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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. leophoenix

    For those who agree with the me understand.

    Oh you mean Sally ******? The lady that said all emotion is a example of grief? The whole time she was on the stand I kept expecting her to put in an order from the sidebar. The one that was proven not to have any insight into the case at all? If she was a victim of abuse (no proof) why not a...
  2. leophoenix

    Verdict Suggests Juries are Tired of Theoretical Justice & Circumstancial Evidence

    I can point you to a family right now just like them except they have a son and they are family members of mine. Most the family disowned them. Their son has done 10X more than KC (except the murder) and his parents cover it up. He's a record producer btw and makes 150,000 per year. At least...
  3. leophoenix

    Cindy's cousin speaks out about George's guilt

    The difference is that Susan Smith probably not have been found guilty if she wouldn't have admitted it herself. A lot of people were still trying to find the black man (supposed carjacker) even after her confession because they could not believe a young somewhat attractive mother could do...
  4. leophoenix

    Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

    Eh the site asks me for a credit card for a charge of 119.40 to view or 19.95 month. Go figure.
  5. leophoenix

    The Murder Weapon

    Duct tape loses stickiness when wet but, not after it has adhered to something dry. For instance if I tried to stick it to a damp flower pot it would not stick at all. If I stick it to a dry flower pot and give it time to fully adhere and spray it with water it will stay there till it decomposes...
  6. leophoenix

    Time to move on/How best to honor Caylee now *merged*

    Time to let interest in the case rest to negate book deals and tv movies. Everyone wanted to find out what happened to Caylee and in our hearts we know. Come help me pull weeds from my obviously overgrown flower garden.
  7. leophoenix

    What will happen to the Anthonys?

    I think most of the momentum that this case has generated was due to interest in Caylee. Anything that the A's get after this will be short lived. They are all proven liars so why read their book? Let them fade into obscurity and bet you that we'll see KC again for some other crime down the...
  8. leophoenix

    Where did the prosecution go wrong?

    Two things about LE I see that failed. CA calls and says the car smells like a dead body....A dead body and nobody investigated it quickly.They also claim a missing toddler but, it was somewhere lost that the car smelled like death. I believe after the police left that car was cleaned...
  9. leophoenix

    Greta Will Have #14

    Sleeping at the wheel.
  10. leophoenix

    What do you want to personally say to the jurors?

    I've got something to sell you!
  11. leophoenix

    This Verdict Proves My Theory

    I'm in the area near where Susan Smith trial went down. Some people to this day think she didn't do it (even after confession) and a black carjacker did. They can't picture a white mother being able to do this.
  12. leophoenix

    Anthony's in hiding due to death threats per WFTV

    I don't condone it but, learned one thing from the Kronk accusations. If I witnessed someone offing them I swear I saw nothing. The light was in my eyes.
  13. leophoenix

    Is anyone afraid to search things on the computer now ?

    That's why my hdd's have strong encryption on every computer. Not that I really do anything illegal that I know of. It is just a safeguard for me if the computer gets stolen with credit card info, personal information etc.
  14. leophoenix

    What would Caylee want?

    We really don't know what an afterlife is like. She might still want to breathe.
  15. leophoenix

    POLL: How did JB do in closing statements pre-lunch?

    I swear that I took a nap when he was talking about the duct tape on the gas can and when I woke up he was still holding up a photo of a gas can and talking about the same thing. He made a few holes in the case but, I think that might have been lost because he was all over the place and kept...
  16. leophoenix

    What did we learn today 7-03-2011?

    GA has control of the duct tape. He must keep it in the duct tape safe to make sure nobody else uses it. Diabolical! Which reminds me that I should probably secure my tape to make sure somebody doesn't use it for a murder and I get busted for that murder while taping up a broken flower pot...
  17. leophoenix

    2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

    He blabs and repeats himself so much I start tuning him out. I would be offended if he spoke to me like I was 10.
  18. leophoenix

    Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

    Right! If she gets by with this then it proves that perjury is a toothless old cat that tries to frighten with a roar. If it has no use remove it from law.
  19. leophoenix

    Do you feel bad for Casey because of how she was brought up?

    Sure I feel so sorry for spoiled pseudo adults. I have an aunt and uncle that have a 25 yo son (same age as KC). They spoiled their son and daughter the same way but, their son has been in so much trouble that it isn't even funny bad checks, mortgaging their home, fraud, stealing, lying...

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