  7. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    LOL, They want to withdrawal. Good grief! They are themselves giving reasons for appeal! DENIED! Lol, wow now they are not calling any witnesses.
  8. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    So it is JUANS fault that the best the DT can do is produce a drug addict to talk for Jodi.
  9. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Lol, a key mitigation witness (a drug addicted convict who barely knew Arias in recent years) has been lost...Nurmi, seriously..enough. Stabby needs to be punished so lets get on with it.
  10. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Yep, diss the judge. Great strategy Nurm.
  11. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Motion for mistrial AGAIN?!?! Well at least in open court so we get to hear his drivel..I will predict it to be DENIED!!
  12. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Then we might get to see that stun belt in action lol. I am amazed she has not already feigned a migraine this morning.
  13. M

    Penalty Phase #12

    Seals up on WAT..ready to go! Hope <mod snip> and company do not stall anymore.
  14. M

    SIDEBAR #4- Arias/Alexander forum

    Yup, that or different levels of incarceration allow different things. Here you cannot smoke in provincial jails (those in for less then 2 yrs or awaiting trial) but federal inmates can smoke. Maybe they do something similar there where the "jail" inmates cannot smoke etc but long term prison...
  15. M

    SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

    Lol, I can see it now. Patty wanders in and as they're explaining the procedures etc, she goes on the nod. Defense wonders if they can straighten her out in time..nope she's barely coherent and her eyes are rolling back in her head and she's slurring..court is UNABLE to proceed. Would not...
  16. M

    SIDEBAR #3- Arias/Alexander forum

    I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I can't wait to NOT see her face anymore. I am suffering from Jodi-overload. I can just imagine how sick Travis' family is of looking at her every day. I really hope when this trial is over that the networks (HLN especially) start focusing much more on TRAVIS...
  17. M

    penalty phase #11

    JSS should have been honest: ladies and gentlemen Jodi and her defense team know they don't stand a chance and want to delay the inevitable. They have enjoyed messing with you all throughout the trial and this is just one more delay to make your lives miserable. But no worries jury, just let...
  18. M

    penalty phase #11

    What a stunt. That's all I'll say because anything else is gonna get me in trouble.
  19. M

    Aggravation phase #7

    Nurmi just doesn't have the power of TRUTH on his side. Everything he says is just blah blah blah..

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