Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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There is no cost to join the web site.:great:

lol, i think this is a different one because i am able to see that link. there is one that i have been linked to that always directs me to a $10 a month fee for limited access.

edit: actually, this is the same website. i can't see a lot of the documents because they are labeled "elite"
Well I was the secretary treasurer of a huge 200 plus condominium complex for many years. Thus I know quite a bit about $$$ numbers I humbly may say. I have checked these statements quickly here. Conclusions? Well Casey is smarter then I thought. Cindy is brain dead, even for a mother. These $$$ numbers are the stuff of crooked contractors. A "nickel and dime" steal for you affair. Casey knew the limits of all the accounts at all times. So she knew what she could steal without the financial companies freezing the accounts. Cindy still had the 14+ G's in a savings affair. But at the escalating rate of thief, even using that money to address the other account deficiencies, Cindy knew all the money would be gone in about 6 months or less.

Now George got a disability settlement around 2005. It covered his internet scam losses, and then some. He testified in to the FBI that he paid Cindy back about $40,000.00 in 2005 from the settlement. We do not know if the house mortgage was refinanced during the 2005 - 2008 period for extra income. But with the massive fall in housing prices, it does not take a an accountant to figure out the house was probably in a negative mortgage/equity situation in 2008. Cindy was in all probability looking at losing the house. And being broke as well in June 2008.

Now as for the fight of the 15TH. Interesting date.IMO Most bank and financial institutions send their statements out to be received on the 15Th of each month. So of course upon Cindy getting the latest horror news on Casey stealing from her, they just "snuggled up and watched a family movie" on the night of the 15TH. Yea, right!!!!
off topic, but i can never see the documents on this website. am i missing something? or are you a paid member of the site?

I'm not a paid member of the site. I don't know how come I can see it. That happens to me with other things, sometimes I can see stuff other things I can't. Sorry you can't see it.
I think she SHOULD be prosecuted. They took the time to impeach her, take the time to punish her for it.

In this case, it might finally force Cindy to see, covering and lying for Casey only hurts other people. What will she do if she is prosecuted and spends a few years in jail? Will she deny requests for Casey to come see her? Will she finally see that lies and cover ups are not making her life easier?

In the end, I do think Cindy and George loved Caylee. But, honestly, as a mom to a couple girls and boys, there is no way I would lie or anything else I could think of to save them. I would love them, but I would not condone the action. And the action required a punishment. Its the way it works. What Cindy did to George all these years, not letting him be a parent to Casey and making her responsible for her actions, is the same thing she did in the Court. Finally, she needs someone to step up and say this is not the way things should be. You can love someone without cover up and condoning actions.

lol, i think this is a different one because i am able to see that link. there is one that i have been linked to that always directs me to a $10 a month fee for limited access.

edit: actually, this is the same website. i can't see a lot of the documents because they are labeled "elite"

Eh the site asks me for a credit card for a charge of 119.40 to view or 19.95 month. Go figure.
What about obstruction of justice for when police asked for Caylee's brush, Cindy knowingly gave them Casey's brush. What was this purpose? What was the purpose of tampering with evidence by washing pants and other item? This tells me she knew Caylee was dead already. Anyone that lied or tampered with evidence is a CRIMINAL!

aaaaaaand she wrote in an email to her PI that she should've given LE the dog brush

what would an obstruction or perjury conviction do to her book sales, hmmm? grieving gramma: NOT! grieving mother: yes. expose that with a "fun" little trial ... maybe CM would defend her
Of course Cindy knew Casey had no job.

But here is the real confusion. Why did the prosecution not bring this truth out in court? As part of their case from the opening statement? Cindy is on record from 2008 as stating she had no idea Casey did not work in 2005, onward. The State knew this fully. That Cindy was lying. Money was a key issue in the case. Yet that was not brought up. It is so baffling to me. Jurors are people. And they understand money far more then duck tape. A motive over a hard to prove means of killing. It is like the State set out to lose the court case from the start.

They did bring it up. Cindy implies she had no idea ICA had no job.

IMO, had the State not KNOWN Cindy would lie out her *** in court, just as she did to investigators, they could have brought a lot more info into this trial.
They did bring it up. Cindy implies she had no idea ICA had no job.

IMO, had the State not KNOWN Cindy would lie out her *** in court, just as she did to investigators, they could have brought a lot more info into this trial.

And there is my problem in trying to understand the Sates position here. The Sate had more then plenty of information to impeach Cindy on the witness stand. There is no possible sane excuse not to be prepared for Cindy's lies in this case I can see. The prosecutors had KNOWN she was lying for well over 2 years before this court case started. Lying about most everything. Right down to her FBI oath given statements about Casey being a perfect wonderful girl, with no faults. And please do not to try and pass this off as just prosecution incompetence. Something is very wrong here.IMO
They won't prosecute her but they should. Face it, the justice system sucks. SINCE the great jury said Casey is not guilty, has anyone re-opened the case to try and find the real killer of little Caylee? Or is it now just assumed it was an accident that was hidden for 31 days and that's it? Yeah, our justice system sucks.

But a man in Connecticut received a 20 year sentence along with a $250,000 fine for hacking cable modems. Awesome justice system!!!!
I'm not a paid member of the site. I don't know how come I can see it. That happens to me with other things, sometimes I can see stuff other things I can't. Sorry you can't see it.

It might have something to do with your browser settings, or if a popup blocker or noscript add on isn't configured to let certain images through?:computer:
I don't think the State will pursue it. If they did, there would be millions more perjury cases going on b/c literally that many people lie on the stand in the criminal world.

I think the State knows she lied from day one. I think the State knows KC probably told Cindy the truth when she was bonded out, that she did it b/c they all loved Caylee more and she wanted to get back at them. There are only so many cases you want to tie the Court up with, it takes money and time, it takes proving it is worth it before even bringing the charges. Quite honestly, I think they may just wish the Anthonys would go away for a while before KC is charged with something new in a few years.
They won't prosecute her but they should. Face it, the justice system sucks. SINCE the great jury said Casey is not guilty, has anyone re-opened the case to try and find the real killer of little Caylee? Or is it now just assumed it was an accident that was hidden for 31 days and that's it? Yeah, our justice system sucks.

But a man in Connecticut received a 20 year sentence along with a $250,000 fine for hacking cable modems. Awesome justice system!!!!

I recall hearing JA asked that question and his response was that it won't be reopened to find anyone else because they believe they had the right person in Casey.

It's over.
I believe C.C should be held accountable for perjury. If we do not, than we send a clear message to everyone that, LYING is ACCEPTABLE in a court of law, to L.E. agencies, and any time you just want to lie. I doubt that they will charge her, I think they just want rid of these people. I would like to know if they will be going after G.A. for raping, and molesting ICA since she was 8yrs old. And charge against L.S. for child molestation. Oprah Winfrey sent her abusers to prison, ages after the fact, and only by her word, no physical evidense. So, since the Jury believed the defense, should they not be charged? They are dangourous to kids everywhere, and should have to be listed as sex offenders. If you believe the Anthony cousin, there is proof.
I recall hearing JA asked that question and his response was that it won't be reopened to find anyone else because they believe they had the right person in Casey.

It's over.

I was being sarcastic and you are right, it's over, she walks
I believe C.C should be held accountable for perjury. If we do not, than we send a clear message to everyone that, LYING is ACCEPTABLE in a court of law, to L.E. agencies, and any time you just want to lie. I doubt that they will charge her, I think they just want rid of these people. I would like to know if they will be going after G.A. for raping, and molesting ICA since she was 8yrs old. And charge against L.S. for child molestation. Oprah Winfrey sent her abusers to prison, ages after the fact, and only by her word, no physical evidense. So, since the Jury believed the defense, should they not be charged? They are dangourous to kids everywhere, and should have to be listed as sex offenders. If you believe the Anthony cousin, there is proof.

Some clear messages have already been sent, like it's ok to lie to anyone, it's ok to kill and try and cover it up because if you get arrested just have your defense team say you were molested (you don't have to prove it) and then just throw all kinds of irrelevant material at jurors to confuse them and make them believe that reasonable doubt means no doubt at all.

Here is a good poll, I can't make threads yet so I can't post it. In how many future cases will the state vs Casey Anthony be cited by the defense?
What else is new? (I do not mean to be sarcastic)

But if Lee has a new atty why?
Why must he get an atty out side of CA & GA
now that KC is innocent case closed.

no way it's closed.
LA knows that!
Who is LA's new attorney? Maybe he wants to separate himself from his mom as she could face perjury charges.

I know Lippman was asked the other day about LA getting new attorney and at the time he said that was rumor and he still represented him. Are we sure this has changed?
Who is LA's new attorney? Maybe he wants to separate himself from his mom as she could face perjury charges.

I know Lippman was asked the other day about LA getting new attorney and at the time he said that was rumor and he still represented him. Are we sure this has changed?

I can't find anything that is official.
It would be announced wouldn't it?
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