Will Cindy be prosecuted for perjury?

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Do you think the State [i]will[/i] decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony?

  • Yes, the State will decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 27 6.7%
  • No, the State will not decide to prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 148 36.7%
  • Yes, I think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 214 53.1%
  • No, I do not think the State [i]should[/i] prosecute Cindy Anthony

    Votes: 14 3.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Me too, since it seems incorrect in that Cindy didn't work in a hospital.
I don't think that minor mistake will have any bearing on the outcome of this compliant. He could have just generally said "work setting", rather than hospital, or more accurately, home health agency, which is what Gentiva is.
I don't think that minor mistake will have any bearing on the outcome of this compliant. He could have just generally said "work setting", rather than hospital, or more accurately, home health agency, which is what Gentiva is.

Ok, but isn't 'word salad' a favorite of those who seek to deceive?

I can see filing a motion to dismiss based on word salad.
Cindy may never be held accountable for her lies by the state, but I hold out hope that Gentiva exercises any legal options they may have against her. She's a liar. A liar who has installed herself as the co-director of a non-profit, begging for public donations.

Grieving grandmother or not, she helped a killer walk free, and even threatened her own mother if she dared to call in LE on Casey's thievery.

MOO, of course. :mad:

wow, she told her Mother not to call LE and report about her checks?
This would not have flown with MY Grandmother, she loved her money lol and hated thieves.
There didnt seem to be any boundaries in this family....

It never seemed like CA's Mum was senile. From everything Ive read she seems pretty on the ball. And has dealt with quite alot with her husband being in the nursing home, her GR Grandaughter murdered, etc :(
Wouldn't Cindy have to admit that JB told her to lie on the stand for him to be held liable?
I honestly don't understand how someone can deliberately lie under oath and get away with it. It just seems so wrong. If she'd been able to legally say, "Maybe this is true, maybe it isn't, I'm going to make it difficult for the state to execute my daughter" instead of swearing before God to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it might make sense.

I'm just waiting for the next big trial when a person deliberately lies to LE and on the witness stand. The precedent has sadly been set.
Perjury Should Be Punished -- Always
Diane Dimond
Posted: 7/29/11
Let's talk about perjury -- a person taking an oath to tell the truth and then lying through their teeth. Perjury is illegal and one can be both fined and thrown in jail for it
I recently witnessed what I believed to be an act of perjury while covering the Casey Anthony murder case in Florida. The apparent discrepancy will go unpunished, and that bothers me because it's the justice system saying, in effect, "Okay, never mind, that oath you took really doesn't matter."
I know after the whole hoopla about Casey's murder acquittal it might seem like a small point but I was upset to hear the state of Florida has decided not to pursue perjury charges against Cindy Anthony. I understand she's been through a lot losing her grand-daughter and all but the system cannot allow lies to be told in courts of law with no penalty. It matters because it goes to undermine our whole system
There was an interview with Ashton, don't recall his exact words, but not unheard of or uncommon (something like that) for parents to lie to try and save their kids. no link yet sorry

I recall the same interview, and it reminded me of something that I heard (what seemed like) no less than a million times when I was growing up:

"Just because everybody else is doing it/going there/staying out that late/whatever/insert favorite activity here, doesn't make it right or okay."
I think some degree of perjury takes place in almost every trial where family members of the accused testify, we just don't always know enough of the details to be able to point it out, as we did in this case.
Perjury Should Be Punished -- Always
Diane Dimond
Posted: 7/29/11
Let's talk about perjury -- a person taking an oath to tell the truth and then lying through their teeth. Perjury is illegal and one can be both fined and thrown in jail for it
I recently witnessed what I believed to be an act of perjury while covering the Casey Anthony murder case in Florida. The apparent discrepancy will go unpunished, and that bothers me because it's the justice system saying, in effect, "Okay, never mind, that oath you took really doesn't matter."
I know after the whole hoopla about Casey's murder acquittal it might seem like a small point but I was upset to hear the state of Florida has decided not to pursue perjury charges against Cindy Anthony. I understand she's been through a lot losing her grand-daughter and all but the system cannot allow lies to be told in courts of law with no penalty. It matters because it goes to undermine our whole system

Thank you essies.
I have been keeping my forked tongue to myself in trying to get over the injustice that was and is still being done to Caylee. Had to come in and comment on this though.
I totally agree with Diane Diamond. Cindy and her "so help me God, yes" deserves to be sitting behind bars instead of flaunting her good luck in the fact that the Anthony's went to the Bahammas on someone else's dime.
I still can't figure out how these people have the good luck they do. It really chaps my hide.
I have to go now, losing control of myself.
I think some degree of perjury takes place in almost every trial where family members of the accused testify, we just don't always know enough of the details to be able to point it out, as we did in this case.
Which is why perhaps none of the Anthony's should have testified for either side. They all (including George) are known liars and tainted their testimonies- plus they were allowed to observe each other's testimony, which shouldn't have been permitted either... They are NOT special. Just because they were related to the victim- they were also related to the murderer, and were there to defend her!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead: Scott Peterson's parents were allowed in the courtroom, but they didn't testify, and he got convicted!
Which is why perhaps none of the Anthony's should have testified for either side. They all (including George) are known liars and tainted their testimonies- plus they were allowed to observe each other's testimony, which shouldn't have been permitted either... They are NOT special. Just because they were related to the victim- they were also related to the murderer, and were there to defend her!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead: Scott Peterson's parents were allowed in the courtroom, but they didn't testify, and he got convicted!

I agree it was problematic (for lots of reasons) to have the Anthonys serve as both spectators and witnesses.

But your first point (bolded by me) has me intrigued. A trial without the testimony of any of the Anthonys...not Mr., not Mrs., and not Lee. Unfortunately, their testimonies were crucial to the case because they knew so much and were present for so much. But I wonder.......a trial without any of their testimony.......can you imagine what would have been like? What testimony would have been left? And would it have mattered? Would the verdict have been the same?

Hmmm....I'll have to think on that one for awhile. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
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